Chapter 41 - The True Color of Red

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"Now keep in mind that this message of yours has to be very vague. We don't want any unwanted attention. We've already picked a strategic location." Casper tells Richard.

"What do you suggest we do?"

"I already have something in mind."

He grabs a helmet with a bunch of antennae all around it.

"A frequency that only psychic energy sensitive individuals can receive. This is purely hypothetical but this thing we call psychic energy could like any other form of energy out there. Radio waves, electromagnetic waves, psychic energy waves?"

"O-okay? But we can already pass messages using our heads right?"

"Correct, but none of us have a range that could cover the entire world. Maybe we could channel these psychic energy waves like the other types. With the cell towers we have, we could easily transfer the message all around the globe. No one's even going to notice, only psychics."

"We can try." Richard says.

He puts on the helmet and Casper plugs it somewhere.

"Lord Henry, wherever you might be I am calling your attention. Let's end this beef we have, I didn't get to end you last time. So..."

Richard seemed to have trouble breathing after his inner dialogue. He had a back and forth of heavy inhales and exhales.

"Can I really beat him Casper? He's gonna have his guard when we meet again and I may not be able to land another blow on him. I-I can't. I can't do this."

Casper holds his shoulders and gently shakes.

"What are you doing? This isn't helping Casper, what is this?"

A bottle of water appears in Casper's hands and hands it to Richard.

"You're thinking too much. It's much more reasonable this time though, I get it. But you have to set your mind and think that you can. That's not just a mental boost, but a psychic one too. You almost got him last time, I saw it with my own two eyes. Try to imagine a scenario where you actually handed him what he deserves. Beat the shit out of him in your head if you have to hehe."

"Can you..."

"Can I what?"

"Can you leave me alone here? I'll be in this helmet for a while."

"Okay, just remember to take it easy. Alright?"

Richard nods in response.

Casper walks out of the tent and pops on his musical ear pieces.

*Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz plays*

"Lord Henry, wherever you might be I am calling your attention. Let's end this beef we have. There is no way in hell we're gonna settle this peacefully and I know you wanna get back to me for what I did to your face."

Richard sees Lord Henry in his head. He got back to the time when Lord Henry is wrapped up in his chains and he is on top of him.

The few punches he landed last time multiplied until Lord Henry's face is barely visible from all the blood.

One punch of his flips one of Lord Henry's eyes and another one misplaces his cheek bones.

Richard doesn't stop punching on the mush of Lord Henry's head, making the blood splatter on his face.

Casper looks at Richard using the helmet. Smiling while wiping his palms on his face.

In Richard's head, he is smearing his own face with the blood on his fists while smiling.

The blood slowly turns to tomato soup as Richard delectably licks his fingers. Once he's done, the scene goes back to the top.

"Henry, wherever you might be I am calling your attention. Let's end this beef we have. There is no way in hell we're gonna settle this peacefully and I know you wanna get back to me for what I did to your face. I know you're mad at me so come on. Face me!!!"

Richard furiously swings his arms in a direction going towards Lord Henry's face until the same thing happens to him again.

"What the fuck am I doing?"

The scene goes back to the top again.

"So this is what you want?" Lord Henry asks him.


"Are you sure?"


Richard uses his chains and throws it on Henry's head. It wraps itself up on Henry's neck on command.

"Get over here!!!" Richard says before pulling Lord Henry to him.

He prepares for another jab at his face but Lord Henry stops getting pulled half-way through.

"Meet me at a place we both wished to be. Somewhere off the Florida keys, somewhere you want to go to get away from it all. That's where you wanna go. I still can't fucking believe that we have the same favorite song. Be there or be square, Richard. I'll be waiting. Also, let me remind you that I'm the one who's supposed to call out to fight, not the other way around."

*the song ends*

The helmet sparks up and fries itself as Richard screams in real life. He immediately took it off afterwards.

"What the hell did you do?"

"You said this was just a test run."

"Yes it is. Then we'll record the message after this test run. But that doesn't look like what you did."

"What did I do?"

"You broke the machine and sent whatever is in your head at that moment all around the globe."

"So he was actually in my head?'


"Lord Henry. He already received the message as I was broadcasting it."

"We're screwed. Did you tell him where to meet-up?"

"I didn't. He's the one who told me where to meet up."

"Oh fuck. Where?"

"Somewhere off the Florida keys, somewhere you want to go to get away from it all. That's where you wanna go..... way down in"

"That's not even a real place. It's just a figure of speech they used in the song. Your dream destination."

"He may have accessed my mind when I was talking to him. I remember my dad promising me that he will bring me to this special beach in the Deronian islands."

"Deronia, the one next to Madagascar?"

"Exactly, the Deronian beach. That's where I always wanted to go. That was my Kokomo."

"When does he want to meet up?"

"He says he'll be waiting."

"Then let's go tell the others. Come on." Casper says before rushing out of the tent.

He teleports back in when he knew Richard didn't follow him.

"What's wrong?"

"I fucked up. I'm gonna be the one whose face is going to turn into a bloody mush. I just imagined beating him up again and again and again while I'm constructing sentences. That was me, I'm fucked up."

"Richard, just get over it for now alright. We got better things to do. I can hook you up with a psychologist coz I'm not your psychologist. I've been noticing it Richard, you've been dumping me everything that's in your head and you're expecting me to have an answer to it. I just wanted to help you last time. I can be a shoulder to cry on but I'm not your personal therapist. Now can we please go now?"


End of Chapter 41

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