Chapter 13: GMFU

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Thursday, February 2nd
9:50 PM
Adrian King-

Thursday, February 2nd9:50 PMAdrian King-

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"Just be here by 10. It's getting empty in here." I said on the phone to Paris.

"I'm already half way there, calm down."

Today Paris had to drop me off cause my car is in the shop until tomorrow morning.

I started locking up the cash registers and making sure everything was in line, until someone else walked in.

"Hey, Adrian!" A female voice said, causing me to look up.

The fuck do you wantttttttt?

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The fuck do you wantttttttt?

"Wassup Angel." I dryly said as I continued to close up the shop. "We actually are closing right now so-"

"There's still people in here." She chuckled.

"Yeah. They're about to leave." I said in a "duh" tone.

"You don't think you can do me a quick favor?"

"What?" I said, quickly looking up at her again.

"Just make me a quick drink. I've been craaaaaving sex on the beach—you know, the drink." She laughed.

"Mm yeah sorry no. I don't make drinks. I just own and manage the place."

"Come on, I know you can." She pushed my arm.

"Don't touch me please." I said as I walked in front of the bar.

"Well aren't you being hostile today."

"Look is there anything else I can help you with? You still here after I told you we're closing and I can't do anything for you." I said as I grew irritated with this broad.

"There is something you can held me with actually." She said as she stood up off the stool.

"No. We're cl-"

Before I could finish she pushed me into a stool at the bar, grabbed me by my collar, and stuck her tongue in my mouth.

"THE FUCK IS WRONG WITCHU?" I yelled as I pushed her off of me.

"You know you like it." She forces herself back on me , this time grabbing my dick through my pants.

"Bitch you got me fucked up" Paris said before running up on the girl and punching her in the head.

"SOMEBODY GET THIS TRICK OFF OF ME!!" Angel yelled whole Paris had her on the ground punching the shit out of her.

"Paris!!!! Get up girl you pregnant!" I yelled as I pulled her up off the girl.

"You fucking chipped my tooth!" Angel yelled as she held her mouth.

"Bitch I'll do it again hoe try me!" Paris yelled as I held her back.

"Boo calm down!" I said to her.

"You've got one more fucking time to call me bitch lil mama I got your bitch!" Angel took her heels off  as she tried to get closer to Paris.

"BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH! You dumb ass, thirsty ass, anteater looking ass BITCH! I will fuck you up hoe, PLEASE do not fucking play with me!" She tried to get out of my hold.

"Let's just g-"

Before I could finish, Angel reached over me and slapped Paris in her face.


Before I knew it Paris had baby on the ground again, beating the shit out of her.

I pulled her off again, this time taking her outside. I seen people recording and standing around.

"Everybody please leave now the restaurant is closed!" I yelled.

"Tell baby meet me outside! Fucking ugly ass tramp!" Paris panted, getting angrier.

"PARIS! Calm down, get in the car!"


"GET IN THE CAR!" I impulsively yelled at her.

With that, she got her ass back in the car, and I walked back into the bar.

"Aye you need to get the fuck out. And do not come back, ever. I'll call for different inspectors but I don't need you. Get the fuck out." I said to Angel.

"Fuck you and your dumb ass bar! I hope your baby comes out with a fucking mental disorder." She yelled as she walked out the bar.

"Bitch that's probably what's wrong witcho ass now, got a mental disorder yoself! Ole dumb ass hoe!"

"Hope your niece enjoys her life without her mama. Cause I sure as hell am enjoying my life with her." Angel said as she unlocked her car door.

"Bitch what the fuck you say?" Paris yelled as she opened her door again.

"What??" I said to her too.

"Fuck you!" She said as she rolled her window up and pulled off.

"What the fuck is she talking bout 'enjoying my life with her now'?? She talking bout Kia?? Ooou I swear I just need one more time to get in her shit." Paris yelled as she got back in the car.

"Let me drive fore you crash this mf." I said.

The ride home was silent, which was not good. I knew sooner or later she was finna go off. I just wanted to make sure she was straight and that my baby was straight. I don't know why Angel did what she did, but I hope Paris didn't think I initiated it or anything.

"That's my first time seeing you this mad." I said, breaking the silence.

"So explain to me what happened before I got there." She said, ignoring my comment.

I looked at her, then at the road again.

"She came in there tryna flirt wit me and shit, then she asked me to make her a drink and I told her that we was closed and she talking bout she got something I can do for her and then I guess that's when you walked-"

"So why you ain't kick her out way before it even got that far? The fuck?"

"I told her-"

"Shut up I don't wanna listen to you right now." She said while looking out the window.

I sighed and kept driving.

To Live and Die in L.A. Pt. 2 (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now