Chapter 3 - Knowingly Invited

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"Aaahhh PSYCHIC ENERGY!!! Not every aspect of your mind needs to be explored, for it is only molded from the real you. Hobbies, memories, mannerisms and even fetishes can come into play or completely disregarded. In short, it is uniquely yours but it doesn't mean it cannot bear any similarity to other's abilities. By difference, it could be by manifestation, form, effect, level of control, intensity or even in trivial details such as color, having its own voice or not, or something else completely unknown. Psychic abilities have never been much studied by anyone besides a few, leaving many aspects of it still undiscovered. Even its nature and origin are still being unraveled little by little. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" the long-haired guy says as Richard screams in agony and lays on the floor.

"Truly fascinating, isn't it wench boy?", he says as a little more blood squirts from Richard's arm and a few ounces fly toward the guy.

"I am sorry if that scared you, but I just like to do things with a presentation and a little SURPRISE!!!!" the guy adds.

"I am losing a lot of blood right now!!! That's it! I had it! The only reason I wasn't resisting or anything was because I was feeling very nervous and that there is no point in trying to fight back people with those terrifying abilities!! Now that you get what you wanted, I'm outta here.", Richard screams out and immediately throws a rock at the in case of fire switch.

The sprinklers activate and Richard jumps into the back of the cashier and into a door that leads to the back of the store. Fortunately for Richard, it was already open, making his escape very quick.


Footsteps crumble the gravel as a figure approaches a blue door. It seems that someone had a Mexican buffet last night. Richard gasps and grabs a handkerchief from his pocket. He breathes out with the handkerchief in his nose.

"This isn't happening. I am absolutely fine with the life that I have. What I felt after waking up in that floating car was nothing. There is no need for me to be involved with people like them. This is why I believe that everything should be.... normal. I've stayed away from anything that could possibly cause me any trouble. Parties, alcohol, frats, going out at night... I've mastered avoidance. Even as far as avoiding interactions with others. That was my life for 25 years. I already have a good job. I'm not fucking it all up today. Hopefully, no one can read my mind from this distance *he peeks at the others standing outside the car*. I can't escape now so once they possibly get what they want, I'm out.", Richard says to himself inside the porta-potty.

The door slightly opens a little bit more as a hand pops out to pick a few pebbles, sorting them by finger via size. When a fine one was caught, the hand reels back in like a fishing rod bob.

"I think he's done. It would be best to escort him back Hiro." Charlotte commands.

Hirohiko nods and walks toward the blue convoy of comfort. He raises his hat a little bit and points a finger on his forehead. He channels through Richard's mind as he approaches. The wind rustles. His eyes have been connected to him. An unspeakable, vomit-inducing sight was visualized on his two pupils.

"God, do I have a lot of pee. But I don't wanna be here for long." Hirohiko hears inside Richard's head.

A fly has been zipped and Richard comes out. Hirohiko tilts his head sidewards, signalling Richard to hurry up which he immediately responds with a nod and jogs back fast.

We transition to Richard sloppily running at the back of the video game store. He was full of sweat. His vision was starting to blur out. This wasn't new to him, running away.


It was the summer of 1999. The beach was vibrant. Everyone was running all around. Including a young boy, being chased by other boys. Some bigger and older, but a majority was about the same age as him.


"I thought you were the coolest kid around the block."

"Man, you suck."

There is a chance those weren't the exact words that came out of their mouths, but if one thing's for sure, he used to be one of the cool kids, or so he thinks. They were able to catch up eventually.

Sand felt worse on his skin proven by visible green pigments all around the young boy's body. It turns out that he didn't actually own that Nintendo he brought, or he is that new girl's GF, or he had a daddy that rides the seas, or had a stunning mother that was a star at her home country in the 80's.

No one wants to be his friend anymore, except for one. And that girl picked him up and told him how it's alright and it doesn't matter what they think being cool is.

He never knew her name but remembers that the girl was from the same class as him. She was always smiling, but never talked that much. He may have lied to his so-called friends but what he really does have is a father that rides in high-speeds, donning DIY masks and vouching duffel bags full of green valuable leaves you can't just pick from any other tree. It had to be from the tallest one.

That same summer, they had money worth more than what the young boy has told his friends. What follows in the next semester was a cheerful bunch, always there for you, always nice towards you, but that one girl was missing and only known to have transferred to a foreign country.

The young boy didn't want to ride along with how people were towards him, so he ran away again. Albeit this time, it wasn't because he's still afraid of those people, he was afraid of creating any form of connection with anyone besides his family.

He wanted to be that boring kid everyone told him he was before as he has realized that no one really cared about anyone unless they want something. Though there was an area in his heart that remained open for people that do not look at others' worth as his former friends were. When he got to play and hung out with that one girl he met, he felt a sense of belonging and acceptance. That is what he wanted to feel again.

His mother is still held in a mental hospital presently, not batting an eye that her son was kidnapped. Meanwhile, his father has been assumed to be dead by the authorities.

"No.... not from them."

"You can pet the dog too, if you'd want." Charlotte says while the car dances with the clouds.

"Do you fear talking to us or do you fear talking in general?" Hirohiko asks him out of nowhere in the middle of the night.

"I'm gonna press play now, but there's room for one more if you'd like." Kodak fetches the controller to Richard while they were playing at the back seat.

"You like these songs huh? They help me kind of sleep. Not actually sleep but umm... I forgot actually, nevermind." Yeethelle tells Richard while she was partially conscious.

"They saved my life. But they needed something, didn't they?"

", it can't be?", he tells himself as he grasps on a metal door's knob.

"Can it???"

The door opens. He sees all four of his captors outside.

"We're not stopping you if you want to leave. It just seemed like there is something you wanted to know and maybe we can help you find it out." Charlotte says calmly.

The sun is setting overhead from a different time period. Her footsteps started to fade from the sand. She reaches her hand onto him.

"I can be your friend."


"Yeah. And I'm sure you'll find more friends in the future.", she says before the two of them walk home from the beach.

End of Chapter 3

Since I still don't have much frequent readers, I'll just keep uploading more chapters and try doing more "promotional stuff". Hope you've been enjoying this series so far. Leave a comment or vote as you wish. Thank you!!!

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