Chapter 16

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Anakins POV:

I lay awake, thinking of Cal. There's just something about her, such a strong connection between us. She's my best friend, someone I can count on to be there for me.

I felt embarrassed admitting that I had been watching her sleep. It wasn't supposed to be creepy I just couldn't help it. She was the most beautiful person I'd ever met.

I had asked her a thousand questions about Lestradian people, interested to know everything I could about her life.

She had told the history of her people. They used to be known as Elves from the planet Canculla. But the Elves were a dangerous people who hated all other races. Elves thought because of their beauty and because their lives lasted hundreds of years longer than most other species that they were superior.

They were known for luring humans and other creatures back to their planet of Canculla by using their bewitching beauty and powerful mind tricks.

Once they had them back on the planet they would put some of them into an arena to fight one another, for their amusement. The rest would become servants.

However, there were many elves that didn't agree with the cruelty the others so readily exhibited. So they escaped to Lestrad. And created their own civilization.

Canculla, however, was invaded and the Elves were all destroyed. It took a long time for people to trust the people of Lestrad. Lestradian did a lot to prove themselves. But once they started to marry other species and make Lestrad more diverse, everyone was a lot more welcoming to them.

"You said that Elves lived a long time." I'd asked her. "And since you're descended from Elves, doesn't that mean you're gonna live a long time too?"

She'd nodded but then thought hard. "Honestly I don't know." She'd finally said. "Since father is human. I don't know if that changes anything but it might. But I could die in combat or in many other ways so it might not even end up mattering." She had said, chuckling, to lighten the mood.

I had smiled but started to think about a world Cal would live in in the future, one I couldn't be a part of. And I was jealous. Jealous that Cal might live for hundreds of more years. Meet hundreds of more people. Save hundreds of lives without me by her side.

And forget about you.

I hated to admit my fear. I couldn't imagine living a life without her since we met. I didn't want her to get used to living one without me

"Anakin?" You heard her interrupt your thoughts. "I could live a thousand years and I'd still never forget you." She said, grinning.

I hated how I forgot she could hear my thoughts. I wanted to be able to block her out, unless I meant to tell her something.

"Get out of my head!" I had said, only half joking.

She had swatted at me playfully, giggling. "I can only hear your thoughts when I feel your strong emotions."

I smiled but internally I vowed to learn to hide your thoughts from her. I couldn't allow her to sneak into my head. I didn't want her to know how I felt about her. And how badly I needed her.


Calypso's POV

I couldn't sleep. I was too excited about traveling to Ilum and finally assembling my lightsaber.

I realize I still had a few years I'd need to go through rigorous training before I could become a padawan and even longer before I became a knight. But I'd get through it, as so many others had before me and so many would after.

Plus I had Anakin to help me through it all. I was grateful I wasn't doing this alone. And I got to actually talk to someone about my training and how it affected us both. I was worried for the day that we both became padawans. And then who knows when we'd see one another.

I hadn't slept at all when I sense a presence outside my door. I scurried out of bed and wrapped a scarlet robe around myself and sat back down on my bed. I heard a soft knock on my door. I welcomed them in.

I saw Obiwans familiar silhouette in my door way. He seemed surprised to see me awake. "Oh, good morning, little Cal. We will be leaving for Ilum in half an hour. Be down in the hangar on platform 11 by then."

I bowed. "Yes, Master Kenobi."

He was about to leave when he caught the door and peaked his head in. I look back to him and raise my eyebrows in question.

"Yes, Master?" I inquire.

He grinned slightly. "I find it interesting that you and Anakin were the only two younglings already awake." I blush and look away and he continued. "Oh well, probably just a coincidence."

"Don't forget your cloak, it'll be cold on Ilum." Obiwan called back to me.

I try to shake off his words. Anakin and I were just best friends. Nothing else.

I got dressed into your youngling training outfit and brown leather boots.  I grabbed my scarlet cloak and made my way to Anakins door and knocked. I sensed him in there but there was no answer.

"Anakin?" I asked. I pushed opened the door when he didn't answer. Anakin sat on his bed, his head in his hands. When he looked up I could see he'd been crying.

My heart hurt for him. I hurry to his side. "Anakin whats wrong? What happened?"

He looks away from me, angrily wiping away his tears. I can feel his hurt and anger.

"I'm not coming." He said barely above a whisper. "Obiwan said that I'm not going to get my crystal today. Qui-Gon decided I'm not ready yet."

I can't help but be angry. I hadn't seen Anakin training but cant imagine he wasn't ready for his lightsaber. Plus I really didn't want to be apart from him during this huge change and now I was further along than him in training and didn't know how often I'd see him.

I knew it was almost time for me to leave. But I don't want to. I hold Anakin from behind, my head on his back. Wishing I could comfort him. I began to hear the rest of the younglings in the hall making their way downstairs and knew I need to go.

"I'm so sorry, Anakin" I say. He said nothing and I make my way to the door. I look back one more time but Anakin won't even look at me. I can feel his sadness radiating off of him. I can hardly rip myself away from the door, but I know I had to move on. He would be fine.

Everything's okay. You're going to be okay.

I try to send him encouragement. But I feel closed off to him. It hurts my feelings. It wasn't my fault that Anakin wasn't coming with me, but I feel like he blames me somehow.

I shake off my thoughts and ran to the hangar. Everyone was already in the ship and Obiwan was waiting outside. He motioned for me to hurry, but I stop and ask him to sit beside him in the cockpit while we make our way to Ilum. He agrees.

I sat down in the copilots seat and Obiwan tussles my hair playfully as he sat down. He hasnt done anything brotherly like that for so long and it helps me feel better about leaving Anakun. I smile at him, I'm grateful he was the Jedi they had picked to lead this assignment.

"Are we all ready to go, Master Yoda?" Obiwan called back into the seating area.

"Ready, we are." Yoda said back.

"Alright, we're heading out." Obiwan calls back and we began to lift off the platform.

He glances to me and grins. "Let's go assemble your lightsaber finally."

I can't help but smile. As we rise above Coruscant and then out into the atmosphere, my excitement makes me forget how I feel about Anakin. I was happy for my future. As we shift into hyperspace, I close my eyes and concentrated on how I feel in this moment.

I feel joy. And I dont want to lose it.

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