Chapter 11: You're a Natural

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INTRO: When you came to the Finalizer, you didn't exactly expect to be wielding a lightsaber of the Sith. Oh well.
You walk down the dark hallway to Kylo's quarters, not bothering to notice who passes by. You are drawn to Kylo in your mind - his energy takes over your sense of direction, and you let this energy carry you past the heavy doors, past the handcuff-chair room, and to a dark room off the main hallway you've never entered before. He's in there, with his back turned towards you, inspecting his lightsaber. You haven't made any noise, but he turns around to greet you, as if he'd known you'd be standing there.
"I see you received my message."
"About coming in late? Yes."
"Good," he says, turning back around. "But I sense unease about you."
"Oh. No, just a little stressed," you say. "Just worried about completing my job correctly. General Arkins warned me that I'm not doing enough, or something like that." Little does he know, it's not the job he assigned you that you're worried about.
"General Arkins told you that you aren't doing enough?" he says, turning back around. "He has no place to tell you that. Maybe he and I need to speak."
"No, Commander, that won't be necessary," you say, trying to backtrack. Gods, of course I had to bring that up. "He was just telling me to stay on task."
"I understand that, but why?" he asks, not to you in particular. "He knows nothing about what your job entails."
"I'm not sure, sir." Your face falls. Great, now he's suspicious.
Suddenly you feel his gloved fingers on your chin, lifting your head up to meet his.
"I don't like seeing you in distress," he says, his eyes heavy. "I'll have this worked out." Your heart almost bursts with how much you love him - but you're completely unable to express it.

He lets go of your chin and places his heavy lightsaber into your hands. As it rests in your palm, you can almost feel the power coursing through it. Kylo smirks, and reaches over to ignite it for you. You feel excitement rushing through your veins as the saber crackles to life in your hands, its power running through you. You take a few steps back and swing it around, careful not to hit anything in the room. You try your best to look inexperienced, but it's incredibly difficult - your training is kicking in.

"Natural with the Force and with a lightsaber," Kylo says quietly. "Hm."
"It's like an instinct," you say, still swinging the saber around your body.
Kylo studies you, his eyes wandering to every bit of your body. You keep swinging the lightsaber, wanting to impress him, watching as his eyes roam over your figure. You love the way he looks at you - so delicate, but with so much passion.
"I've brought something for you," he says, turning around and picking up a slender rod of metal - a lightsaber of your own. Your heart stops - what has he done? He reaches over and takes his lightsaber from your hands.
"It's not yours to keep, this is just a temporary one before you make your own," he says, handing the thin hilt to you. You feel the weight of it in your hands - it's much lighter than his, but still gives you the same jolt of power. This must be a Dark Side trait - the sabers you'd used on Dagobah were powerful, but nothing like this.

You ignite the lightsaber, its light surrounding the room and engulfing it in a red blaze. Rather than it being like Kylo's three bladed lightsaber, this one is a single blade, just like the ones you'd trained with. Never in your life did you expect to be holding a lightsaber of the Sith - yet, here you are.
"Yes," he whispers. "Feel it."
You swing around the saber like you did with his, but this time, it's much easier. The threat of two side blades waiting to impale you is gone, and the lightness of it allows you to carry it with ease. He watches you as you masterfully wield the saber, your confidence growing with each swing.
"Incredible," he says, his eyes glued to you. "I'm proud."
You almost laugh, but hold it in. Little does he know, a Jedi trained you.

You eventually hand the saber back to him, and he puts it back in the small black case it came from. He turns to you, his eyes full of something you can't quite put your finger on - pride?
"I'm very impressed with the work you're doing," he says. "But now I need my portion of the deal. Sit." You obey, seating yourself on one of the small chairs in the corner of the room.

You feel the familiar intense pressure on your skull, his force abilities feeling normal to you at this point. You mentally block off the information he can't get to - and pray that it works. You sweat as you struggle in your seat, the pressure slowly turning to pain. He notices this, and releases you quickly, rushing to your side.
"Are you alright?" he asks, grabbing your hand and holding it. Before answering, you look up into his eyes: such pain in them. He looks lost, hurt, like a child. You've never seen such a sensitive side to him: but you're loving every second of it. You tilt your head up to meet his, and gently place your lips on his, your hand resting against his jawline. Your heart flutters as he presses in closer to you, but softer than he ever has before. When he pulls away, you pull your hand away from him.
"Yes, I'm fine," you say quietly. "May I ask what you took?"
"The plans for some Resistance aircraft," he says. "Not sure how you've seen that, but it's useful to us."
You nod. You remember when you saw those plans - your former Master (before Derk) on Dagobah was demonstrating some of the supplies the Resistance uses, and those plans were included.
"Alright, that is all for today. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
You stand up and slightly expect him to grab you like he did yesterday. He doesn't, rather, he turns back around to inspect his lightsaber once again. You sigh and walk out, slightly disappointed - then again, you just kissed him, which he never would have approved of yesterday. Baby steps, right?

Back in your room, you glance through your messages on your data pad. One from Master Derk catches your eye: "Attention everyone, your weekly reports will be due at the end of the day tomorrow. Please remember how vital these are." Your heart stops. Holy shit. You don't have anything to report on - it's not like you can tell them about your lightsaber adventures with Kylo, they'd be suspicious. And you can't ask Kylo, because he has no clue about any of this. I'll figure something out, you assure yourself as you climb into your bed. I have to.
a short chapter today, i'm having some mental health stuff i have to deal with. nothing big, just didn't have a lot of time to write today. the next chapter will be longer to make up for it :) again, thanks for reading!

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