Chapter 49

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Obiwans POV:

I had been a fool to believe Calypso would handle my forceful hand in her separation from Anakin with anything less than complete betrayed shock. I knew what he meant to her and still I tried to push her towards her Jedi knighthood and future as a master.

Watching the betrayal and hurt deep within her eyes had made me realize the complete folly of my actions too late. Now, it would take a miracle for her to trust me again. But maybe it was for the best.

With no attachment to me, our final goodbye before my final departure to Mandalore would not be a hurtful one, but a peaceful finality. I, of course, want to always be there for Cal, but I understand after this if she refuses to allow that to happen. 

All things considered, my heart did feel lighter. My guilt for ruining their friendship had been weighing heavily on my heart and although I had never discussed with Satine the depths of my shame, she knew there was something deep within me I needed to resolve.

Qui-Gon had warned me against interfering in Anakin and Calypsos relationship. How foolish I'd been to disregard his instruction. He was wiser than Id ever admit to him and this mistake was not one I was ready to admit to him or Satine.

I walk back to my room and quietly slip into bed beside Satine, kissing her lightly before falling asleep.


Anakin's POV:

I open my eyes to the sun rising above the mountains in the distance. My arm is numb but looking down to see Calypso sleeping soundly on it, makes me refuse to move it.

It all felt like a dream, maybe better than a dream. Cal had come back to me. Itd been much sooner than I had anticipated but that only made it all the more special.

She looked so peaceful, more than I've seen her be since we were reunited, maybe even before. She carried so many burdens. I just hope venting last night had helped alleviate the weight.

I brush the hair hanging over her face and tuck it behind her pointed ear, tracing it as my fingertips came down to meet her cheek. They trained down her jaw till I met her chin and lifted to trace her lips, her small pointed nose and eyebrows. Gods, she was lovely.

She sleepily opens one eye and I see the galaxy has returned to them. She smiles lazily and throws her arms around my neck. I pull her on top of me and hug her, both of our faces buried in one anothers neck. My arm, freed of her weight starts to tingle and I jerk it, trying to regain blood flow through it.

She giggles, "Whatre you doing, dork?" She asks and pokes my cheek. I smile and grab her hand.

"Well, someone fell asleep on my arm and crushed it during their sleep. Trying to get some blood flowing through it," I say casually and she hits me playfully.

"Well then don't have such comfy arms," she says with a grin. 

"Are you suggesting my arms are plush and round like a pillow," I say and feign shock.

She rolls her eyes and attempts to roll off me but I hold her still.

"You called me chubby. Admit it," I taunt and she just shakes her head.

"Youre impossible," she laughs but I'm not done being playful.

"Admit it!" I say and begin to tickle her, bringing myself on top of her and pinning her down with one arm.

"Im sorry, I'm sorry," she gasps out between laughs, "youre toned and strong, strongest guy I know."

I stop my attack but leave my hand at her side and bring the other one off her hands and to the side of her face. I stroke her face slowly and she smiles up at me, but as I search her face her smile fades and sadness pools in her eyes.

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