Chapter 28: Betrayed

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INTRO: Well, this wasn't quite what you expected.
tw: violence, aggression
You wake up in a daze. You kind of remember yesterday's events, but...why are your ears ringing? You're on the're leaving soon...the details start to come back to you. You open your eyes and immediately locate the source of the noise you're hearing: your data pad, blowing up with notifications.

Oh shit, did Kylo find out? Does he know you have to leave? Impossible, as you haven't told anyone yet. You're sending your message to Master Derk and General Arkins this morning...afternoon? What time is it, anyways?

You hop out of bed and run over to your data pad. You see that it's mid afternoon, so you only have a few more hours before you plan on leaving. But the messages that keep coming in catch your eye: "Myra: What? Right now?" James: "Tonight?" Your heart stops as you open your data pad to find the first message Master Derk sent you this morning. It reads:

"URGENT: We have been betrayed. One of your group members (name will not be disclosed) has revealed the presence of your group to the First Order. All high-ranking officers of the First Order know you are with the Resistance and are now on the lookout for you. A transport is being sent immediately, it should arrive this evening. Until then, hide. Do not leave your quarters under any circumstance until the transport arrives. Your assignments have been terminated and you will return to Dagobah to train with me once again. General Arkins and I are proud of the work you all have put in. See you tonight."

What? No. There's no way...there's no...

You frantically scroll through the replies and see James and Myra's messages again. Tony and Rowan haven't replied...Rowan. Myra was right. It has to be Rowan who did this. She was right all along. Now, all of those experiences make sense: Myra's fall, James's sickness, your love issues...Rowan did it.

You clutch your forehead, tears rolling down your face. Yes, you'd planned on leaving anyways, but this must mean that Kylo knows. If the 'highest ranking officers' know, then he must have been told, right? And are you going to see him? He must feel hurt beyond belief, and you feel awful...

As if on cue, your door swings open and you yell, startled by the sudden noise. To your horror, Kylo strides into your room, his expression angrier than you've ever seen. He slams your door shut and whips around to face you.
"Is it true?" he growls.
"Kylo, I..." you say quietly, your voice failing.
"Is it?" he roars, walking close to you. "Are you with the Resistance?"

You open your mouth, but no words come out. He harshly shoves you against the wall, eliciting a yell from you. Your head pounds with the blow, your body stays frozen against the wall. You shake as he takes a step closer to you, then you feel the intense pressure on your skull that you haven't felt for months. He's taking information from you - but this time, you aren't able to create those mental barriers around your past life like you used to. The pressure becomes stronger and harsher than ever before, it's almost like he's trying to cause you pain. You gasp as your hands roam about the wall, desperate for anything to cling onto to balance you, but there's nothing to hold onto. You buckle under his pressure, the tension becoming too much for you to handle. You feel yourself becoming lightheaded, the world drifting away. Your mind goes blank for a moment as you suddenly feel if everything is fine...

You're jolted back to life by a gloved hand slapping you across the face. You gasp and open your eyes - he's standing close to you now. You reach up to rub the sore patch on your cheek, but an invisible force thrusts your hand back to your side.
"So it's true," he says bitterly. "All my training. All this time. You've been...betraying me."
"Kylo, it's not what it..."
"Quiet," he says, the invisible force now jumping to your neck. Your muscles tighten as this force remains tight around your throat, but you're able to breathe. "You've been giving my training to the Resistance."
To allow you to talk, he releases his hold on you. You gasp as you rub your neck, your body feeling weak.
"You don't understand," you say. "I had no choice."
"Explain yourself," he replies, hurt drenching his words.
"The Resistance sent me here," you begin. "All my life I've been training to become a Jedi. They sent me to live undercover and gather information on the First Order. That's what I've been doing."
"So my training meant nothing to you," he says.
"That's not it," you say, tears welling up once again. "In the beginning, I was only here for the Resistance. changed everything."
"I don't believe you," he says. "Your friend Tony told me otherwise."
"What did Tony tell you?" you ask, your heart stopping.
"How do you think I found out about this? Who do you think told me?"

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