Chapter 23: Your Potential

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INTRO: You can't wait to see James and Myra. Gods, do you need a break.
As you round the corner to walk into your room, James and Myra are already outside, waiting for you.
"Hi!" you say as you run up to them, wrapping them in a giant hug. "You're early!"
"Yeah, well, James told me you wanted to hang out, so we rushed down here as quickly as we could!" Myra gushes.
You unlock your door and the three of you walk inside.
"Excuse the mess," you laugh, gesturing to the piles of clothes scattered throughout your room.
"Oh, don't even worry, this is nothing. You should see my room," James laughs.
"Ugh, yours is gross," Myra says, jostling him. Oh, so she's been in his room? Maybe there is something 'more' going on here.

The three of you take a seat on your floor and Myra grabs a blanket from off your bed to wrap around herself.
"Is it cold in here or is that just me?" she asks, holding the blanket tightly.
"No, it's freezing," you laugh. "I've noticed that lately. Not sure why."
"So, how's your job been?" James asks. "We need the details, immediately. You have the most interesting job out of all of us."
You laugh, thinking about all the things your 'job' has required so far.
"Well, I see Commander Ren every day," you say. "He's kind of weird, stand-offish, you know? But nice, too, I guess."
"Cool. What does he have you do? And don't say filing," Myra laughs.
"Well, I've seen his lightsaber," you say, leaning in close to them, like you're gossiping. "And I held it."
"No way!" James exclaims. "What's it like?"
"Heavy," you laugh. "But really cool. Totally unlike the sabers we used on's like, broken, or something. The blades crackle."
"Gods, I want your job!" Myra says. "Wish I could spend my days swinging around Kylo Ren's lightsaber."

You aren't sure why, but hearing his name without the 'Commander' part coming out of someone else's mouth is strange to you. It's not jealousy...but you feel weird about it.

"No, that's not all it is. He's pretty strict. When I stole those plans, he blew up...he doesn't know I did it, but I think he suspects I did."
"Do you think he knows why you're actually here?" James asks.
"I don't think so," you say, carefully choosing your words. If you let slip anything about 'training,' they'll lose their minds. They can't know what you're training for.
"Wow. Any chance you can help us get a job like that? I'm sick of flight controlling," Myra smiles.
"I wish!" you laugh, choosing not to tell them about helping Tony. "I don't think he wants any more help."
"Aw. Well, if there's an opening, let us know," James says. "My job is frustrating too."
"Alright, enough about our jobs. What's going on other than work?" you ask.
"Well," Myra says, her expression changing. "There's this rumor going around. Remember, I told you about it? That someone's giving Resistance secrets to the First Order?"
"Yeah," you say, remembering that conversation...and trying hard not to expose yourself. "Any news about it?"
"I think it's Rowan."


"Why?" you ask, shock running through your veins.
"Well, I saw her talking with General Hux. She handed him something...I don't know what it was."
"For all we know, those could be her credentials," James says, turning to Myra. "Maybe something she needed for the Medbay."
"Hey, I'm not accusing her," Myra says. "It's just suspicious."
"I guess so," you say. "She yelled at me earlier."
"What?" Myra says, turning to face you.
"Yeah. Turns out she likes me."
"No way," James says. "Do you like her?"
"I used to," you start. "But things have changed."
Myra nods. "She's changed completely. It's so weird. I haven't talked to her since I was in the Medbay."

The three of you continue to gossip deep into the night, until you finally glance at the time on your data pad.
"Guys, I have work in four hours," you exclaim. "We need to sleep!"
"Can we...stay here?" Myra asks, giving you a pleading look.
"Fine," you laugh, giving in. You grab pillows and blankets from underneath your bed - they were there when you arrived, but you never needed them until now. You toss them over to James and Myra and they set up makeshift beds on the ground. You quickly change into your nightclothes and hop into your bed, bringing the covers up over your shoulder to wrap you up.

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