Chapter 3: His Arrival

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INTRO: Your first few meetings with Kylo Ren don't quite go according to plan.
As you walk out of the conference room, James taps your shoulder.
"Good luck working with that," he says, gesturing to Hux, walking down the hallway.
You laugh. "Hopefully I won't have to," you say. "He's not someone I think I'd get along with."
You say goodbye to the others and walk up a dark staircase to your quarters. You arrive at room 3100 and put the key General Arkins gave you into the lock. With a heavy click, the door opens and unveils the small interior. Your walls are made of metal, with a small window overlooking the other ships in the fleet next to your bed. Your clothes have been moved to a rack opposite your bed. Your bed is a small cot with one pillow a blanket at the end - nothing compared to the cozy one on the transport. Oh well, you sigh. With my luck, I'll probably be kicked out soon anyway. You glance at your appearance in the mirror on your wall. This will have to do.

Taking a deep breath, you look at your data pad and open the notification from General Arkins. "You are to report to Kylo Ren's quarters immediately, located at the west end of the ground floor." The west end of the ground floor? And I'm meeting Kylo Ren right off the bat? You decide to bring your data pad with you, hoping that it might offer some sort of guidance along the way.

You begin to walk down the stairs, feeling incredibly nervous. Kylo Ren's gonna hate you, your invasive thoughts tell you. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but nothing seems to work. Something inside you feels...drawn to him? Almost like your body is taking you to his quarters, but you don't know where they are. It's like an instinct of sorts. You eventually come upon a large black door out of the way of the main activity on the ground floor. You've traveled down a long hallway and have come upon this, and somehow, you know this is Kylo's room. Taking one last breath, you knock.

Immediately the door swings open and you're met with a pillar of black. His robes flap around him as he swings the door open, his mask shielding himself from you. Holy shit.
"My assistant," he says blankly, his voice sounding like a machine. You've never heard anything like it. "I've been expecting you."
"Sir I- I'm sorry if I'm late," you stutter.
He doesn't respond, and walks away from the door, expecting you to follow him. You walk behind him into his quarters, an instant chill washing over you. The black walls surrounding you feel as if they're closing in on you, but you don't feel trapped. You feel at ease but as if something horrible is about to happen. You feel...dread.
"Sit," he commands, gesturing to a small corner of his quarters with a table and two chairs. You expect him to sit across from you, but instead, stands opposite you.
"So," he begins, his metal voice piercing the air. "Who are you?"
You quickly tell him your name.
"Why are you here?"
"General Arkins sent me, sir. I'm an Ex-Resistance fighter who needed a new job," you say, hoping he'll buy it.
"I have no need for an assistant," he tells you. "But I can put you to good use."
"Uh..." you stutter. "What does that mean?" He begins to pace his quarters.
"I need Resistance information. You're Ex-Resistance, I need you to tell me what you know."
You sink into your chair. "Commander, I can't-"
"You will," he says, suddenly standing over you. "Or I'll force it out of you."
You stifle a laugh. "And how would you do that?" Bad choice. Bad choice. Immediate regret.
Suddenly, you feel your brain feeling as if it's combusting. There's intense pressure in your skull, as if it's about to explode. You grip the arms of your chair and begin to sweat, fighting against this horrible feeling. What's he doing?
Finally, the pain releases as Kylo walks away from you.
"Stupid girl," he says. "I know you have information. I've seen it. Soon, you'll learn who your allegiance needs to be to."
"My allegiance, sir?" you ask.
"Yes," he breathes. "If you are truly 'Ex-Resistance,' you'll have no problem telling me what you've learned." Suddenly, he's leaning close to your face.
"Otherwise, we can arrange a...different job you can do for me," he breathes into your ear.
All the color in your face drains and you feel your heart beat accelerate. Does he mean what you think he means?
"I expect you'll oblige to my commands," he stands back up, facing you once again. "If not, you can leave tomorrow morning. The choice is yours."
Fucking asshole, you think to yourself. Of course he gives me an ultimatum.
"That's all I need you for today," he says, and turns so that his back is facing you. You take this as your cue to leave.
"Thank you sir, uh, I mean...Commander," you stumble over your words aggressively as you stride out of his quarters.

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