Chapter 24: The Supreme Leader

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INTRO: So, it's time for you to meet this "Supreme Leader" guy. Why, though?
*content warning!* please see notes for more details
You wave goodbye to James and Myra and throw your dinner tray on the pile set up on the counter in the Mess Hall. If you don't hurry, you're gonna be late for your meeting - something you want to avoid at all costs. Kylo is counting on you, so you better meet his expectations.

As you hurry down the hall, your mind races with anticipation. Who is this? Why do you have to meet with him? Is something wrong? Or worse...what if this is because he found out why you're actually here? Are you meeting with him so that he can kick you out? Gods, you're paranoid. You try and shove these thoughts out of your mind, but you can't. They're stuck there, torturing you.

You run through the doors to Kylo's quarters, eager to find him and get this meeting over with. He walks out of his bedroom and up to you, his mask on for the first time in months.
"Oh," you say, startled by his appearance.
"Follow me," he says, and strides down his long hallway. You follow him hesitantly, slightly anxious.

You walk into a giant room with black walls and a metal floor. Your footsteps deeply echo off the walls.
"Whoa," you exclaim as you take it all in. Kylo walks you over to a dip in the floor and has you stand right by his side. As if on cue, a giant blue hologram of a wrinkly alien-like man appears - your shock almost causes you to faint. Kylo grabs your hand to steady you, and you regain your balance.
"Good evening," he booms, his voice filling up the space. "Kylo Ren and his apprentice."
Apprentice. Gods, it feels demeaning.
"Supreme Leader," Kylo says, and introduces you. You awkwardly wave, unsure of what to do. "This is Supreme Leader Snoke," Kylo whispers to you. Snoke. Got it.
"I've called you here today to discuss a few things," he says. "It has come to my attention that he intends to appoint you as his Empress." His tone confuses you - is he mocking you?
"Yes sir, that is correct," you say, your voice feeling tiny compared to his.
"How long have you known of his intentions?"
"We discussed it when I arrived here, sir," you answer.
"How long have you been on the Finalizer?"
"Around four months."
"I see. He has informed me that you had a past in the Resistance?" Your heart stops, but then you remember your 'story.'
"Yes, I am an Ex-Resistance fighter. Pilot, to be exact," you say. No, 'pilot' was never in your job description. But hey, anything to make it more believable, right?
"Do you fully intend to continue with the First Order?" he asks. "Your devotion to the Resistance is gone?"
You gulp. You haven't made that decision yet.
"Yes, sir," you lie.
"She has incredible potential," Kylo pipes up. "A natural with the Force, if you will."
"How interesting," Snoke booms. "No former training?"
"None," you lie, once again.
"Well. In the last few weeks your commander and I have been discussing the terms of your connection. It is not one in the Force, rather, it is more...fate. You were meant to come here, and leave the Resistance."
Well, that makes you feel a bit better about betraying your friends.
"You live inside of each other's minds. I have never seen anything like this. All I can say, is, your destiny is in the First Order."
You take a deep breath and worry floods your mind. You aren't ready to make this kind of a decision. You know that soon, you will have to choose between the First Order and the're just hoping that day comes much later.
"A lightsaber has been built?" Snoke asks.
"Yes," you say, unlatching it from your pants and igniting it. You swing it around a few times to demonstrate.
"I see," he says, and you turn it off and reattach it. "And training?"
"I have trained her," Kylo says. "To the best of my ability."
You stifle a laugh. Yeah, because choking you against a wall and grinding into you is definitely training. As if Kylo hears this thought, you feel an invisible force wrapping itself around your neck and tightening its grip. You glance over at Kylo, who you assume is smirking under his mask. You try to hide your smile, and the pressure releases.
"If my timing is correct, you will be his Empress very soon," Snoke says, looking down at you. "I expect great things from you."
"I'll do my best," you reply. "You can trust me."
"Good," he replies. "That will be all." Suddenly, his hologram disappears as quickly as he arrived.

