Chapter 26 - ...Can Be Your Ally

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It was still at early dawn when our travelling psychics sought for the Psychic Revolution's hideout.

"Are we there yet?" Yeethelle asks Agent Campbell.


What lies beyond the confusing paths they took is an aquatic theme park.

"No one asked for a field trip, Agent." Charlotte says.

"I personally don't like sea creatures." Kodak adds.

"Ohhh, so that's why you looked so terrified when a giant tuna smashed our windshield." Yeethelle mocks him.

"Oh shut up Yeethelle."

"Does no one find it weird that both of you have made-up names and for some reason you also forgot to make up a surname? Like what's after Kodak or Yeethelle?" Agent Campbell implies.

"That's a weird thing to think about people you just met while you're driving." Kodak tells him.

"Just keep driving, Agent. All names are made-up." Yeethelle says to the Agent.

"You're very rude for a high schooler."

"I'm not a teen anymore, I'm eighteen."

"Most high schoolers do act like that." Hirohiko exclaims.

"Yeah and eighteen still has a teen in it." Kodak says.

"Nineteen also has teen in it, suck it Kodak."

"Yeah, whatever."

The van went past the front of the theme park.

"Oh, thank God." Kodak exclaims.

"We're heading to the parking area." Agent Campbell tells him.

In the confined parking area, Agent Campbell positioned the van in a very peculiar way.

It doesn't follow the marked lines and is very diagonal. The headlights flashed on and off in a pattern. After that brief lights show, the car horn beeps.

"Did you mess it up?" Charlotte asks the Agent.

The Agent signals them to stay silent and calm down.

A jolly Aussie in orange lipstick wearing large boots, a rubber ducky tube, and a winter jacket while attached to unnecessary life support such as oxygen and dextrose all at the same time approaches.

"Things just get weirder and weirder aren't they?" Kodak says.

"Will you kindly escort us to see the Generals?"

"Oh please. I am a General. No you're not, I am the General. No you silly, he means General of The Food Train. No, its General of The Apes. Can everyone please shut up??? It's General as in a police general or something. Fucking stupid get out of here its... STOP!!! He is looking for a General of The Psychic Revolutionists, aren't you sir?"

Agent Campbell just looks at the man in absolute confusion.


"Very well. Step out of the automobile and follow me."

The Agent looks at Kodak and everyone at the back.

"This is NOT what I was expecting to see at a highly protected hideout."

"Neither do we. Now let's head out and follow multiple-personality man over there." Hiro says.

So they did and it led them to an elevator that only went one floor but the door that opened wasn't the one they went into.

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