Chapter 25: Everything

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INTRO: Today's your final day of training with Kylo. How did you already get to this point? Don't you have a little time left before you have to make your choice?
You wake up to the sound of loud knocking on your door. You scramble out of bed, expecting the worst - what if something happened? Is there an emergency? Is Kylo okay? You fling open the door in a hurry, eager to see who's there.

You're greeted by Myra's glowing face as she runs into your room.
"Guess what!" she gushes.
You clutch your chest, trying to recover from the near heart attack she just gave you.
"What?" you ask, playing into her excitement.
"James and I are official," she whispers excitedly.
"Oh, wow!" you exclaim, trying to be excited for her. "And you...wanted to come here early to tell me?"
"Well, he asked me last night. I came here late last night to tell you, but you were out. I came as quickly as I could this morning!" she smiles. "Hope I didn't wake you up?"
"I had to get up anyway," you shrug.
"Oh! I'm so sorry," she says, rushing over to your bed. "Let me help you to make up for it." You playfully grab her arm to stop her.
"Myra, it's okay," you laugh. "Don't worry. I have to be at Commander Ren's in fifteen minutes anyway. If you hadn't come, I would've been late."
She sighs, then gives you a giant hug around your waist.
"What do you think you'll do after these assignments are over?" she asks abruptly.
You freeze. "Uh, probably go back to Dagobah with the rest of you, right?"
"Yeah. I just meant, like, after that. Are you going to fully join the Jedi Order?" she asks.
"Oh. I'm not sure yet. Are you?" you reply.
"I think so. James says he is for sure. I just wanted to see if you were, too. It would be great to have another friend in the Jedi Order," she smiles.
Gods. This is gonna make your choice even more difficult. Stay here and rule with Kylo, or go back to Dagobah with Myra and become a Jedi? Betray the man you love, or your friends who care?
"Oh, no matter what, we'll be friends," you smile, leaving her question unanswered.
"Good," she laughs, then looks down at her data pad. "Oh! I'm gonna be late. See you at break!" She hurries out of your room as quickly as she came in.

You sigh and finish making your bed. You hadn't quite come to terms with this choice until now, once Myra put it all into perspective. Shit, you have to make this decision, and quickly. Snoke confirmed it: you're set to become Kylo's Empress think? At least, Kylo expects you will, but can you live with the guilt of betraying your friends? Or worse, the pain of leaving Kylo behind?

You grab your data pad off your bedside table and try to focus your thoughts on Kylo. Today's your final day of training, which is completely incomprehensible to you. You feel like you just arrived here, a scared 'Ex-Resistance worker.' You smile as you remember your first time meeting him: how daunting he was and how controlling he acted towards you. He hasn't taken Resistance information from you in a while, which is a relief. You don't have much left, other than your training, which he can't have access to.

You walk out of your room, down the familiar hallways, and into Kylo's quarters. He greets you there, almost as if he was waiting for you.
"Good morning," he says, leading you to the conference room. He pulls a chair out for you and then sits opposite you.
"Today is your last day of training. You will be initiated into your final position at the end of next week," he says. Oh shit, that's the deadline? That's sooner than you'd hoped.
"Alright," you say. "In the meantime?"
"In the meantime, you'll prepare yourself. Strengthen your power on your own." You nod, trying to take this all in.
"What are we doing today?" you ask.
"Not much. You're already ready for the job, and I'm ready for you to fill it. You've impressed me in ways I never thought possible," he begins. "A girl, a nobody, who left the Resistance to join the First Order. I'm assuming you didn't get a choice for your position."
"I didn't," you smile, remembering your name being called by Master Derk. Everyone else got normal jobs, and you got 'Kylo Ren's assistant.'
"And somehow, you managed to get here, with me. I wasn't sure about you at first," he says, standing up. "But you've proven yourself."
You look to the ground, embarrassed but proud of yourself. When you first came, you wanted to leave. You hated it. But are you going to leave?
He walks over to you and places his hand on your shoulder. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. You've become a part of me." It's as if he can read your thoughts - his words echo the narrative inside your mind.
"It's been a honor to be here," you say. You stand up to face him, and he takes your hands in his. He pulls you close to his chest, wrapping you up in him. You press your body to his, your heart aching for his every touch. Even though it's only been one day, you've missed being in his arms.

You pull away and grab your lightsaber off your belt loop, then hold it up.
"I have a question about this," you say quietly. "What does this mean?" You run your fingers over the letters etched into the hilt: 'Everything.'
He nods. "You," he begins, placing his hand next to yours on the hilt. "You've become my everything."
You freeze and seem to forget how to breathe. Time completely stands still as you look desperately into his eyes, wanting to believe this is real life.
"Your...your everything?"
You exhale, releasing all your doubt about him loving you.
"But...I thought you said I 'need' to be nothing..."
"I was wrong," he whispers. "I was selfish. For this to work, I need to give in to my emotions about you. And I feel..." he takes your hands into his. "Many things about you."
"As do I," you smile, stepping closer to him so that your intertwined hands rest on each other's chests.
"Alright. Let's finish up your training."

He leads you back into the wide open training room and he has you practice some lightsaber techniques. He then starts a mock-battle in which he finally demonstrates his full abilities - and Gods, is he powerful. You're knocked off your feet several times by the strength of his Force using, and the impact of his lightsaber hitting yours causes you to stumble a few times. But overall, he helps you to wield your lightsaber in ways you'd never thought to before.

After your training, you walk back to the main hallway.
"See you tomorrow?" you ask.
"No need. Come back in two days, we can discuss the terms of your position then."
"Alright," you smile. "See you then." You place your hands on his lower back, drawing him in closer to you, and place your lips gently on his. He melts into you, bringing you close to him and holding you tightly. When you break apart, you hold your face against his for a second before pulling away. You walk out of his quarters, turning around to look back at him before opening the heavy doors and walking out.

Back in your room, you run your fingers over his handwriting on your saber. "My everything." His words ring in your ears, consume your mind, and fill your heart. Holy shit, all of this is real...the Commander of the First Order wants you. You hold your saber close to your chest, wanting to feel his energy. Never in a million years did you expect this is how your life would turn out, but hey, this is what you want, right? The thoughts of Master Derk and your friends still plague your mind, though...Gods, how are you supposed to make this choice?
eeeee the 'my everything' reveal! ahh! i've wanted to reveal my plans for that for SO long ugh anyways i hope you enjoyed ;) love you!

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