chapter eleven

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"Well that was easier said than done." I sighed as Ben and I walked out of Jeremy's dressing room. "You picked a good time to jump in."

"Yeah, I was trying to wait until I had a feeling where the conversation was going, but when he said that he was going to make us break up, all that went out the window." He took my hand, swinging it as we walked outside. "Some of the guys are in the park if you wanna go? I think Kara and Laurie went too, so it's not just you." 

"Sounds fun. What are you going to do for lunch?" 

"I don't know, I'll probably hit a food truck when we get there. What are you going to do?" 

"I'm going to Chop't. It's right there." We walked hand in hand all the way to Bryant Park, where some of the boys were tumbling and dancing around, with Kara and Laurie watching from the ground. 

"Hey, are Andrew and Tommy here? I figured I should tell you guys about what happened this morning and what happened a few minutes ago." I said, sitting down next to Kara. Laurie stood up with the guys, going to get on the top of the pyramid they were making. 

"Yeah, but we may have to wait a second." She nodded towards the pyramid. Ben was on the bottom with Ryan and Brendan, Andrew and Tommy were the next layer, and Laurie was on top, beaming. When the tower finally fell, Andrew and Tommy came over to us. 

"Hey, Tommy said you wanted to talk?" Andrew said, grabbing his water off the ground.

"Yeah, you guys wanna go get salads?" Kara and I got off the ground and we all went over to the group of boys. "We're going to Chop't. Be back in a minute." 

"Okay, I love you!" Ben called as I walked away.

"Love you too!" I replied, walking backwards for a second. The group went silent, and we realized what we'd done. "Oops." I whispered.

"Okay, I'm hungry, so we're gonna walk and talk." Tommy said as Kara laughed quietly. "Now then, when did this happen?" 

"This morning. He said it first, but I've been thinking it for a while. That's not all that happened though." 

"More? Girl, you're moving faster than Kara, and she's about to get married!" Andrew said dramatically.

"Well, we told Jeremy." 

"Ooh, what did he say?" Kara asked.

"A lot. He blew up, like seriously got pissed off. He was yelling at both of us, and then told us that we had to break up. That's when Ben stepped in and told him that he loved me, and that we weren't going to break up just because he told us to." 

"Way to go Ben. So you guys are in love, huh? God, I wish I  was in love." Tommy said as we walked into Chop't. We all ordered our to go salads and started to head back to the park. When we got back, the guys had all sat down around our stuff. I sat down next to Ben, and he put an arm around me. 

"I got you a cookie." I handed him the chocolate cookie and he eagerly unwrapped it. 

"Thank you!" 

"Okay, when did this happen?" Ryan asked, pointing to Ben and I.

"October." I said through a bite of salad. 

"I'm sorry? You two have been dating since October, and we're just now finding out about it?" Brendan asked, being slightly dramatic. The Newsies were good at that. 

"Yup." Ben said. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Laurie asked.

"Because we didn't want Jeremy to find out. He knows now, so it's fine." I replied, taking another bite. 

"You guys are being so casual about this like we haven't been in the dark for two and a half months, I love it." Laurie laughed. 

"Well, it's not new to us, so we don't have a reason to freak out." I took another bite of my salad as Ben kissed the top of my head.

"How'd you hide it that well for so long?" Michael, who had joined the group while we were getting salad, asked.

"Well, we haven't been on an actual 'go out and do something' date-"

"Which will be changing very shortly!"

"As I was saying, we've been meeting up at each other's apartments, hanging out at the theater, texting, all the normal stuff." I finished.

"You said Jeremy knows, but we all remember what happened when we opened. How'd he react?" Laurie asked.

"Well, he got pretty mad, but I think we calmed him down. Mostly." Ben said, holding me a little tighter. "No matter what happens, we love each other, and I think that's all that matters." 

"Yep!" We spent the rest of the lunch break laying around and talking, my head in Ben's  lap, looking up at the clouds. When it was time to head back to the Nederlander, Ben helped me up, lacing his fingers with mine.

"PDA!! PDA!!" Ryan yelled, pointing over at us.

"Oh my God, they're kids in love, let them be." Kara laughed.

"Yeah Ryan, shut up!" Ben replied, sticking his tongue out at him. I giggled softly, putting my head on his shoulder. We all walked back to the theater as a big group, laughing and talking among ourselves. When we got back, I took my head off Ben's shoulder, but still kept a tight grip on his hand. 

"Make it subtle, you know?" We went back to his and Andrew's dressing room, and plopped down in the chairs. Andrew had went to the stage as soon as he got back to work on the Santa Fe Prologue, so it was just the two of us. 

"I'm glad we get to tell people now. It's nice not sneaking around. Also, I'm going to get you guys some decorations for in here tomorrow." I gestured around at the blank canvas just waiting for me to get started.

"Have at it, I've got no clue what I'm doing."

"It's call time for King of New York, Call for King. Head to Studio B for King, thank you!" someone said over the God Mic.

"That's you. Have fun!" Ben gave me a quick kiss, rushing out of the room with his tap shoes.

this chapter is hella filler oops anyways i dont really have anything to say today so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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