Chapter 22 - Chains of Redemption

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"Take me to them." Richard commands him.

"The name's Casper. Congratulations by the way, you finally got it. The Revolutionists will catch up with ya later."

"Wait wha-"

Richard was teleported in front of Lord Henry.

"Excuse me?" Lord Henry says.

Richard furiously wraps him up with his chains.

"You're annoying me!!!!" Lord Henry tells him before trying to shake off the chains and Richard with his abilities.

The look on his face was priceless. He can't use his psychic powers. He felt powerless. For the very first time, he was defied.

Richard drags Lord Henry forward with his chains and punches him on the face. He proceeds to give him a beatdown. All his subjects are still feeling dizzy, except for Benson who tried manipulating the space around the five of them but utterly fails.

"How on God's green earth??"

He charges toward Richard but he is knocked down by a boomerang made by Kodak. The boomerang landed on the boombox, pressing the "Skip to the start or previous track" button.

The opening beats for the song Kokomo, played for one last time.

"This is for Freddie."

Lord Henry falls on the floor as Richard lands a hit on his face.

"And this is for my new-found friends that you tried beating to death."

Richard delivers another blow.

"You're going to regret this." Lord Henry tells him with his jacked up face.

"I'm done regretting or doubting myself. I don't know you, but I'm not going to let you get what you want. Not today."

"You're being too cocky." Cole, who is finally conscious, tells Richard.

He shoots a lightning bolt at Richard and it electrocutes him.

Lord Henry takes a deep breath and takes off the chains with his own bare hands.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I wanna kill you so bad, but I can't. Benson, open the portal!!!"

Lord Henry looks for Benson only to see him knocked out.

"Who has the weakest mind here?" Lord Henry says to himself as he looks around the area.

"Gotcha, cowboy."

Casper, the Psychic Revolutionist, teleports in front of Lord Henry and is now under his command.

"No wonder you believe in the ways of your Leader. Such a feeble head you have over there. Get us out of here."

"Hey, stop!!!" Kodak shouts at Lord Henry and tries attacking him.

All the other guys that are now unfrozen tried helping Kodak, but it was too late when a left arm was flown out of the pub. It lands in the middle of the chaos outside.

"See Fernando??? They're cutting off arms in there. Let's go!!!"

The man lets go of Chiquitita's arms and tries biting her in the neck.

"Oh God!!! I know you're aggressive, but I didn't know that you're THIS aggressive."

"Oh and take him as well, he needs some explaining to do." Lord Henry tells Casper as he points at David.

Psychics' Psyche Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now