Chapter 2: What Have You Gotten Into?

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INTRO: As you leave for your new assignment on the Finalizer, you have an interesting time adjusting to your new undercover life.
You glance over at your clock. I still have an hour until I have to go, you think to yourself. You almost wish you didn't have to go on this assignment. Like seriously, what's the point? The Resistance is weakening anyways. And it's not like the Jedi can fix it.
You glance over at your mirror. Shit, you think. When was the last time I showered? You then remember it's been since the day you were demoted - the day you sat in the shower for two hours and sobbed. Right.
You groan as you throw the sheets off yourself and peer out the window. The sky is gray, just like yesterday, but something feels...different. Almost like there's something 'coming,' and you can't stop it.

You stumble over to the shower and turn the water to the hottest possible setting. As you clean yourself, you start to daydream about life on the Finalizer. Seriously, how bad could the First Order be? You doubt Kylo Ren is half as scary in person as he is in the photos. At least, you hope he is. Plus, you'll have time to hang out with Myra and get closer to Rowan. And who knows, maybe you'll hook up with James or Tony, if you feel like it. Who knows.
You grab your towel and walk out of the shower and begin to put on your makeup. Nothing too heavy, just some light mascara and some blush. After, you say one last goodbye to your room, and head down the hallway to Myra's quarters.

Myra is already waiting for you when you get there.
"Hi!" she says enthusiastically. "You ready?"
"Sure," you say sarcastically.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you tell her. "I'm just feeling a little...nervous." You debate telling her about your Rowan problems, but decide against it. You feel like you know Myra, but aren't sure if you can trust her.
"Don't be. You'll be working with Kylo Ren, and I bet he'll be super welcoming."
You laugh. Kylo Ren. Welcoming. 'Oh yeah, sure Myra! I'm sure the Commander is just gonna be delighted to have an assistant! He'll just loooove being so welcoming when he treats me like a doormat!'
Instead, you say, "Yeah, I'm sure he will."
"That's the spirit! I can't WAIT to work as a flight controller. I mean, it seems kind of boring, but also cool! I have such a huge responsibility, you know?"
She continues talking, but you zone out. Seriously, does she have an off button?
You eventually reach Koisk Base. You and Myra aren't the first ones to arrive: Rowan is there, waiting for everyone else.
"Hey guys," she says, giving you two a cool smile. You feel your heart melting.
"Hi," you saying, trying to sound normal.
"Hello Rowan!" Myra says enthusiastically. "I don't know if we've formally met, but I'm Myra!"
Rowan laughs and extends her hand. "Nice to meet you," she says.
Suddenly, Myra's face goes white. "Oh no! I forgot my credentials in my room!"
"Derk said not to bring anything with us," you tell her.
"Oh, I know but...I just don't feel safe without them! I'll go grab them...if Master Derk comes by, just tell him I'm running late!" With that, she scurries out of Koisk.
Rowan turns to you. "Is she always like that?"
"Unfortunately," you laugh.
"Look, I'm super impressed with your work so far. Master Derk was talking to us about you before you joined our rank. He said you're currently at the top of the class," she says.
"Oh, did he?" you muster. "That's crazy, um, I didn't know."
Gods, why am I so awkward? You think to yourself. I'm totally blowing it with Rowan.
Luckily, James walks up and saves you from embarrassing yourself further.
"Hey," he says, winking at you. "Surprised the reject gets to come."
"Hey!" you respond, knowing he's just teasing. "I wasn't rejected, I just made a mistake."
"Yeah, but it bumped you down to our level," he jokes, gesturing to Rowan and himself. "I'm surprised you didn't quit when you heard the news."
"Why would I quit? I want to be a Jedi, even if I have a few...setbacks."
James laughs. "Whatever you say. Rowan, what job did you get again?"
"I'm working in the medical wing, which is fine. Not as cool as being Kylo Ren's assistant, though," she looks over at you and smiles.
"Gods, don't remind me!" you laugh. "I'm so nervous."
"You shouldn't be," James says. "I doubt you'll see much of that guy. I heard he's pretty private."
That sends relief rushing through you. "Seriously? Because that would be great."
"What are you so scared of?" Rowan asks.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I think I'm just worried about failing again."
"You didn't really fail - you just had a...what did you call it? Oh, right, a 'setback,'" James jokes. "I'm sure you'll do fine."
Suddenly, Myra appears by your side, sweating profusely.
"Got it!" she pants.
"Why did you run?" you ask. "Tony isn't even here yet."
"Oh," is all she can manage before bending over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
You glance over and notice Tony walking...well, limping over to your group, just as he was yesterday.
"Hey Tony, what's with the limp?" James asks.
"Sprained my ankle," Tony says shortly, then walks over to the wall to...inspect it?
You and James make eye contact and exchange confused looks. Luckily, Master Derk enters the room and breaks the silence.
"Good morning, everyone. Are we ready to go?" You all nod and walk over to the entrance to the platform where your transport is waiting. "Good. Now, inside the transport contains your labeled attire as well as the materials you will need for your assignment. General Arkins is a spy for the Resistance on the Finalizer - he has confirmed your assignments with General Hux. He has created the story that you five are Ex-Resistance fighters who are now joining the First Order. Got it?" You all nod and follow Master Derk to your transport. This isn't any ordinary transport - it's a giant ship that's been stolen from the First Order. Your jaw drops at its massive size.
"I'm very proud of each of you. Good luck, and may the Force be with you," Master Derk says, and leaves the platform.
All five of you stare at each other in shock. Holy shit, this is happening.

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