Chapter 3

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Calypso's POV:

I can't walk fast enough. I've already passed Obiwan and have been sprinting back through the orchard and garden. I trip on the way into the courtyard and a guard quickly comes to my aid.

"My lady. Are you alri...?" He begins to ask but I giggle and am already on my way through the doors.

"I'm fine, thank you! Sorry, but father is back!" I call back and continue to sprint up the steps and in the throne room.

There's no one in here but guards. I approach the one closest to me.

"Do you know where my mother or father is?" I ask hurriedly.

He bows before saying, "My lady, the guards escorted Master Jinn into the Solar room."

"Thank you!" I exclaim and run out again.

I race back down the stairs and down another set of steps leading down. I turn to the right, down one more set of stairs, to a hallway.

To the left is a door outside to the greenhouse and to the right is the Solar. The room with one long table where mother or father go to have important discussions I'm sometimes allowed to sit in on, although I understand very little of what is said.

I rush in and see a young boy standing at one end of the long table. His head shoots up when I rush in and my violet eyes meet his soft blue eyes. He smiles and I smile back.

Who is this kid?

I don't take the time to ask and rush to my father who's at the opposite end of the table standing, talking to my mother.

"Father!" I exclaim and he turns around and catches me in his arms.

"My child." He says into my hair. "I've missed you dearly."

I start to tear up. He gets on his knees to be at my eye level but still holds me.

I pull away slightly and absentmindedly twirl his hair between my fingers.

"Where have you been Father?" You ask and tears fall slowly from your eyes. "I was so worried you might be hurt or worse."

He wipes your tears away before lifting your chin up so you'll meet his eyes.

"My child, the life of a Jedi is unpredictable. I longed to be here with you and your mother. But my duty is to the republic. And they required me to be elsewhere." He tries to explain as straightforward as possible but I can't help being sad.

It's unfair that you, yourself, are against the Jedi code. That the love you know your father feels for your mother is against the Jedi code. And if you became a Jedi, anyone that you might love would be against it. It makes you not want to join, although you want to be just like your father and Obi.

"I understand. I'm sorry father." You say and hug him again. You can't waste however much time he'll be here, being sad.

He smiles and kisses your head. You know he gets it.

He stands up and takes your hand. "Let me introduce you to someone."

He takes you towards the little boy you saw upon entering the room.

"This is my daughter, Calypso." He says and you curtsy.

"This is Anakin Skywalker. We found him on Tatooine, the desert planet you've no doubt learned about in your studies." He says. I extend my hand to Anakin and we shake hands.

Something happens when we touch. I feel something. Like I'm understood. Like I'm not alone. Like I'm validated.

"It's nice to meet you, Anakin." You say.

You have an intuition that this kid, whoever he may be, or will become, is going to be important to you and to the republic.

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