Chapter 18: Caught You

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INTRO: Another report is what?
You say goodbye to Kylo and walk back into the open room of Command Bases. Immediately, the energy shifts - you'd loved the natural feeling of Command Base 2, and it's startling to suddenly be thrust back into the dark metal atmosphere of the Finalizer. You glance around the room and look at each of the five doors - each has a different color scheme painted on them. The door to #2 is painted blue to matching the interior and the other doors are red, yellow, purple, and black. You look behind you to see if anyone is nearby, then walk over to Command Base #1, painted red.

You slowly open the door and enter a small room with books lining the walls. The energy in the room feels like that of a cabin - cozy but refined. There is a small window on the back wall, with mock rays of light shining through the drape covering it. The technology the First Order is capable of using has always surprised you - this room looks like it belongs on a woodsy planet, not a metal-filled space station. You scan the walls and glance at the titles of the books, none of which you recognize.

You grab a book off a lower shelf. "Creation: Dark Energies" is the title, and as you scan the pages, you feel a sort of dark feeling entering your body. It's faint, but definitely present. You slam the book shut, terrified, and shove it back on the shelf as quickly as you can. You grab another book, titled "Untold," which intrigues you. You flip through the pages and are shocked at what you find: Sith legends. You read about people you've never heard of, Dark Lords with stories too evil to comprehend. You run your fingers over the text, trying to understand what you've stumbled upon - should you even be here, looking through these? Probably not - but maybe they'll help you in your training with Kylo? You hesitantly clutch the book to your chest and grab the book you'd looked at before off the shelf. Keeping the books maybe isn't the best idea, but what's the harm in a little bit of research? You hold the books close to you, take one last look around the room, and leave quickly.

You decide to enter Command Base 4, the purple room, next. You stride over to the long door, careful to make sure no one is watching you as you enter. You gasp as you walk inside, your eyes trying to take in everything around you. The walls are a dark purple shade with lightsaber hilts hanging off of them. A sort of mist hangs in the air, creating a Dark energy that you feel flowing through your veins. What you believe to be Sith artifacts are scattered throughout the room, each with a small name tag attached to them. You pull out the "Untold" book you picked up from Command Base #1 and flip through the pages, identifying each weapon to the Sith Lord. A chill shivers down your spine as you think about the kind of damage these weapons created - and the kinds of murders they were the cause of. You try and force these thoughts out of your mind and instead focus on the sabers themselves - their hilts are works of art, with pieces of metal intricately woven throughout them.

You pull out your data pad and decide to take a few photos. Of course, you probably aren't supposed to, but who's gonna find out? You take photos of a few of the sabers and a few of the artifacts, and even debate taking a lightsaber for yourself to practice with. You ultimately decide it's not the best'd hate for a robbery to be traced back to you.

You decide it's time to leave the Command Bases. You feel like you could stay here for a while and explore the other two rooms, but start to worry about anyone seeing you. You have an odd connection to these rooms and the energy they hold - it scares you, but intrigues you. It's almost as if something is calling you, but what? You try and push these thoughts to the back of your mind. You don't need another thing to be paranoid about.

You swing open the heavy door and are about to walk back into the open room when your heart stops. Holy shit, I've been caught.
"What are you doing in there?" asks General Hux. Of course he caught me.
"Uh, Commander Ren needed me to grab something for him," you stutter.
"And what might that be?" he asks, his harsh tone cutting through the still air.
"Some sort of piece of metal," you say, trying to be vague. "He didn't describe it well. I couldn't find it, so I'm going back to ask him about it more."
"What are those books?" he asks, gesturing to the books in your arms.
"Oh, he...uh, needed these too," you say. "Not sure what they are. He told me not to look through them." Too many words. Too many words. Shut up.
"Is that so?" Hux asks. "Hand them over."
"Sir, with all due respect, Commander Ren is expecting these," you say, pretending to be in a rush.
"Commander Ren left on a transport five minutes ago," Hux says, smirking, having caught you in your lie.
"Really? He didn't tell me," you say, trying to come up with something on the spot. "He told me to leave them in his quarters, and that he needed to run an errand. Didn't think he was leaving, but oh well. Sir, may I leave now?"
Hux sighs. "Fine."
"Thank you," you say, hurrying past him.

Kylo left on a transport? He said he'd see you in two days, but you didn't expect him to leave so soon. And Gods, that was a close one. You aren't sure how much Hux knows - does he know you're training to be Kylo's Empress? Or does he think you're some sort of assistant, doing chores for Kylo? Either way, you're glad you were able to talk yourself out of that one.

Back at your quarters, you receive a message from Master Derk and frantically open your data pad. "Hello everyone, sorry for the late notice. Your next reports are due tonight, please send them in as soon as possible. Thank you." No. No, no, no, this isn't happening. Why would Master Derk give you barely any time to submit your report? You don't even have've just been hooking up with Kylo since you got back. How are you going to...

And that's when you spot the books you picked up this afternoon, lying in the corner of your room. A horrible, twisted thought enters your mind. You want to deny it, but it's there: and it won't leave. I have to send these to Master Derk. Gods, you don't want to, it's awful, and even more betrayal but...what choice do you have? You get up from your bed and tentatively walk over to the books, trying to figure out all your options in your mind. Pros: I buy myself more time here, I meet Master Derk's expectations, I get to stay with Kylo. Cons: Hux is already onto me and this is complete betrayal of Kylo's trust. You feel a raging headache coming on with the pressure and guilt of this decision.

Reluctantly, you pull out your data pad and go to the scan setting. You flip through the pages, scanning them, guilt running through your veins. Once you've scanned the pages, you add the images of the artifacts to your message. You write a quick message: "Found these old Sith legends and stories of Dark lords. I've included a picture of some Sith artifacts as well. Not sure if these will help, but I thought they might be useful in some way." You hold back tears as you press send, sealing your fate. Gods, you just hope no one here finds out...especially Kylo. You aren't sure how much longer you'll be able to betray him...hopefully this will be the last time.
hux! i hate him. HATE him. not sure why, his personality just bothers me. anyways, the reader-character won't see kylo tomorrow, what will she do? :'( haha. also, i just hit 200 reads as of the time writing this chapter and i cannot thank you enough. to everyone who just stumbled upon this and gave it a chance, thank you! anyways, see you in the next one!

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