Chapter 12

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Calypso's POV:

The next week and a half I was training sunrise to sunset in the training room, mastering the wall obstacle course.

I could feel my lack of eating a proper meal seriously start to wear on my sleeping habits, endurance and even ability to tap into the force. I've tried and failed to reach out to Anakin for the past few days and have ultimately given up. I just am tired of feeling completely alone.

Obiwan hasn't been back to train you since my first day. And they have been having me train with a different Jedi master everyday. Today I am with Master Kit Fisto.

He is nice but not lenient and although I am nearly to the point of passing out, he pushes me to maintain your strength and agility through the obstacle course.

You achieve the course in seven minutes and Master Fisto starts to adjust the controls for me to run it again and further improve my time. I'm barely even able to stand. I just want to be able to rest or eat. Or eat and then rest.

Please let this be over soon.

Master Fisto calls you to be ready to begin. You struggle to stand up but you stand in front of the wall, ready to push through your pain and exhaustion to achieve what you hope is the last of the training you'll have to do with these walls.

Just then you feel a familiar presence behind you and turn around to see your father approaching you. You want to collapse in his arms and have him take you to your room, perhaps read you stories as you drift off to sleep.

He bows to Master Fisto and to you. "Master Fisto. The council requests that young Calypso is given a proper meal and sent to bed early. She shall appear before them tomorrow morning."

Master Fisto nods and dismisses you. You follow your father into the lift and you fall into his side as the doors close. He picks you up and holds you tightly, hugging you close to him like he use to do back home. You wrap your arms around his neck and lay your head on his shoulder.

You've missed him so much. It's been so long since you've even seen him and even then it was only from a distance.

There's never anyone else on your temporary floor besides guards so he doesn't set you down when the lift stops. He carries you to your room and sets you down on the bed.

He brushes the stray hairs off your face before saying, "I'm so sorry for being absent this past week. I requested to be one of the Jedi who trained you at least for a day but they wouldn't allow anyone you'd met before to train you, so neither me or Obiwan was allowed to see you."

You had wanted to ask about that but you didn't know how to. You were glad for the explanation.

"They only switched the Jedi up so often so you would know what kind of leadership works for you and which doesn't. Also, to see if need be, you were to bond with any other Jedi." He explains. You're thankful for a full explanation. You doubted you'd get one if you were to ask the council.

There's a knock on the door and your father goes to open it. He comes back with a tray of food and you start grabbing food off of it before he even sets it onto your lap. He chuckles and allows you to eat.

While you're eating he excuses himself to go grab something. You're finished eating by the time he gets back, book in hand.

He takes your tray and sets it on the table and then sits at the end of your bed. You cuddle into your pillow while he opens the book and begins to read to you.

You're so grateful for this small sense of familiarity and peace after the past couple weeks. You know that this won't happen often but you're so grateful that it's happening at all. You drift off to the sound of your fathers voice.

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