Chapter 4 - Positive Negation

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"I have a secret to tell. I'm calling you here from my meta-physical well. It's quite simple so I'll leave out all the whistles and bells. White dove of hope, pure and serene. In this part of the story there is no one divine enough to intervene. Embrace me. With open arms, if you will. Only then, will you be free."

Those were all whispered inside Richard's head as he sits in the middle of all four of his kidnappers, all standing firm and focused. His left hand all fine and dandy, his head tilted to the 90th degree and his eyes peeking as if they were being pulled out.

The long-haired accomplice kept his ceremonial candles in a locker at the back, then afterwards holds firm on a mop and stroked it back and forth in quick succession, sucking few drizzles of a blood trail on the floor.

The light flickers and the walls shake a little bit. It was like your typical scene that involves exorcism. With Richard unconscious and trembling as he is being held down by the gang. It only happened for like a minute though. It wasn't that scary coming from any perspective. In fact, it was wacky as shit.

"This is way too shiny to be blood." Hirohiko says as he fills a vial with the blood they got from Richard.

"I guess his body does receive energy, it just messes it all around the place." Kodak implies.

"I hope we're really done here coz' it's about 6:30 and you guys still haven't left." long-haired store owner says.

"We're even now Freddie. I didn't even get to know you back then, but let's just hope we won't have to break you out of any priso..."

Yeethelle is interrupted as her mouth is shut by Freddie.

"We don't have to talk about that, but yeah, I am very grateful for what you guys did for me. You told me though that he won't fight back or anything and I just had to do it rough you know, so we'll get things done as early as possible. I don't want any cops going around here and asking questions." Freddie tells them.

"I guess you've known about how we kidnapped him, huh?" Charlotte says.

"Of course, I do, it's all around the news due to how weird that incident was to normal people. It was obvious that you guys did it. You gotta tone down the crime 'ya know." Freddie replies.

"Says the guy that went to jail and even took other inmates with him on the way out." Kodak implies.

"Hey! Those guys were nice to me and I've been very nice and clean these past few months. Everything's as smooth as silk down here, boy. But you guys, like what I've said, it's been a pleasure working with y'all. But this is it alright, you can't just keep dragging people in here for me to check their blood then heal them. I hope you've erased the memories of the two previous ones becau...." Freddie's mouth is then shut by Yeethelle.

"That has been taken care of and is also something we don't have to talk about." Yeethelle exclaims.

"Why?? Because you'll do the same to me." Richard asks.

"We offered you freedom, didn't we? We don't have to do that to you. You are different from them." Charlotte answers.

"So, there is a possibility that I can do what you guys can? Is that what this is? Am I a psychic too? Are you recruiting me?" Richard asks even more.

"Someone finally caught up." Hirohiko says as he drags the anti-psychic chains that held him down from before.

"It's your choice if you want to join us or not. But you definitely need help and we can offer that to you." Charlotte answers.

"What kind of help are you offering me to be exact?" again, Richard asks.

"We can help you know why do you have the blood of someone we used to know, Rosemary? What certain extents does your uniquely weird, inexplicable, never before seen psychic abilities have? And more importantly.... who the hell are those other people that tried to kidnap you and what do you have to with them? Do those questions answer your question?" Charlotte lengthily explains.

Richard slowly nods and starts monologuing inside his head again.

"So, if I join them, then this is my life now, huh? Maybe this is the time. Yeah... just as she said, maybe this is that future. When I'm around them, I get a feeling I could only feel when she's around... Daisy." he says to himself.

"We'll also help you live since you're homeless now." Kodak adds.

"Charlotte and Hiro sure love picking up random strangers huh?" Yeethelle jests.

"If you are having doubts man, anyone that has potent psychic energy inside them has something called an aura. It emits from their bodies and it can be seen by any other psychic out there. And we do see yours, so yeah, you also might be a psychic." Kodak assures Richard.

"You're one of us now Richard, we can now see through you. I was right for not doubting a complete stranger like you." Hirohiko says.

"I was the first to see it in you, when I was half-asleep right after we rescued you. I thought it was a hallucination at first since it was very bleak and I didn't see it again when I woke up, but it somehow grew, until the others saw it the moment we waited for you to come out of the door from the back. We didn't know how to approach you but you seem to be having an episode and your aura seems to indicate that you have something that you've been keeping inside. Something that seems to be awakening." Yeethelle tells him.

"An episode?? No wonder I just happened to remember a bunch of stuff lately. Aura... psychics... something awakening. I guess I'll just swallow all that information right here, right now. Not that it's a bother at all." Richard sarcastically expresses.

Richard was handed the anti-magic chain. He looked really confused.

"These are quite heavy." Richard utters.

They all looked at him as if something was wrong. They kept tilting their heads and squinting their eyes. Freddie even joins them, after taking care of his business at the back.

"Is that what I think it is?? This stuff is illegal right? We're gonna get in trouble for this." Freddie tells them.

"You are clearly missing the bigger picture here. We can still see his aura even if he holds it." Hirohiko says.

"I really wish I could see this aura thing." Richards voices out.

"Try tying him up in it." Charlotte suggests.

Hirohiko grabs the chains in Richard's hands and puts it around him. Yeethelle tries helping out but notices that the psychic energy she transmits into lifting it fades, thus making her sad.

"What exactly are we missing out in here?" Charlotte confusedly exclaims.

"A good assumption would be that Richard over here, has ginormous amounts of psychic energy that not even these chains can negate or he somehow emits something similar to psychic energy." Kodak tries answering Charlotte.

"OR?!?!?! He emits energy that negates psychic energy, assuming that we can see that in the form of an aura." Freddie adds to the conversation.

"Sounds like someone's getting interested." Kodak implies.

They continued glancing on Richard.

"No wonder he was a pain in the ass. It felt like something was interrupting the psychic energy I'm using to heal up wench boy." Freddie tells them.

"That still doesn't answer our question as to why Rosemary's blood is in him. Is there a chance you have any contacts that can help us with this?" Charlotte asks him.

"Not that I know of. Plus, like I've already said, I'm out. You know all my previous contacts were dirty motherfuckers." Freddie answers.

"Well that's how you met Hiro and Charlotte right?" Kodak asks.

End of Chapter 4

Chapter 5 will possibly be up by tomorrow.  

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