Chapter 42 - Hurts Itself In Confusion

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"You are such a lucky guy David. Why? 'Coz I have to bring Chiquitita to another place she'd like to be for now. Her son's funeral." Lord Henry says as he walks down the stairs leading to the dungeon.


All he saw down there was a corpse of the maid Amanda with a fork on her throat.

"Kids!!! Has anyone felt the presence of someone else DYING in this household?!?!? Amanda was brutally murdered in the dungeon downstairs and no one fucking noticed!!!!!" he screamed out.

"It's 2 am in the goddamned morning. What the hell?!?!? I don't care man, she's not even a psychic." Poppy screams out too.

Lord Henry teleports to her bed and takes a hold of her neck.

"You're choking me!!!" she utters in a poorly audible manner.

The plants in her room started to spontaneously grow and move violently.

"You can't talk like that in this household, alright miss?? I have been showing all three of you with nothing but love and affection! All you have to do is give that love and affection back. Do you understand???"

"Yes.... yes!!!"

Lord Henry lets go of her neck.

"Be up at 6 am and I am talking to all of you!!!!" Lord Henry screams at Travis and Cole, who are sneaking in to see what's going on.

Both of them rushed back to their rooms in response.

Meanwhile, in one of The Revolution's camps...

"If he'll be waiting, then we won't be able to prepare anything. Any distractions, any traps.." Mr. Rain says.

"Traps won't even scratch him. Distractions, well maybe that could help but even that idea goes to the trash too. Can't we contact him again?" Ms. Crystal asks Richard.

"He said that he's the one that calls a fight, not me or anyone else and can you please stop saying we? It's not like you're gonna go there and risk your lives for this." Richard says.

"We'll be there when you really need us. This is your only opportunity to face him, so you have to take it. There are risks involved but the reward is too good to pass. You have to go Richard. Your other companions don't even have to come." Leader Abba tells him.

"You're putting a lot of faith in this man Abba. He's gonna need a couple of psychics to catch all the punches." Mr. Rain says.

"What do you mean catch all the punches? We're gonna cooperatively do this. They're not my cannon fodder." Richard condemns Mr. Rain.

"You're the one that said that, not me." Mr. Rain replies.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be going to tell them about this so we can leave."

"Yes, you may." Leader Abba tells him.

The moment Richard left The General's tent, all the other missing ones teleported to their respective seats.

"We're not going to Deronia, it's so far away from our base of operations. Q slight delay on Phase Two can ruin the entire plan." Mr. Blue tells Abba.

"But we have to make sure that the threat will be taken care of Mister Blue."

"So you want to be the one to deliver the killing blow? Is that what you mean by making sure of things? Just making sure that he's dead?" Ms. Crystal asks him.

"That is far from my true intentions Miss Crystal. I-"

"Your ruthlessness is showing Abba. I thought you're supposed to be the composed leader figure here?" Mr. Azul tells him.

"I have high concerns about this operation, yes. Quite possibly emotional concerns as well. All of your expressions seem to be a little aggressive towards me. Perhaps this confidence could be coming from your lack of experience in handling things like these. None of you has ever stepped toe to toe with Lord Henry, but I have. It didn't end well for me, but I at least managed to keep his attention away from us."

"Mind explaining to us how?" Mr. Azul asks him.

"I used one of the confidential information we've gathered to tell him that the government is trying to create a clone of him. There is no evidence to support this actually except that the government is trying their own psychics. But during our conversation, he mentioned something that goes around like "I already told them to not do such a thing, I should never have been checked in the first place. I knew that one of her scientists was the psychic hunter." This led him to focus his anger on an individual named Sarah Aberdeen and her operations."

"Wow, you should've told us you were doing stuff like that way earlier." Mr. No Name says.

"We could've helped." Ms. Ghost says.

"We already know a lot about psychic experimentation, but what we weren't aware of was this one experiment that skyrocketed their theories of the easier cloning of psychics compared to humans into facts. Lord Henry was physically examined during his sleep. This really doesn't sound plausible until I received a very peculiar message on my mail."

"You don't even have a house. You just sit down and brood on the 87th floor." Mr. No Name tells him.

"I used to have one. I've left that household for many years now. But I had people checking in on it just in case. In my irking suspicion, something did happen. This letter was sent to be by this Sarah Aberdeen. She seemed to be bothered by Lord Henry, saying that he murdered an entire battalion of her soldiers just because he was pissed. He was also the one that requested for all those soldiers to arrive. She also sent documents about a psychic hunter. This person goes by many names, Mon Crobachev, Ferris Schindler and his most infamous one David Quentin. He works for no one, unless he has a temporary need of cash or protection. He was also the reason why experimenting on Lord Henry became possible. Remember how he can use anti-psychic energy like Richard, with this ability he was able to hold Lord Henry down on an operating table. For 8 straight hours, DNA, tissue, and cellular samples were retrieved from him. Every kind of examination was done to possibly a scientific explanation to our supernatural capabilities. It wasn't successful because they didn't understand anything. They did try cloning his cells and that is where the man-made psychics first came to existence. I don't know what she wants from us and I don't know why we were given this information, all that matters is that we have it. I'd just like to disseminate this information out to all of you. There might be an uninvited guest to Richard and Lord Henry's confrontation."

"If the psychic hunter does come to battle, then wouldn't that help Richard McCree and company?" Mr. Azul says.

"No, he's a psychic hunter. If he ever gets a good chance to kill them, he will. Being exhausted from the fight is an example of such instances that he could take advantage of."

"So whoever wins that fight, both sides would still die? Then that's good for us, two birds with one stone." Mr. Rain says.

"Richard McCree must not die!!!"

"What has he ever done for you or The Revolution that makes you care this much? I can't figure out the sense of your mindful actions in regards to Richard McCree. Is he a relative of yours?" Ms. Crystal asks him.

"Don't tell me he's your son?" Mr. No Name says.

"He isn't!!! This meeting is adjourned. I will go ahead and prepare to follow them. The rest of you better do as I said."

Abba leaves the tent.

End of Chapter 42

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