Chapter 38

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Obiwans POV:

I've wanted to tell Calypso about the pregnancy and engagement every day. But each time I was close to admitting my loyalty was no longer to her or the Jedi council, I would panic and question the decisions I've made. My decision was already made of course, but Calypso was a constant reminder that this decision wasn't an easy one.

She has depended on me for five years now. We've become a great team both in strategy and execution and we understood eachother in a way that only a padawan and master can. She was my little sister and I hated to tell her I can't be there for her anymore and that she'd need to be assigned a new master.

At first avoiding Cal was intentional. I wasn't ready to talk to her and see the betrayal on her face. Soon weeks passed. I could feel her anxiety, perhaps she thought I was upset with her. We spoke in passing, often, but never about what was actually going on between you two.

She had told me of her findings during her investigation in the city concerning the bombing. Once I learned of the disappearance of the two guards the night before the bombing I concerned myself with finding more information.

I interviewed many of the guards concerning this, even probed their minds, but they knew nothing of the whereabouts of the two guards who had disappeared. Or even precisely when itd happened.

Satine began to feel sick constantly and I stayed with her. I had watched Qui-Gon take care of Galadriel while she was pregnant with Calypso and although I had been much younger then, the thoughtfulness and constant care Qui-Gon showed his wife was impressed upon me.

I spent every minute I wasnt investigating the bombing with Satine. I didnt want to miss any part of her pregnancy. We had felt our little boy moving a month ago. It was surreal and so special to know that we had created life. The pride I felt at being a father was immeasurable. I understood why Qui-Gon had never once regretted breaking the jedi code for his children.

Now months had passed since I had sat down with my padawan and had a real conversation about what has been going on. I felt awful and eventually Satine said enough was enough, I had to speak with her. She said she had been allowing me to work through my issues with Calypso by myself for too long. She couldn't stand by as I lied to my padawan, she would need to know eventually and now was as good a time as ever.

I agree but ask that Satine sit down with Calypso first. She admits that she doesnt think its a good idea to hear the news from her but I persist. I go to my room to meditate and get my thoughts together.

When I finally decide to join Satine and Calypso I have no idea what to expect. I walk in and see a very tense Calypso and stressed out Satine. I kiss my lovely fiance's hand and sit beside her.

"Cal, I know how this must make you feel.." I start to say but Cal stands up abruptly and yells at me. Any other time I would reprimand her for her blatant disrespect, but I know I deserve it. She storms out and I rise to follow her but Satine grabs my hand.

"No, Ben, give her time to process this all. If you approach her now she'll only react in anger and confusion." She says softly and I know shes right. I sit back down and she leans into me.

I sigh, ashamed of myself for allowing this situation to escalate to this point. Calypso was treated so unfairly in all of this and I have been completely selfish since Satine and I were reunited again.

Satine leaves to go lay down and I help her into bed. Just as I'm leaving her room I sense a disturbance. Cal.

I run to her room but the door is locked. This is bad. I grab my lightsaber and cut the handle off the door and push my way into the room. I see three Mandalorian guards around Cal, both her lightsabers ignited. I dont understand what could possibly be happening until the guard in the front, a girl, turns to glare at me.

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