Chapter 11: My Little Pear

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Wednesday, January 11th
9:30 AM
Paris Brooks~

"You nervous?" I asked Adrian.

We were at the OB/GYN, for the first time.

"Hell nah. I wanna hear my baby lil heart beat." He grabbed my hand.

"How far you think I am?" I asked him as he played with my ring on my left hand.

"Shit, I couldn't tell you. We had a lot of sex since I came home."  He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and slightly laughed with him.

"You think they'll tell us if it's a boy or a girl today?"

"No dummy they don't tell you that until I'm around 14 weeks."

We anxiously waited in the waiting room for about 30 more minutes. To pass the time by I made Adrian give me his phone to play Subway Surfers cause mine was dead.

"Brooks? Paris Brooks?" A doctor came out and called.

"Right here." Me and Adrian said together.

I hit him in his side.

"Ah what you hit me for?" He asked as the doctor laughed and held the door open for us.

We got in the room and had to wait a little bit. Then when the doctor came back in, she asked a few questions and then put the ultrasound gel on my stomach.

"And you are a first time mommy, correct?" The doctor said as she put the ultrasound transducer on my stomach.

"Yes." Me and Adrian said together.

He tucked his lips in knowing I was gonna say something.

"Will you shut up?!" I looked at him.

The doctor laughed. "Don't worry dad it's just the pregnancy hormones." She joked.

"I know man I been dealing with it for a while now." He laughed with her.

Ha ha

"Well here goes the baby's head. And there's the torso."

"Wowww..." I teared up as she showed us our baby inside of me.

Like wow, another human is inside my uterus.

"Ayeeeee look at my babyyyyyy" Adrian cheesed as he looked at the monitor.

"Andddd here's the heartbeat." The doctor said.

"Awwwww oh my goshhhhhhh! It's so calmingggg..." I cried.

"Ayeeeeee my baby got a healthy heart boo you hear it?" Adrian squealed as we listened to the heartbeat.

"YES I'm right here!" I yelled at him.

"Well," the doctor laughed. "Looks like you are abouuuttt..."

The doctor flipped through her clip board as she held the ultrasound transducer in place so we could listen to the heartbeat.

"...3 months and 1 week pregnant!" She said.

"Woah." Me and Adrian said at the same time.

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