Chapter 14: Homesick

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INTRO: Well, looks like you'll be going back to Jedi life for a few days. But Gods, is being with Kylo going to be the only thing on your mind the whole time?
You arrive at the docking bay with Myra, and quickly notice that you two are late. Myra was released from the Medbay yesterday, which you didn't find out about until two minutes ago when she met you at your room. It's great to see her again - you've been truly missing her company lately. As you approach the transport, Tony and Rowan greet you with small glares, and James walks up to you.
"Where have you both been?" he asks quickly, as if there's some sort of an emergency. "The transport's about to leave." The five of you rush onto the transport, the hatch quickly shutting behind you. The interior of the ship is incredibly similar to the one you took to get to the Finalizer, but it's much smaller. This time, you don't have your own room; rather, there is a main lounging area with a few cubed off sections for private conversations.

You and Myra take a seat in one of the lounging areas, and to your surprise, Rowan sits across from you.
"Rowan, I can't thank you enough for helping me in the Medbay these last few days!" Myra gushes. "I'm feeling completely better. I don't know what I would have done without you!"
Rowan smirks. "Just doing my job," she says, then meets your eyes. "Speaking of jobs, how is yours going?"
"Fine," you say, avoiding her stare. "Why?"
"Oh, no reason," she says calmly. "Just checking in on everyone's assignments. Making sure they're on task."
Your stomach does flips - the fuck is she doing? Of course, you know what she's trying to do, she's trying to make you look bad somehow. But seriously - how long is this speculation about you and Kylo going to go on? First Tony, now Rowan? It's becoming too suspicious.
"Do you have any reason to think I wouldn't be on task?" you retort, meeting her eyes. But inside of her emerald eyes, you see intense pain, and it breaks you. Holy think. I caused that.
"Of course not," she says quietly, but with an edge to her voice. She sits back in her seat, clearly done with the conversation. You sigh, wishing you could fix things - but deep down, you know you can't. Yes, you'll always feel something for her, but...for right now, Kylo is your main focus. You feel horrible about it, but it's true.

Myra looks back and forth between you and Rowan; clearly shocked.
"Uh, anyways, I..." she starts the sentence, but quickly goes quiet when Rowan shoots her a look. You glance around the transport, eager for a different place to sit, when you spot a small closed off area with two chairs inside.
"Myra, I need some time alone, I'll be over there," you say, and point to the area.

She nods, and you walk briskly last Rowan and over to your cube-like pod. You open the pristine white door and enter a small room, just big enough for two people. As you sit down in one of the seats, you glance out the tiny window. You gaze out over the First Order star fleet and that same feeling you did in Kylo's quarters: I'll be ruling over this. It's so hard to believe. When Kylo first told you his plans, you didn't expect to go through with them. But now, as the days go by, you find his job for you to be more and more appealing.

Finally, you feel the ship come to a halt and you quickly stand up, eager to get outside. You find Myra, and the two of you walk down the steep ramp into the hangar. Master Derk is waiting there, his bright face smiling up at your group.
"Good evening everyone," he says. "Thank you for coming. Your old rooms are waiting for you, go, get some rest," he smiles, gesturing to the door leading to Koisk Base. You smile, excited to be back in your own room. Of course, the Finalizer feels comfortable to you, but something about Dagobah feels like home to you.

You start to follow the others but are stopped by a hand on your arm.
"I just wanted to thank you," Master Derk tells you. "I know you got off to a...rough start, but you've truly redeemed yourself."
"Thank you, Master," you say. "I'm glad I could help."
He nods and releases your arm, and you enter Koisk base. You follow Myra out the back door and into the cool nighttime air, the misty fog surrounding you. You breathe it in - it's so refreshing to finally be exposed to fresh air. You continue down the pathway to the rooms, and you and Myra enter your subsection of them. When you get inside, Myra shivers.
"Gods, it's cold out there!"
"Really? I didn't think it was that bad."
"Hmm. Well, anyways, it's so great to be back! I honestly missed it," she says, taking in her surroundings. "Let's go back to our rooms!"
Myra runs to your room, and you laugh as you open the door. The inside is exactly as you remember it - nothing has been touched since you left. It almost makes you emotional - like you're finally home.
Myra squeals. "I've missed this place!" She gives you a quick hug around your waist, then runs off to her room.

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