Chapter 21: Confrontation

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INTRO: This is the last time Tony's gonna blackmail you. You'll make sure of it.
You wake up and instantly remember your job for today: find Tony. That little asshole is gonna get what's coming to him whether he wants it or not. You're sick of him constantly tormenting you with this 'information' he has on you - what does he even mean? And why is he so concerned about you? Beyond creepy.

You throw on a black jumpsuit and send Kylo a quick message: "Going to be a little bit late today. Sorry. There's some things I need to get done. I'll be there in about an hour." Surely he'll understand given the amount of times he's flaked on your meetings. You hit send and rush out the door, heading to General Hux's quarters. You aren't exactly sure if that's where you'll find him, but he's working as Hux's personal engineer (which, now that you think about it, is a very strange job...why does Hux need his own engineer?).

Step one, finding Hux's quarters. You have no clue where to start, but you figure they're probably near Kylo's. You take your familiar route and head down the stairs to the long hallway of offices. You come upon another engineer working on the floor and ask him for directions. He tells you to take a few left turns, go down another hallway, and you'll find it. You thank him and go on your way, careful to avoid eye contact from anyone passing by. You'd rather avoid any sort of confrontation.

You finally come upon what has to be Hux's quarters. You open the large, gray door and walk inside, careful to make as little noise as possible. Inside, the walls are a muted gray with metal accents throughout - similar to Kylo's quarters, but lighter. You slowly walk further inside, trying to spot Tony. Gods, you don't know if he's even here. This is beyond risky, this is...

Your thoughts are interrupted with Tony walking directly past you.

"Tony," you say harshly, causing him to quickly turn around to face you.
"What are you doing here?" he whispers. "You're not supposed to be in here." He points to the door and starts walking, expecting you to leave with him. You sigh and walk back outside with him.
"We need to talk," you say once the door is closed behind him.
"Great. Fire away."
"I don't know what your deal is, or what shit you have on me. Why are you so obsessed? Why are you doing this?"
"No one else seems to be reminding you of your job here," he says. "So I am."
"Oh believe me, other people are," you say, thinking back to the countless messages you've received from Master Derk and General Arkins.
"Well, I'm just trying to help. And warn you to watch what you do. I'm aware of your little...thing with the Commander."
"What? What 'thing'?" you say, your heart stopping.
"Don't be stupid. I've seen you walking back your quarters late at night after my shift. It's no secret."

You stutter, but you have nothing to say. He's caught you.

"I...what do you want from me?" you say, not sure what else to say.
"I need you to put in a good word for me with the Commander," he says. "If anyone can, it's you."
"What? What do you want me to say?"
"My job sucks. I need a better one, and quickly. I need you to get me into a higher position," he says.
"Come on, Tony. I don't want to ask him about..."
"Or, I can tell everyone about you and the Commander, and you can be sent off this ship. Which would you prefer?"
You sigh, not seeing much of a choice. You need to stay here, so, fine. Whatever, you'll ask Kylo.
"Fine. I'm seeing him today. I'll tell him."
He smirks. "Good. Is that all?"
"You tell me," you say. "You're the one who threatened me last night."
"Threatened you?" he looks at you with contempt. "Please. I was just warning you about how your actions appear to the rest of us."
You sigh, sick of this whole conversation. "Goodbye, Tony," you say, walking away.
"Thanks for the help," he says, walking back into Hux's quarters.

You figure you'll just go straight to Kylo's quarters instead of stopping back at your room before you do. You're already so close, so, why waste more time? He's probably expecting you soon. You continue down the long hallway, turn a few corners, and end up in front of his door once again. After coming here everyday, his quarters are almost starting to feel like home to you, and you hate that they do. When you arrived on the Finalizer, the last thing you wanted to become is attached. But, look how that turned out.

You walk inside and notice you're instinctually rubbing the bruises on your neck from yesterday. You just love having an ever-present reminder of how you're so deeply infatuated with him, it's so frustrating. But oh well. You continue down his long hallway and finally find him in his bedroom, turning his helmet over in his hands.
"I got your message," he says, not looking up.
"Good," you say, walking inside. "Hey, there's something I have to ask you to do. There's this engineer who works for Hux, we were friends when I first arrived. He asked me to ask you for a better position?"
"What's his name?"
"Tony Sanders," you say.
"Never heard of him. I'll see what I can do. Why did he ask you?"
"Not sure. Just stopped me in the hall and asked me to ask you," you say.
"Strange." He places his helmet on the small table next to his bed and walks over to you. "Your lightsaber is finished. Follow me." Your heart leaps with excitement. Finally.

You follow Kylo into a small room off the main hall and watch as he takes the hilt out from a box resting on the table. He places the hilt in your hands and you move your hands up and down, assessing its weight. Pieces of metal are intricately woven throughout the hilt and as they catch the light, they reflect small rays onto the floor. You turn the hilt over in your hands, running your fingers over the cool metal, taking in all of its power. You stand back from Kylo and ignite the saber, watching as the blades crackle to life. The three blades were definitely the right choice - the saber is reminiscent of his, but absolutely your own. You swing it around a few times, getting a feel for it.

"It's perfect," you say, smiling up at him. "Thank you."
"Yes," he says, watching you swing it around. "There are some things we need to discuss that we haven't spoken about for a while."
"Oh?" you say, turning the lightsaber off and hooking it onto a belt loop on your jumpsuit.
"We haven't discussed this...connection. You still live inside my mind, and I assume I'm still in yours."
"Always," you say, remembering all the sleepless nights you've had with him running around your mind.
"I'm still not sure what causes it. That's why I've been gone lately - I've been visiting the Supreme Leader."
The Supreme Leader? Who?
"He's my leader. I've been trying to understand what it is that connects us. We aren't connected in the Force, but more by fate. I'm still not sure," he says.
"Oh. Well, it's okay not to know," you say, putting your hand on his arm. "I don't mind."
"Well, I do," he says, getting clearly more frustrated. "I need to know why you won't leave my mind. Why you're constantly inside my head. It's driving me mad."
You decide to stay silent instead of talk him through this. Clearly, he's already made up his mind.
"You can leave early today, I'm visiting the Supreme Leader once you leave. Come back tomorrow night, that's when I will return."
"Alright," you say, reaching up to softly place your lips on his. When you pull away, you smile up at him. "See you then."

Back in your quarters, you study your saber. You run your fingers over the metal again, thinking of him. He's done so much for you. Yes, you've given him the information he wants, but he's given you more than he knows. You find pieces you hadn't noticed before, like the small band of metal at the bottom of the saber. You look closely at it, and notice a small bit of what looks to be writing. You bring the saber close to your eyes, trying desperately to read what it says, until you finally figure it out: "Everything." Your heart stops as you recognize the handwriting of the etching: his. What does it mean? You hold the saber close to your heart, feeling connected to him in a different way than before. You don't even bother to try and decipher the message - all that matters to you is that he thought to write anything. He's more than inside your head - he's become a part of you.
ugh, tony. ever write a character and have a strong hatred for them? yeah, that's me with tony. he's so...ick. anyways, the reader-character finally got her lightsaber! for clarification, the saber has three blades, but all of them point upwards and are long. as always, thank you for reading! :)

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