Chapter 19

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Anakins POV:

I have been traveling non-stop for the last four years ever since leaving Coruscant. It had destroyed me when Calypso had left to go get her kyber crystal. Not that I wasn't happy for her, I just want to always be with her.

I felt bad I hadn't even said goodbye to her. It wasn't her fault I wasn't going to Ilum. Moments after she left I  had run after her to apologize but they were already gone.

On my way back to my room I had been stopped by Qui-Gon, asking that I follow him to a meeting with the Jedi Council.

"Why wasn't I allowed to accompany the rest of the younglings to get their lightsabers?" I had asked, no one had explained.

"You are not ready for the responsibility, young one." He explained. "However, once you have some more training and experience we will go to Ilum and you will receive your crystal."

I nod but couldn't help being disappointed. I follow him into the council chambers where I was about to be a whole lot more upset with more decisions made for me.

The council wanted me and Qui-Gon to leave immediately to the outer rim to gain and ensure loyalty from the planets there. I had argued very heavily against the council about not having a lightsaber and not wanting to leave Coruscant until I could further my training.

They had dismissed my argument saying that I'd get my lightsaber in time and that the best teacher for me would be political warfare along with combat training with Qui-Gon when we had the time.

They had dismissed us both before there could be further arguments. I was seething. Calypso had pointed out long ago that she felt like I had been taken from one form of slavery to another and I really did start to understand what she meant until now.

Qui-Gon tried to console me, "Young Ani, the council is not out to get you. They truly believe that this is the best course of action for you, in order to strengthen your training. Yes, your path to becoming a Jedi knight is vastly different than anyone elses, but you are also not like anyone else. Your path is special. This is the will of the force."

He was right, of course, but it was hard to set aside my feelings. I was leaving another place I had gotten comfortable in to go to far out into the galaxy. Plus who knew how long it would take till I could come home. Calypso would be all alone.

Calypso. I didn't say goodbye and I wouldn't get the chance. We were set to leave immediately and she wouldn't be back from Ilum until later tonight. I excused myself to my room to go pack what little belongings I had.

Once I was done I sat on the bed and tried to send Cal a message.

I won't be here when you get back. I've been sent on a mission with Qui-Gon and several other Jedi. I will miss you. See you as soon as can.

I didn't feel anything in return and doubted she got the message but I was glad I said something all the same. I grabbed my bag full of everything I  owned, took one last look at my room and set out to the hangar and to my uncertain future.

**** Four Years Later****

I had been to countless planets throughout the past four years to gain their loyalty. Two years into our missions I was deemed ready to find my crystal and assemble my lightsaber and I couldn't have been more excited for anything, besides of course sitting on my ledge in the garden with Calypso.

I wonder about her constantly. Where she was, what color her lightsaber ended up being, everyone she'd met, how well she'd become in combat and if she still thought of me.

I'd tried to reach out to her countless times but although I could sense her presence, no message I sent ever got to her.

I was currently on a mission on Lothal, ensuring their loyalty to the republic, when I felt an overwhelming sense, something so familiar.

Cal. I knew it was her, so close to me. "Master Qui-Gon," I say and run into the room next to mine where Qui-Gon had slept while we negotiated with Lothal.

"Yes, my padawan?" He said and raised his head. He had been packing to leave.

"I believe Calypso and Obiwan are on this planet. I am not sure why they're here, but I can sense it." I say.

He brought out a hologram projector. "Master Obiwan, come in, master Obiwan." He said after typing in Obiwans frequency numbers.

"Master Qui-Gon. I am surprised to hear from you. Is everything alright?" I see master Kenobi say through the hologram.

"Yes, my dear friend. My padawan came to me with a sense that you and your padawan were on Lothal. We are also here and would enjoy seeing you before we head back to Coruscant," My master said and my heart began to beat irregularly, I was so close to Calypso after so long.

Obiwan smiles. "Yes, my padawan and I are here but I am afraid we must make it back to Coruscant immediately." Obiwan says and your heart tightens. He continues, "We have just apprehended known separatist recruiter Kena Polli. We apprehended him only moments before your message came in. We must bring him back to Coruscant for questioning as soon as possible. But we will see you there?"

"Yes, dear friend. We shall meet you in Coruscant. May the force be with you." Qui-Gon says and the hologram shuts off.

I'm so impatient to see Calypso. It'd been four years with no talking or even feeling her presence and being so close and yet so far was tearing me apart. I excuse myself to my room and sat down on my bed. I want to reach her before she left Lothal.

Hey Cal I say.

Anakin? I hear her say and my heart skips.

We will see each other soon I said.

Finally. I've missed you more than I can express. She says and my heart glows.

I open my eyes and lay back in bed for a few moments before I have to leave.

I can't help but smile. I'm finally going home to see Calypso.

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