Chapter 6

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Calypso's POV:

I knew this discussion was going to come eventually but had hoped I'd have more time to decide. It was difficult because both mother and father wanted different things but ultimately wanted me to decide.

I feel like I'm dragging my feet as we make our way back to the palace. Anakin offers his hand as comfort and I take it, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

We make our way back into the Solar where my mother is sitting at the table, head in her hands. She looks up as we enter and I see traces of tears on her face. She wipes at her face and smiles at me.

It seems like the decision has already been made.

I look at my father and he motions for me to sit down. He turns to Obiwan. "Could you take Anakin elsewhere. I want to discuss this, with just our family."

Obi nods and Anakin squeezes my hand before releasing it. He gives me a hopeful smile before following Obiwan out the door.

I turn back to my father and look to my left at my mother. I reach for her hand and she gladly takes it.

"So I'm assuming I'm going to become a Jedi?" I say out loud not really directed at either of them.

My mother looks at my father questionably and he nods before sitting down.

"Calypso, my love," he starts, "Your skill is undeniable and can only be improved upon by coming with me to the Jedi temple. I know you had pondered becoming queen after your mother or perhaps a senator but I think we both know that's not who you are. You're a fighter and defender and the republic could use more fighters like you."

I glance at my mother. And back at my father.

"What about mother? I don't want to leave her alone. She already worries so much about you and then with me joining the order I..." I start to spill out and my father interrupts.

"Your mother has something she needs to tell you." He says and motions to her.

I look over at her inquisitively.

She moves closer to me and puts a strand of my unruly hair behind my ear.

"My dear, I'm pregnant." She explains, "I didn't tell you first because I wanted your father to be the first to know. So you see, I won't be alone. And I know you'll be safe because you'll have your father and Obiwan. And you are more than capable of taking care of yourself." She finishes and tears start to slowly fall down her face.

I hug her. I can't imagine how hard this will be on her but I know my father was right. I would never been content remaining here to rule Lestrad as their Queen. Or representing them as a senator.

I turn back to my father and nod.

"I'd like to become a Jedi knight. And be trained in the ways of the force." I say with certainty and confidence.

He smiles. "It's settled then. This time next week we will be leaving for Coruscant to introduce you to the Jedi masters and see about you training as a Jedi youngling."

I feel my mother's sadness. My father walks up to her and kisses her. They hug and I run to them and all three of us embrace. I want to freeze this moment but I decide to just bask in it. In a weeks time these moments will become few and far between.


We all sit around the dining room table. Father and Obiwan are laughing and joking. Mother is sitting and listening, looking lovingly and longingly at father. I think she's trying to remember everything about him before he's gone again.

She dislikes the Jedi and the rules they've made that keep her and father apart. And today while father discussed what to expect when at the Jedi Temple, he said I'd have to change my last name so that my relation to him is never discovered.

Mother burst out that she didn't understand these rules. He had a family even with them in place, had been with her for 15 years and still carried out his duties without any problems.

Father tried to explain that it might not always be that way. Something could happen to her or to me and he would have to choose between us or the republic. A decision he'd like to avoid at all costs.

She knew how much being a Jedi meant to him. And she felt ashamed for being upset. But she loved him with every bit of herself and just wanted him to come home, every time.

I try to eat, but my appetite is gone. I glance at Anakin and see he's trying to sneak Obiwans bread off his plate. I giggle and Anakin's eyes shoot to me. He smirks.

Obiwan notices his tiny hand and shoos him away. This makes me giggle harder. I offer him the bread from my plate and he takes it. Smiling graciously.

After dinner is finished and cleared up, father suggests I go to bed. Obiwan escorts Anakin to the room he'll be staying in and we wave goodnight to one another.

I have gotten ready for bed and am laying in bed. My mother is sitting beside me, playing with my hair. My father is at the foot of my bed, reading me a story.

I fall asleep to the soft rhythm of his voice. Heart full of love, completely at peace.

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