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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            A Wedding Chapel                                                                                                                                                              November 15th, 2040

"Ally, you look amazing. I am so proud of you." I said, wiping my eyes and giving her a hug. 

"Mom, I'm getting married, not dying." she laughed, returning it. 

"Oh shut up and let me have my moment." 

"Ally, honey..." Ben trailed off, stepping into the room. "You look beautiful." He hugged her tightly, and I could see him crying. "You ready to get married?" She nodded, her eyes misty. "Then let's do this thing." 

Five years earlier...(Ally is 18)

"Mom, I need to tell you something." 

"What's up, Al?" I asked, sitting down at the counter with her. 

"I have a boyfriend." 

"Fun! What's his name?" 

"It's uh, Elliott." My eyes widened. 

"Elliott as in, like, Cott? Like Kade's best friend?" 

"That's the one." 

"Meghan owes me twenty bucks." I laughed, thinking about the bet we had made when the two of them were thirteen and fourteen. 

"You're not mad?" Ally asked, her shoulders dropping in relief. 

"No! Of course not! However, telling your brother is going to be the worst." 

"How do you know?" 

"Well, when Dad and I first started dating, Uncle Jeremy was not a fan. He came around eventually."  

Present Day...

"I'm about to embarrass both Elliott and Ally, but I just want to tell a little story." Ben said, standing up and clinking his glass. "I remember when Elliott saw Ally for the first time. He hadn't seen a baby before, and was barely a year old, but was completely infatuated with everything about her. He wanted to hold her, and play with her, and just love her. Kade, of course, was very jealous because Elliott was playing with his little sister. Now look where we are. I have always been terrified of who Ally was going to marry. That's my little girl, you know? But when Josie told me she and Elliott were together, I knew I didn't have to worry anymore. I'm honestly surprised that it took them so long to get together.  I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather call my son-in-law. To Elliott and Ally!" I raised my glass with the room as Ben sat down, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "I can't believe she's married." 

"Me neither. So how long do you think we have until Kade and Ella get together?" I asked, looking at the two of them talking on the dance floor. 

"I think they'll get together very soon, especially if her mother gets her way." 

"It's Kara, we know she will." 

A few hours later...

"Aunt Josie? Can I steal you away for a second?" Clara asked, stepping up to Ben and I on the dance floor. 

"Of course, what's going on?" I followed her into the bathroom, where Ally, Ella, and Meghan were. 

"Oh God. How am I going to tell Elliott? This is not good. This is so not good." Ally said, pacing like I do when I'm nervous. 

"Al, what's wrong?" I grabbed her shoulders, stopping the pacing. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm pregnant." 

"You're pre-What?" 

"I'm pregnant." 

"Elliott is the father, right?" 

"Well yeah, of course." 

"Then why are you stressing? This is amazing news. He's going to be ecstatic." I said, pulling her into a hug. "And if he's not, Dad and Kade will beat him up." 

"Dad? Beat someone up? He can't even kill a spider." 

"You say that now, but I've seen different sides of him. He yelled at Uncle Jeremy once." 

"Uncle Ben yelled at Dad?" Clara asked, shocked. 

"Yep. It was pretty funny, actually. It got less funny when your dad tried to jump him a few months later." 

"Why did Jeremy try to jump Ben?" Meg asked, apparently having never heard this story. 

"We were on somewhat of a break. It was right after we started dating, and I was pretty torn up about it. Jeremy and Joey found me crying, I told them what had happened, and then the next day at the theater Jeremy tried to beat Ben up. It didn't work, because a bunch of Newsies held him back." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Anyways, Ally, Elliott is going to be so excited. I know I am." 

"Ditto!" I said, throwing a hand up. 

"Ally, you're going to be an amazing mother. And if you need help, you have an entire team here for you. It takes a village, and part of yours is in this room." Meghan told her, taking her hand. "You've got this." 

"You're right, I can do this. I need to tell Elliott what's going on though. Like now." Ally shook her hands a little, a hint of smile playing on her lips. "I'm having a baby!" She rushed out of the room, probably to go find Elliott, and I leaned against the counter next to Meghan. 

"Our babies are having a baby." I sighed, looking over at her. 

"That's insane. It feels like just yesterday they were sitting in our living room playing together." 

"It really does." 

"Have you seen the way Kade and Ella are looking at each other?" 

"Twenty bucks says they're together by the end of the year." 

"Oh you're on." 

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