Chapter 1: Your Assignment

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As you train to become a Jedi, you receive news about an assignment you'll be undertaking. Nothing to worry about, right?
You jolt awake and spring out of bed. Your mind races with the thoughts from the night before. Where am I? How did I get here? You assess your surroundings: a small bedside table, a dresser, and a window with a balcony overlooking the tall trees below. You take a deep breath in and absorb the scent around you, a mixture of wood and pine. Oh right, you remember. I'm on Dagobah. Master Derk is expecting me.

You suddenly hear an urgent knock on your door. Who the fuck is coming here at 7am?
As you open the door, a girl with short, red curly hair barges into your room. "Come on, we're gonna be late!" she shouts enthusiastically.
"Myra, I just woke up," you groan, hoping she'll leave you alone. You met Myra on your first day of training, and although she's fun to be around, she can be pushy at times.
"No shit, you look horrible," she teases, and drags you by your arms out of your bed. "Let's get you dressed. Remember what you wore yesterday? You need my help."
You shudder at the thought of yesterday. You'd completely humiliated yourself in front of everyone. Yesterday you had been with Master Brennan, one of the top instructors. It was your first time using a lightsaber, and you wanted to show off your 'ability' with the Force and it completely backfired. Shit, you'd almost ignited the lightsaber directly through Master Brennan. Luckily, he grabbed it in time, but you've been sent back a few divisions and are now in the same rank as Myra.
"Please don't remind me of yesterday," you say, tears stinging your eyes. "It was so fucking humiliating."
"Honey, I know," she giggles, but then turns to meet your eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was a big deal to you."
"A big deal to me? Of course it was a big deal to me," you say. "It's whatever."
Her face curls into a stubborn frown. "No, it isn't. I'm not going to let you feel humiliated. Come on, let's go to my quarters. I have better clothes for you there."
You groan. You don't care what you wear. Who are you trying to impress? Suddenly your stomach fills with familiar butterflies as you remember, Oh shit, no, I DO have someone to impress.

Rowan Monarch. She's unlike anyone you've ever met. Her dark nature intrigues you, but you never feel quite safe around her. Everything about her is incredible to you, and it ignites a fire inside you. Maybe in more places than one.

You walk to Myra's room and she lets you borrow a dark green utility dress for the day. Hey, might as well try to get Rowan's attention for once, right?

You leave Myra's room and step outside your complex to meet the crisp morning air. The sky is a dim gray, with fog surrounding you on all sides. Perfect, you think. You've always been a sucker for cold weather.
Master Derk walks out of the fog and calls your name. "Planning on joining us today?" his thick voice rings through the morning air. "I don't want to be impaled!" he jokes.
"No need to worry about me, Master," you try to laugh it off. Maybe everyone else is ready to laugh it off, but you're still super humiliated.
"Alright. Well, let's join the others. They're meeting in Koisk."
"Got it," you say, and you both start to walk to Koisk Base. When you get inside, the air is still, but not inviting. You almost feel trapped - the dark blue walls and metal floor underneath you create an unwelcoming environment.
You join the lineup of your classmates and specifically stand near Rowan. She meets your eyes, and smiles at you. An immediate rush of butterflies fills your stomach once again, and you can feel your face growing warm. Fuck, you think. I'm giving myself away.

You hear a shuffle behind you and look as Myra sidles up next to you. She hands you a small plastic card. "You left your credentials in my room," she whispers. Okay, Myra was annoying sometimes, but she sure is helpful.
"Good morning everyone," Master Derk's stern voice echos off the walls of Koisk Base.
"Good morning," everyone replies, almost mechanically.
"Today I have a particularly important assignment for five of you to take on. Only the top students will be allowed on this assignment." You stifle a laugh. Count me out, you think.

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