chapter thirty three

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this chapter is going to be formatted really weird. you've been warned. if you see bold it's either a. third person or b. a POV shift. i also dedicate this chapter to my loyal commenters, who will surely freak out in a moment. i apologize and say you're welcome at the same time.

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    June 27th, 2013                                                                                                                                                                  7:48 PM

"Okay, my vote is guesstures. It is only the best party game." Kara said as we finished yet another round of pictionary. 

"Actually, we got a new game." I pulled the black box out from under the table. "Cards Against Humanity." 

"I've heard of that one." Andrew said, grabbing it. "It sounds fun." 

"I uh, I kind of need to talk to Jeremy for a second." Ben said, clearing his throat. 

"Okay? Let's uh, let's go in the kitchen I guess." The two of them left the room, Ben looking incredibly nervous. 

"What's that about?" Corey asked, popping a piece of candy in his mouth. 

"I wish I could tell you." I replied, looking towards the door. 

In the Kitchen                                                                                                                                                                       Ben's POV

"Is everything okay?" Jeremy asked as we stood next to the counter. 

"Yeah, I just had a question for you." 

"Okay, shoot." 

"So, as I'm sure you know, I love Josie so much. More than anything in the world. If there's one thing that I am completely sure of, it's that I want to spend the rest if my life with her. I want to marry her. And I know that it's important that to her that I get your blessing before I ask her, so uh, can I ask Josie to marry me?" I asked, taking a deep breath. 

"Ben, I respect you a great deal. And I know that Josie loves you very, very much. So, have you gotten the ring yet?" 

"Wait, seriously?!" 

"Yeah, of course! So, do you have the ring or not?" 

"Um, yeah, I got it the other day. Hold on, I'll go grab it." I went into our room, grabbing the ring from my hiding spot and going back to where Jeremy was. "Look." 

"Ben, she's going to love that

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"Ben, she's going to love that. It's perfect. Now, we should probably go back in the before everyone else get suspicious." 

Josie's POV

"Is everything okay?" I asked as the boys as they came back into the room. 

"Never been better." Ben replied, pecking my cheek. 

"Okay. Well, we dealt the cards out while you two were gone, so let's get to playing."  

In the coming weeks, Jeremy helped Ben get phone numbers for their parents and Joey, and helped get Josie out of the house so Ben could talk to them. Our story picks up three weeks later, in Ben's POV. 

I sat down on the couch, my laptop open in front of me. I was waiting on the FaceTime call that would decide my future. After a few minutes of stressing, it started ringing loudly, pulling me out of my head. 

"Ben, good to talk to you again. Where's Josie?" Mr. Jordan asked kindly. 

"Josie is out with Kara and Ashley, at the moment. I actually needed to talk to the both of you. I wish we could do this in person, but distance and work are what they are." 

"Very true. Now then, what's going on?" Joey asked, getting straight to the point. We had met a few more times since the first time I went to Texas with Josie, and he had warmed up to me. Mostly. 

"I have a question for the two of you. Let me preface it by saying this: I love Josie so much. She is my best friend, and there is no one else I'd rather take on life with. Over the past year and a half, I have found out what it means to have a soulmate. I've found out what love is. I've found out that if you really care about someone, you learn how to make time with them, and that being in love truly reflects in your art. For me, every time I sing a love song at a cabaret or some other event, I always find Jos in the crowd, and see her and how I feel in every lyric. Josie is the person I'm meant to be with, and if it's alright with you, I want to ask her to marry me." I finished, nervously looking between the two of them. 

"Personally, I could not agree more. I would love to see you and Josie tie the knot. Joey?" 

"Ben, when we first met, I respected you a great deal. You dropped everything for a last minute flight to Texas so that you could be with Josie and make sure she was okay. However, finding my baby sister sobbing on the floor of her room changed that. I hated you for the longest time. Then, we met again, when Jessica and I came up to see her and Jeremy. I realized what, at the time of the argument, I don't think I could've. That you two are the real deal. The way she looks at you....I've never seen that before. All that being said, it's a yes from me." 

"Thank you both so much! Do uh, do you want to see the ring?" I asked, looking at the black velvet box sitting on the table next to my laptop. 

"Sure, if you've already got it." After lots of oohing and ahhing, we ended the call and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Now for the hard part." 


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