Chapter 16: You Want Me

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INTRO: You just woke up next to Kylo Ren. You...wait, what?
You feel movement next to you, which is strange. You're still in the in-between; the 'half awake, half asleep" dream state of just waking up. You try and remember where you are, and what you did last night: I flew back to the Finalizer, walked down the hallway, and saw...that's when it hits you. Holy shit, Kylo Ren is lying next to me.

Your eyes open quickly, and you whip your head around to look to your right. Sure enough, there he is, his dark eyes looking into yours with an amused expression on his face.
"Good morning," he whispers. He wraps an arm around you, bringing you close to his bare chest. You feel your heartbeat accelerating - you want him as close to you as possible. You wrap your leg around his, nuzzling yourself between his arms. You breathe him in, wanting to remember every detail about him as possible. You smile as you think about how this assignment has worked out - look at where you are, you're in bed with the man you're in love with. You close your eyes again, wishing for this moment to last forever.

Eventually, Kylo moves to get out of bed so you sit up, covering yourself with his sheets. You shouldn't feel embarrassed, you aren't fully naked, feel strange. After all, he's your supervisor; you technically shouldn't have come to his quarters that late in the first place. But, who cares? It's not like anyone needs to know. You glance down at your chest, noticing small bruises across your collarbone. You smile, knowing you're the only who knows where those came from.

You put on your outfit from yesterday and walk out of Kylo's bedroom into the room you saw him enter. He's still dressed in all black, but has on fewer layers than normal. Something about this feels intimate to you - like he's letting you see a part of himself that not many others get to see. You feel special knowing he's let you into his life this way.
"Today, we start the early stages of the production of your lightsaber," he says, turning to face you.
" lightsaber, sir?" you ask.
"Clearly, you've forgotten," he says. "You will be creating your own."
Your head spins - yes, you remember him saying this, but didn't expect him to actually go through with it.
He hands a sheet of parchment and a pen to you.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Sketch," he says, placing the supplies in your hands. He then walks right by you, leaving you alone to draw.

Sketch? I've never drawn a day in my life. You sit down on a chair and place the sheet of paper on your lap. You draw a few hilts and a few sabers, but nothing feels right. You close your eyes, trying to envision what you'd like. You want something reminiscent of Kylo's, especially since you'll be ruling by his side (that is, if you go through with this). But, you also want something entirely your own. You draw a few more sketches and finally come to a final drawing: a black hilt with three blades like Kylo's, but instead of the blades going outwards, they're upwards and they're long.

Kylo walks back in and takes your drawing from your hands. His eyes roam around the page, studying each sketch until he lands on your final product. He nods, satisfied, and places the sketch in his pocket.
"I'll see what I can do," he says. "That will be all for today."
You look up at him, surprised. That's it? I don't think so. You stand up and walk over to him.
"You sure?" you ask, meeting his eyes. "I'm not sure I can leave you so soon."
He smirks, placing his gloved hand lightly on your neck. You reach down and seductively unbutton your top, painfully slowly.
"You want me," you whisper. You bite your lip as you pull your top over your head slowly, making him wait to see more. Once your top is off, you throw it to the ground and swell your chest. You press yourself up against his chest, placing your mouth near his ear.

"Tell me what you want," you whisper.
He pushes you against the table forcefully, pressing his hot mouth onto your neck. You buckle under his pressure, his knees digging into yours. He grabs your waist and pushes you upwards, so that you sit on the table above him. He moves away from your neck to remove his gloves and top, then moves so that his chest lies between your legs. He leans up to kiss you, his hands working through your hair. His hands start to unbutton your trousers, pulling them slowly down your legs and onto the pile of clothes on the floor. You want him so badly, want every piece of him. He begins to play with the lining of your underwear, your breath hitching in your throat, when suddenly, you hear a knock coming from down the hallway.

You jump, breaking the kiss and scooting away from him. He growls, throws his shirt back on, then storms down the hallway to find out who's at the door. You hop off the table, frustrated. Fuck, you were close. You grab your shirt and put it on, then pull your trousers up quickly.

Kylo walks back down the hallway with General Hux, discussing their plans for who-knows-what. In the short amount of time you've known Hux, you've grown to absolutely despise him. Not only was he rude to your group the first day, but he just ruined a huge chance with Kylo. Gods, what an asshole. You decide you're probably allowed to leave, so you hurry out of the small room, down the hallway, and out of the darkness of Kylo's quarters.

As you're heading down the hallway back to your quarters, Myra stops you. She's clearly been running, but why?
"Have you heard?" she asks, her breath heavy.
"No?" you ask.
"Apparently, someone's betraying us," she whispers, trying to catch her breath. "James just told me. General Arkins apparently told him that he's hearing rumors about someone going behind our backs."
Your heart stops. Do they mean me?
"What does he mean?" you ask, trying to get more information out of her.
"I have no clue," she says. "It might not even be someone from our group. Apparently more generals know about us being here than we thought."
You take a moment to process this. Okay, so other generals know. Maybe it's one of them who's betraying us? Maybe you have nothing to worry about?
"Huh, that's awful," you say.
"Right? I'm scared," she says. Gods, little does she know who she's standing in front of.
"Well, let me know if you hear anything else," you say, patting her arm. "It's gonna be okay."
"Yeah, I hope so! I'm on my break but I'm glad I saw you," she says. "Hey, speaking of which, why are you out so early?"
"Commander Ren let me out early," you say nonchalantly. "Not sure why."
"Hmm. Guess that's nice. I have three flights to oversee today! Three! Wish me luck," she laughs.
"Good luck," you say, and she walks off towards the flight control center.
ugh ruined make out session. poor reader-character. and ooooOooOo someone might be onto her! we'll see! anyways i hope you're enjoying so far, and i'll see you in the next one!

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