Chapter 39 - The Key of Communication

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*Penny Lane by The Beatles starts playing on a radio station*

A Chinese man in a yellow raincoat descends in his yellow umbrella like Mary Poppins.

The men in the airport control tower looked at this strange sight. As they are distracted, a plane that is about to land fails to do so and crashes on the runway.

Mister Rain pointed his umbrella towards them and as he closed it, all of their heads bloodily popped.

He then swings his umbrella towards the satellite dishes on the control tower, sending a powerful gust of wind and destroying them.

A security camera points at him but it doesn't matter as Miss Ghost watches on a roof and conceals Mister Rain to the background.

In the halls of a radio station, all the workers started running around like crazy and killing each other. Mr. Blue and Mr. Azul slowly walk over the corpses of the dead people as they head towards the recording station.

On the bottom of a telecommunications tower, Mister No Name unloads his gun to the air. The bullets maneuvered all around, hitting every necessary wiring hanging around at the top. He then grabs an axe and teleports all around and just breaks any electric component he could see.

"Our troops are already scattered all around the States. They're all assigned to a specific General I feel like they'd fit in. We'll just have to assume our positions in these locations first as there are around a hundred thousand telecom towers or even more here in the US so this operation is going to take some time. Keep the leaks for now until this Lord Henry fiasco literally dies out. By the time that happens, we would've probably claimed those forty thousand. Especially if we call into attention any other psychics out there. What we need to get ready is our video."

"What video?" Ms. Crystal asks him.

"The one that reveals our kind to the world and calls the attention of our fellow psychics in seclusion. I'd like all of you to see it now."

A Revolution soldier comes into their tent and sets up a projector.

The video begins to play.

The opening shot focuses on a circus freak show in tandem with a black and white filter.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed. Our next attraction may be small, but her mind's bigger than anyone else. So big perhaps, that its energy oozes out of it. A never before seen act from this little girl. Tulip the Telekinetic!!!"

The audience gasps.

"And now, Tulip will bend this fork right here in my hand."

The fork bends as Tulip points her hand. The camera crops to her face. She looks like she is uncomfortable and is in disdain from her acts.

"Freaks to fortune tellers. Prophets from the past, oracles from mythology.

Images showing large signages with "FORTUNE TELLER" written on it with dazzling lights. Images with prophets from religious sects. Images of oracles mythology. They all appeared in the video in correspondence to the mysterious narrator's lines.

"These are the terms that you would most likely associate with the word psychic. Powerful individuals that can do so many different things with only their minds. Or maybe you've seen them in the movies? Or your favorite TV show? Anime? Even literature has them."

Movie examples are shown, such as Lucy from the 2014 movie Lucy, Carrie White from 1976 movie Carrie, Danny Torrance from The Shining and Nick Marshall from What Women Want.

Eleven from Stranger Things along with Jean Gray and Professor X from Xmen: The Animated Series appear as TV series examples.

The anime Mob Psycho 100 appears as an example too with all the main psychics in the show appearing.

A book titled "My Psychic's Psychologist's Playdate: The Seduction" written in a quirky and hearty font, appears in the literature part.

"Various governing forces kept on denying our existence by transforming the stories of our lives into works of fiction. But our time has finally arrived."

The video now focuses on a dark empty room. Revolution Leader Abba walks into the frame.

"I introduce the world to us, the psychics. And whether or not the society of man welcomes us, we will not show any form of hostility. We have assembled and we are ready to strike back. If you are one of us, do not hesitate and scream out to the streets that you are a psychic. Then we'll come pick you up and you'll be able to join this revolution. Our Psychic Revolution."

The video ends and all the Generals gave it a round of applause.

"The lines are a little corny and there are too many examples from pop culture but I love the execution." Mr. No Name praises the video.

"When did you shoot that? And why aren't we there at the video?" Mr. Rain asks Abba.

"Not that I'm looking for the human's approval, but showing a prevalent drug lord and a bunch of infamous assassins could scare off our new possible recruits. I don't think Miss Crystal wants to show her face too as this could tarnish her reputation. The pop culture references can also broaden our demographic reach."

"You mean the human side of my reputation? I never cared about it anyway. Once we begin Phase Two, nothing else related to ourselves besides The Revolution will matter." Ms. Crystal replies.

"All in favor of this video to be released after Lord Henry's defeat?"

Everyone raises their hands.

End of Chapter 39

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