Chapter 8 - The Mindless or The Heartless

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A dragon brightly turns red as a line of customers flood the glass pane doors. A limousine even parks in front of it. Szechuan is their specialty and they are their next casualty.

The Toyota completely breaks down as it crashes on the walls that covers the reserved tables.

"We're still paying for this alright. All we have to do now is to hurry up and get back to our base." Charlotte assures Richard.

"Of all the places we could lose our focus and crash on, did it really have to be a newly opened restaurant?" Hirohiko asks.

"I'm sure the chains will slow him down enough for us to find some other place to hide." Yeethelle answers.

"That had nothing to do with my question." says Hirohiko.

Police sirens can already be heard from a distance. They have just exited the vehicle, if you could still call it one. They went at the back of the wall and not inside.

"Well there's a limousine over there." Kodak says.

A well-suited man and his chauffeur freeze as the gang commenced carnapping right in front of them.

"Let me handle the illusion." Charlotte says as she raises her arms.

The color and style of the limo was slightly changed.

"We'll speed this up." Yeethelle says as she nods on Hiro and Kodak.

The limo zoomed through the streets. Moving left and right with average precision.

"Let's just hope he's not on our tail anymore." Kodak worryingly states.

A forcefield trembles as it is being barraged by psychic punches. Kodak touches the assailant's boots and tears them off telekinetically. The geared psychic falls just enough for him to be punched by Kodak, putting a crack on the face of his helmet.

That man's head may have turned a little bit, but the punch didn't seem to flinch him. Just as he was about to shoot, his gun flew towards Yeethelle. He also led the gun towards him which led them to fight in a psychic tug of war. Kodak tries to help Yeethelle but he is immediately crushed by the same wall he put up.

The tug of war didn't last that long though, as he just pushes the gun towards Yeethelle when she pulls it towards her. Thankfully, Hirohiko broke the gun mid-air before it had hit her hard.

"Give me that." Charlotte tells Richard.

While the man was occupied 1v3-ing the psychics, Charlotte throws the chain on him.

"What?" the man muffles.

Hirohiko immediately helped Kodak and raised the wall that is crushing his back. Yeethelle flings Kodak's make-shift badminton racket to the assailant. He finally went down on his feet.

"We should take him too." Kodak says.

"No, it's too dangerous." Freddie says.

Freddie scorched the assailant.

"I love the smell of burnt Kevlar in the morning." Freddie says as the man screams from the pain.

"Hey, have I seen you from somewhere?" Freddie questions the burning man.

"It was excruciating to see. Seeing that man just burn helplessly like that." Richard tells everyone in the limo.

"Your action was completely understandable. But you're gonna need to toughen up if you really want to be more involved with us." Hirohiko tells him.

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