Chapter 30: Epilogue

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INTRO: Welcome to your new life.
You stride down the long hallway of Kylo's quarters, your black dress flowing behind you as you walk. You enter a side room, tossing your hair over your shoulders as you walk inside. Kylo stands there, waiting for you. As you approach him, he puts his hand on your lower back and guides you next to him.

You're in the large conference room from your training, the same room in which he had you destroy Endor those many months ago. You look out the window at the massive star fleet, now under your control. Kylo meets your eyes and smirks, glad to see you're pleased with this new power.

He pats you softly on the back, then walks away to leave you in the room by yourself.

Your mind travels away from him and onto Myra. You haven't seen her since she left on that transport two months ago. When Kylo arrived to ask you to stay, your group members didn't ask questions and boarded the transport. Since then, you've sent Myra messages explaining the situation and your new position, to which she wasn't at all surprised. She expected you to stay, but she was concerned at first about you being his Empress. After all, she never knew the whole story.

Now, Myra, James, and Rowan are set to become Jedi Masters within the next year.

You, on the other hand, are on a much different path.

You think about them occasionally, but don't miss them often. You chose not to keep in touch with Master Derk. You're living a life he taught you to hate, why would you want to continue speaking with him? Messaging Myra is enough - you aren't interested in your old life anymore. This new life with Kylo, ruling by his side, is everything you could have asked for. And you never expected him to show up that day, with his arms open for you. Your life still feels almost like a dream, like you aren't actually here with him. But looking into his eyes every morning is enough for you to know you made the right decision.

As soon as you were appointed Kylo's Empress, your first order of business was firing Tony. You made sure he was sent off to some desolate desert planet somewhere, far away from you and from the First Order. Finally, you got your revenge.

And although you've been training with the Force all your life, you don't commit yourself to the Light or to the Dark Side. You think there is some of both in everyone, it just varies which side you decide to follow. For now, you're following your Dark Side, but that could change. Kylo is the one who made you realize this to be true: he has more conflict in him than anyone you've ever met. Both of you are living on both sides of the Force; living in conflict.

You love everything about him even more than you did before you made your choice. He has found ways to surprise you every day, whether it be in his abilities or his immense love for you. Being able to fall asleep in his arms every night is enough to show you that you're meant to be here, living this life. You're forever grateful to him for inviting you to live it with him.

You turn around and watch as he re-enters the room and walks back to where he was standing before, right next to you. He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him, your heart beating as one with his. You breathe him in, the memories of your training still warm in your heart.

Never did you think this would be your life.

But you've never been happier.

-author's note-
thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my allegiance. as an avid fanfiction reader myself, i never expected i would write my own, but look where we are! when i started this, it was a quarantine hobby, but i've enjoyed writing it more than i ever thought i would. thank you for everyone who has supported me throughout this process, it means the world to me. comments are always appreciated, i would love to know your thoughts! as always, i love you very, very much, and i hope that you enjoyed :)

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