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding and turn to Kylo. The energy feels different between you two - like you're somehow more connected.
"This is all happening much sooner than I expected," you say to him.
"When did you think this was going to happen?"
"Not sure. I figured you'd get tired of me eventually and not go through with it," you reply.
"I could never get tired of you," he breathes, taking a step closer to you. "Why would I choose you if that was the case?"
"I never know what to expect with you," you say, leaning close to him. "But...I'm starting to realize that this is all real."
"Good," he says. "Alright, that's all I need you for today."
"Oh, really?" you whisper playfully, tugging at the strap on your top. He steps closer to you so that your chests are almost touching.
"Why, do you have something else in mind?" He leans closer to you, touching your lower back softly.
You giggle, then walk out of the room, pulling him along behind you. A few months ago, you would've been terrified to even try and initiate anything - but you aren't scared anymore.

You pull him into his bedroom, where he presses you up against his wall. You hesitantly reach up to his helmet and reach for the latches. He allows you to slowly undo them and pull the helmet off, throwing it to the ground. He looks down at you, and something about finally seeing his face creates a sort of intimacy between you two.

He slips his hand under the strap on your top and pulls it down your shoulders, then does the same to your other strap. He pulls your top down your legs and lets it fall to the floor. He leans closer and roughly kisses you, catching you off guard. While his lips work over yours, his hands work on your trousers. He finally unbuttons them, then lets them drop to the floor. He kicks your articles of clothing away and places his hand next to your head on the wall, pressing his body further into yours.

Placing a hand on your back, he drags you away from the wall and throws you onto his bed. Instead of getting on top of you, however, he stands at the foot of the bed.
"What are you doing?" you ask. You watch as he slowly pulls off his gloves and then climbs onto the bed and kneels near your head. Grabbing your wrists, he places your hands against each of his bedposts, and ties a glove around each of your wrists using the end and the pointer finger of the gloves.
"Are you sure..." you start. You've never tried anything like this.
"Trust me," he breathes into you.
You lean back, allowing his hands to travel from the tops of your knees, down your inner thighs, to your center. You shiver as his hands roam over your skin. He leans into you, planting a trail of kisses between your legs and your back arches, eager for him. Your arms start to ache from the lack of blood flow, but you try and ignore it.

He climbs on top of you, but keeps a hand resting on your core. You shiver to his touch.
"Say it," he whispers as he slowly starts to rock his hips into yours.
"Yes, Commander," you whisper as he speeds up.
"Again," he grunts, his hands digging into you.
"Yes...yes Commander," you say, louder than before. He grinds into you, and you feel your blood pressure rising quickly. He's taking over your entire being, filling your mind, running through your bloodstream. He dips his hands through your curves, prodding you, playing with every inch of your skin. You moan as you let him control you.

Eventually, he leans back, satisfied. He kisses you gently, and reaches up to untie your hands. Once they're released, you massage them and try to get rid of the major pins and needles you have in your palms. He brings you close to him and holds you close to his chest, your hearts beating as one.
"I should go now," you whisper quietly as you smile up at him.
"Stay," he whispers.
"No, I should get back. I'll be back tomorrow morning," you say, placing your hand gently on his cheek.
He holds your hand to his face, then lets it go, signaling that you're allowed to leave.

You slowly get up and walk out of his quarters, careful to make as little noise as possible. Your heart flutters as your mind replays tonight's events. He wants me. He wants me. He chose me. After all this time, all you've wanted is closure, some sort of way to confirm that he wants you. Although he hasn't said it out loud, you know it's true: he's yours.
**content warning** bdsm, name calling.
-some parts have been omitted for content purposes. i want to keep the rating to all audiences, so some parts of this chapter are up to your imagination to fill in :)

-chapter wrap up-
hello! i hope you enjoyed. finally, our reader-character is getting some closure! only six chapters left! love you, thanks for reading!

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