Chapter 13: Two Days

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INTRO: All good things must come to an end. But, you didn't think they would end so soon.
You wake up to five notifications on your data pad: three from Master Derk, one from General Arkins, and one from Kylo. Your finger rushes to click Kylo's first, your heart beating out of your chest. "Please arrive early today. I do not want to be kept waiting." You glance at the time, and see you'll be able to arrive around a half hour early. You shrug, and click on Master Derk's first message. "I needed to write to you to say congratulations. You've made all of us here on Dagobah so very proud. With the plans you've sent us, we were able to completely evacuate the Coruscant base late last night. Thank you very much for your exceptional work this week, it is greatly appreciated." Gods, I finally did something right. You smile as you realize that, yes, you did make the right decision in stealing the plans.

You smile as you open General Arkins's message: "Master Derk has informed me of your work. Thank you for taking my advice seriously. It means a great deal to the Resistance." That means a lot, coming from him. It feels good to know you're fulfilling his expectations, especially when you've felt nothing but inadequate these last few days.

You decide to check the other two messages from Master Derk. The first one reads: "Hello everyone. Thank you for your reports. I was impressed with every single one of them. Please look for another message from me, I will be sending it soon. It is urgent and needs your immediate attention. Thank you." You look at the timestamp from that message: half an hour after you sent in your report. You check the second message from him: an hour after his first one. "I need to alert you all of tomorrow's events. We are reaching the end of the first quarter of your stay on the Finalizer. You are to report to the landing bay tomorrow evening, with nothing in hand. A transport led by General Arkins will arrive to pick you five up and return you to Dagobah for two days. There, we will assess your assignments thus far. General Arkins and I have much to get done before then, so it is up to you to tell your supervisors that you must be leaving for two days. Whatever you do, do not give away the real reason. I will see you all tomorrow evening." Holy shit. He sent that message last night which means...I'm leaving tonight.

Of course, it's just two days. But how are you going to make something up to Kylo? No way is he going to believe you. You try your best to brainstorm some ideas: General Arkins is sending you away for more training, General Hux sent you a message...but none of them seem plausible enough. You decide to fake a family emergency: 'My brother on Dagobah is very sick, I am visiting him for two days. General Arkins has already cleared me.' Kylo already knows you 'have family' on Dagobah, so there's a small chance it might work.

You run down the hallway to Kylo's quarters, now only fifteen minutes early. You swing open the heavy doors, rush down the hallway, and bump directly into him as he walks out of a side room.
"Good morning," he says briskly as he enters a conference-style room. "We need to talk."
You take a seat at the end of the long table and he sits across, facing you.
"Plans were stolen from my quarters yesterday," he says angrily. "Did you see anyone come in?"
Your heart stops. "No, Commander, I didn't."
"You're lying," he growls, standing up and slamming his fist on the table.
"I promise, sir, I'm not," you say, panic in your voice. "I came in early, saw your note, and left."
"How do I know I can trust you?" he says, turning quickly to meet your eyes. His eyes are full of rage, and it terrifies you.
"Please, sir, you can trust me," you say, begging. "My allegiance is to you, to the First Order."
He turns back around and stares out the giant window, lost in thought. He takes a deep breath and exhales heavily, trying to calm himself down.
"I believe you," he says quietly. "But those plans were crucial. We were so close. We needed to take over that base."
"What base?" you ask, trying to sound clueless.
"Resistance base on Coruscant," he says. "They were much too powerful, had too much information. Now, whoever has those plans might send them to the Resistance." He slams a fist down on the window sill.
You shudder, trying to clear your mind. You try and keep your thoughts on one thing: him. You aren't sure if he can read your mind, but he can sense your emotions. You try and fill your thoughts with your feelings from last night: his note, his handwriting, his passion. You try and channel these emotions to him through the Force to try and calm him down.
He takes a deep breath and turns around to face you, his facial expression completely changed.

"You're thinking about me," he states, his face calm. "How come?"
"No reason," you say. "I just need to calm you down. It hurts me to see you angry."
He walks over to you. "I wasn't angry with you," he mutters. He places a gloved hand on your cheek, allowing his fingers to travel to your jaw. "I could never be angry with you."
Your body melts into his touch, his words warming your heart. Your mind betrays you: he was just angry with you, he's lying...but you try and let these thoughts drift away.
"Now," he says, releasing you. "Is there something you need to tell me?" You sit up straight in your chair, your heartbeat accelerating.
"What are you talking about?"
"You seem uneasy," he says. "You can tell me." That's when you remember your trip to Dagobah tonight. You squirm in your seat, worried about how he'll receive the news.

"I have to leave for two days," you say. "I leave tonight for Dagobah. My brother is very sick, I need to visit him. I've already cleared it with General Arkins. I hope it's alright." You look down at the floor, eager to avoid any eye contact.
"You leave tonight?" he asks.
"Yes," you mumble.
He places a gloved hand on your chin, drawing your head up to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry about your brother."
He bought it? "Oh, um, thank you," you stutter. "I thought you wouldn't let me go."
He releases his hand from your face. "Why would you think that?" he asks softly.
"You're unpredictable," you say, looking up into his eyes. "I never know how you'll treat me."
He looks at you for a moment, then walks to the other side of the room.
"You're confusing," he says. "I don't understand you."
You try and suppress a laugh. He's so ridiculous sometimes...but you love it.
"Commander, are we training today?" you ask.
"For a short while. Come, follow me." You walk with him into a brightly lit room. He decides to train you in the Force again, with basic objects from around the room. You guide them around the room masterfully, and you love seeing the looks Kylo gives you - like you're some sort of prodigy. It makes you feel powerful, like you're in control.

After your training, he leads you back into the room from this morning, and you stand facing him.
"I look forward to seeing you in two days," he says, avoiding your eyes.
"As do I," you say. "I'll miss you." Your heart stops, not realizing what you've just said. Did I just...
He turns to face you, his eyes wide with surprise. "What was that, my apprentice?" He doesn't say it with anger, but with sarcasm. Also, since when are you his 'apprentice?' It almost seems more demeaning to you than his 'assistant.'
"Uh, I um..." But he silences you with his gloved finger to your lips. He wraps the rest of his hand around your neck and jaw, drawing you closer to him.
"Say it again," he whispers into your ear. You shudder, lust coursing through your veins.
"I'll miss you, Commander," you whisper back.
He breathes into your neck and starts kissing it, leaving a trail of kisses from your collarbone to the top of your jaw. You press your body into his, wanting to be as close as possible. He pulls away for a second to take off one of his gloves, and tosses it behind him. He leans in close to you, your breath entwined with his, and he presses his lips to yours. His ungloved hand pulls your leg up around him, your skirt rising up your leg. Chills shoot through your veins - his touch, his warmth, his presence - take over your entire being. He places his hand under your skirt on your upper thigh, rubbing it back and forth, rocking your body into his.

When he pulls away, he looks into your eyes.
"I'll see you when you get back," he whispers, and lets go of your thigh. You brush yourself off and fix your hair.
"Alright," you say, and squeeze his hand. "See you then."
trip back to dagobah! oh no, how will the reader-character survive? haha. anyways, i hope you're enjoying it so far! i sure love writing it. alright, see you in the next one :)

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