Chapter 25

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Calypso's POV:

Obiwan had told me about my fathers mission and that he was going home. Anakin had said that father and him had visited Lestrad a few separate times during their time in the outer rim.

I had been disappointed that I haven't been able to make it home since I left so long ago. I had asked Anakin so many questions about my siblings. What they were like, if they were force sensitive, their likes and dislikes.

He had told me that Juniper had already exhibited traits of force sensitivity. Aleksei, however, seemed normal. But he still had time to show if he was force sensitive.

Aleksei was a lot like your mother. Compassionate, thoughtful and sweet. He was always thinking of others and trying to help out as much as a four year old could.

Juniper, however, was a troublemaker. She often would force things off counters and giggle as they shattered. Or she would trip her brother or hit him with things. These things, of course, were merely antics of a child. But unless controlled early on could definitely become a problem.

My father spent much of his time with her. Trying to discipline her and show her that her actions had consequences. But again, she was a four year old child. And it was unfair to expect her to act as anything more.

My dream had again felt like I'd physically been there and more than anything I wish I could be. Seeing Anakin getting along with my brother and sister made my heart melt.

I plan on contacting him tomorrow morning. I miss him and really wanted to know how my family was doing and I really needed to share news about Obiwan and Satine.

They spoke to one another so cordially but it always seemed they had so much more to say to one another. Satine has asked me many questions about my life before the Jedi order. It seemed like she tried to respect the Jedi order and I think in part she did.

We were peacekeepers who were encouraged to only kill if that was the only option for survival or the survival of others. We were also never allowed to kill an unarmed man, force sensitive or otherwise.

I answered her questions about my past as best I could, using the past father and Obiwan had constructed for me. But a big part of me just wanted to vent to Satine about my actual family. She seemed extremely trustworthy and thoughtful and I knew she'd listen.

But upon glancing at Obiwan when Satine first started asking questions about my father, he had shaken his head ever so slightly, letting me know not to tell her the truth. I hated lying to her, but I did as I was told.

After dinner Satine excuses herself to her chambers. Obiwan and I leave to retire to our rooms shortly after. Once we reach the door of Obiwans room I ask, "Might I speak with you Master. We haven't really gotten a chance to talk since we arrived."

"Of course," he says and opens the door. His room was larger than mine but had the same general layout. I sat down in the sitting room and he sat on a chair opposite me.

I didn't know where to start so I decided to ask the question that has been bothering me the most.

"Why can't I trust Satine with the truth about who I am?" I ask.

Obiwan rubs his chin for a moment and sighs. "It is not that you can't trust the Duchess. She is one of the most honorable women in the galaxy," he says with a far off look, "but unfortunately if she hears that Qui-Gon has successfully hidden not only a marriage, but now three children, from the council... Well I expect she'll have some uncomfortable questions for me. And all my answers would be valid but then again so would her accusations. Maybe I'm a coward, but I'd hate to admit to that woman, that I cared about her too much to stay and potentially ruin the planet she's rebuilt."

I listen and it did seem like it made sense. But underneath it all was one simple truth. "You don't won't to admit you're in love with her." I admit plainly.

He looks shocked by my words. "I'm afraid, dear child, it's not as simple as all that. I chose the order and she chose her planet."

"You could still choose each other," I say.

He chuckles but it was void of joy. "I'm afraid the fact of the matter is, we both have moved on with our lives, quite spectacularly. For what purpose we are back in eachothers lives currently should not be speculated, merely enjoyed. And once we leave in a few months, all will return to how it was." He finishs saying but with little conviction behind his words.

"Enough questions about the Duchess and myself. Tell me about your friendship with Anakin," Obiwan says.

I fiddle with my fingers before placing them in my lap. "Well.." I start but I didn't know how. "I mean you know we've known eachother and been friends for a little more than five years, minus of course the time we were apart. Umm..." I hate this, talking about Anakin, I've never had someone to do that with.

Obiwan waits patiently.

"He's my best friend. Since I left home he's been the only one I can confide in. We trust each other. And we have this..." I debate sharing about our bond through the force. I decide I should, "we have this bond. We can communicate through the force. When we're together I just feel like we're two halves of one soul. I don't know if that makes sense." I finish speaking and look at Obiwan to see what he'll say.

He ponders what I've said but eventually speaks. "During your trials before becoming a youngling, your and Anakins connection was noted by the council. They were fearful that if you were to remain together you would rely on one another and would be lost once you were apart. That's why they separated you for those four years. They didn't want either of you to start down a path the other would willingly follow, because your stories were meant to intertwine, of that I have no doubt, but they cannot be the same story."

I want to be upset but there wasn't any reason for it. It did make sense. Ive grown so much on my missions with Obiwan in the past four years, I know I wouldn't change that experience for anything.

"So what do I do then? About me and him?" I need help, the situation was tearing me apart.

Obiwan sighs, "The right answer is to cut off all ties with him unless you can control your emotions. You can't help loving him but you can control what you do about it. So my question for you is, what're you gonna do about it?"

I think hard. What could I do about it? If I allowed myself to be in love with Anakin I would have to leave the order, I would never agree to hide our relationship from them.

But did Anakin even want a relationship? This whole thing felt false. Was it just a rebellious act against the Jedi council, the smallest glimpse of free will we thought we could get? Or was it real?

I felt foolish. This was merely young love. Neither of us was wise enough to make such a life altering decision.

I knew what you had to do. And it broke my heart, but in a way that's how I knew it was the right decision.

I confidently look up and met Obiwans eyes. He knows before I even speak.

"I am going to become a Jedi Knight."

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