Chapter 48 - Outside The World

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Time begins to flow extremely slow around Casper.

"Okay, here's the message: You will all be teleported in individual pockets on Leader Abba's gloves alright? You will all fit inside there, there's even safety belts. Once you're in, focus your psychic energy on Lord Henry. Your anti-psychic ones would help too, Richard. Now if you're wondering how and why the hell would you be inside pockets attached on Leader Abba's gloves then don't for now okay. I don't have much time but I hope you all received my message. Also, Hirohiko, I hope I helped you get out of Lord Henry's control. Time was stopped so I was able to move you away from his psychic energy. Alright, 3, 2, 1.... I have no idea how time stops work, hel-"

Time resumes to flow normally again.

Charlotte, Hirohiko, Kodak, Yeethelle and Richard got teleported to their respective positions.

With Miss Ghost concealing Leader Abba, he grew into a gigantic man without anyone seeing. When Lord Henry felt a sudden surge of psychic energy from the ocean, it was too late.

A gigantic fist grabs Lord Henry and traps him inside it.

On a pocket attached to the glove, Richard pushes his brain to send out a couple of anti-psychic chains wrapping Lord Henry in different parts.

"This will never be enough to stop me!!!"

Charlotte then follows through by wrapping Lord Henry with her psychic strings and Hiro with his psychic arms holding on Lord Henry.

Yeethelle and Kodak proceed to telekinetically put pressure on Lord Henry, holding him down.

Lord Henry then screams in pain, as even Abba begins to exert psychic energy inside his fists and directs it towards Henry.

Abba grew even larger and then stretched his arms like a professional baseball pitcher. After enough psychic focus, he exerts a ton of physical strength on his swing and throws Lord Henry with all of their combined forces to the sky.

This was powerful enough for Lord Henry's body to break through Earth's atmosphere at mach speed, burning and injuring his body.

"Not like this!!!" Lord Henry says.

He kept using his psychic powers to keep himself from being damaged but it wasn't enough. His body doesn't stop from moving away from the planet as he starts to groan in pain.

A couple of seconds pass and the speed of the projectile known as Lord Henry begins to slow down. He begins to have a hard time breathing and even moving his body because of the injuries.

A couple of seconds more and parts of his body began to freeze. His blood begins to literally boil and his lungs are starting to rip off.

From being visibly shocked, his face began to express stress. Inside his mind is a telekinetic juggle of making air go back inside his body again and again, keeping the pressure around him safe and maintaining the temperature of his blood, saliva and other bodily fluids.

He doesn't wanna give up and die. Teleporting opposite to the direction his body is going, he's trying to move closer to the planet.

An average person still has a chance of living after being suspended in the vacuum of space after 60 seconds, IF safely recovered and resuscitated.

The veins underneath the skin of his head begin to abnormally appear and his face starts to heavily swell.

"I'm... a god. I'm a god!!!!"

The humans with sufficient technology began to curiously record this weird phenomena just a few of miles outside Earth's final layer of atmosphere.

"Leader Abba, how long will it take for him to die? Our satellites detect something weird." Ms. Ghost radioed to him.

Satellites begin to crumple and the people in a nearby space station begin to panic.

The gigantic Abba grabs a huge chunk of the mountain and crumbles it on his hand.

"We're still here asshole!!!" Richard telepathically screamed at him.

"I know, I just need a little bit more help."

Doing the same move they did before, they hurled the stones to space.

"I'm almost there." Lord Henry thinks to himself as he sees the big blue oceans and clouds of Earth.

*We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn starts to play inside the space station*

He may look finer than anyone than anyone that has been in space without a spacesuit, but it's about time his own body and brain gave up on him. His saliva boils in his mouth and his entire body swells and slowly gets covered in ice.

And then the rocks hit him and threw him off a trajectory that is going away from our planet.

A frozen and fucked up version of Lord Henry's human body floats like space garbage and his aura slowly recedes the farther he gets from planet Earth.

"Am I going to die???" he internally asks himself.

He uses the last of his dying psychic energy to move his arms and freeze in his go-to pose of stretching his arms sideways like inviting someone to embrace him. He also fixes his posture as he starts to lose his vision.

"What a shitty human body."

Darkness of the abyss starts to enter his vision.

"No, I'm not closing my eyes. I'm not afraid."

"You're afraid of Her aren't you?" a dark, bald and naked man carrying a chicken tells him.

"I'm not afraid of death. Death will only be a temporary setback, I made sure of it."

"Of course you're not, coz' that's not her. You're afraid of failing your mother, but you've already failed her so much when you were alive so does it really matter now? It's never really The Queen you're serving, but it's yourself. You want her to be proud but it was you that killed her. You were a failure ever since you let your ego take the front seat."

"You know nothing about me."

"I know everything about you. How you were raised by a group of people that think they are better than others. You and the so-called psychics deserve this. Your ancestor's wish millenia ago was very stupid and selfish. Freeing the human mind and letting it control the world around it, that's the worst thing humanity has ever asked for. No one is ever content by what they have."

"Fuck off. Once I get through the Gates, I will beat the shit out of you."

"How? You're gonna die any time soon. Remember that if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you."

"Well I'm not just gonna stare at it, I'm gonna fucking smile at it."

"Then it will smile right back at 'ya, Deronian."

The bald man disappears and at Henry's dying breath, he moves his face and smiles at our planet moving farther and farther away from him.

End of Chapter 48

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