Chapter 9

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Calypso's POV:

I body begans to shake uncontrollably from nervousness as we enter Coruscants atmosphere. I have to sit down because my legs can no longer sustain my weight.

Anakin is at the window, marveling at all the sights. He motions for me to join but my heart is beating out of my chest. Everyone's words become muffled and I start to panic. My breaths start to become shallow and I feel so scared.

Obiwan notices me panicking and sits beside me, trying to make sure I'm okay. He hug mes and I start to cry, i don't know what's come over me.

Anakin rushes to my side my Obiwan, annoyed, motions him back to the window. He begrudgingly goes but i can feel him watching me with concern.

Obiwan holds me and brushes my hair with his fingers. "Shhhh, it's gonna be okay. You're alright, shhhh." He soothes me.

My breathing begins to normalize and I calm down and apologize. I take deep breaths until my heart beats regularly  He wipes away my tears. "Are you alright?" He asks, concerned.

I nod rapidly. I can't allow anything like that to happen in front of the council, i can't show that kind of weakness.

My father comes over to me and  holds my shoulders. "Don't panic, young one. You will impress the Jedi council. Of that I have no doubt."

I hug him, I never want to let go. Who knows when I'll be able to hug him again.

He lets me go as the ship docks. "Starting now dear child, I am not your father. Nor have you met me before we came to your planet."

I nod and I feel my eyes start to brim with tears but you nod and hurriedly wipe them away.

No more crying, I mentally scold myself, Crying won't change what's happening. You must be stronger than your feelings.

Anakin grabs my hand as the door opens and we step out onto the platform.

I look over to him. We're gonna be okay you reassure yourself.

As long as we're together you sense him think.

We both look at one another, shocked that without speaking, we are able to understand one another's thoughts.



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Anakins POV:

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Anakins POV:

I stand before the Jedi council, allowing Master Qui-Gon to answer as many questions as he's able to without me.

I fade into my own thoughts. I think about Calypso and the connection I felt with her from the moment we met. But when I heard her thoughts, I now knew there was much more to it.

I wanted to try and send her another  encouraging thought, she had been so nervous. I didn't know if it'd work without physically touching but I tried anyways.

Everything's okay. You're gonna be okay.

If she received my message she didn't reply, but I hoped it reached her and helped her feel better.

I refocus on the conversation at hand, my future in a fragile balance.

"This child is far too old to be brought into the Jedi council as a youngling. His training will be far behind every other child's and we will not give him the luxury of extra time to catch up. Perhaps he is interested in another path for force sensitive children?" A tall, dark skinned man explains.

"Master Windu, with all due respect, my current padawan, Obiwan, came to the order at a late age and became my padawan at an even more mature age. I would take him on as my Padawan learner when his training is done and would train him in the ways of the force. This would be a challenge, to be sure. But one I have already experienced and am prepared for." Qui-Gon says.

"Right, he is. Advanced far beyond all expectations, Master Kenobi has." A small green creature says to all the masters.

"I do believe Anakin is the one the prophecy speaks of. The one born of the force to bring balance back to it. He must be trained in the ways of the Jedi so that when the time comes, he will be prepared to bring balance to the force." Qui-Gon pressed.

The tall man, Master Windu, seems unhappy with the debate. He sits in silence for a time before turning to me.

"What are your thoughts, young one," he inquires.

I don't particularly like this man but I try to be respectful. I stand up straight and say with certainty. "I can do all that is asked of me. I can and will work to surpass the training required to becoming a Jedi."

Master Windu huffs and looks skeptically at the little green creature.

"Strong willed are you, young one." The green creature speaks. I decide I like him. "Strength, you will need, if to become a Jedi, you are."

Master Windu seems to be conflicted.  Everyone in the room looks to him and he sits back, arms crossed. "Master Qui-Gon, we shall defer to your judgment. We will not instruct any other Jedi Master to train this young one, you personally will have to take full responsibility of excelerating his training so that in no less than three months, he will be able to train with the other younglings his age."

Qui-Gon bows and says, "I will spend every spare minute of my time training young Skywalker. He will be ready when the time comes to train with the other younglings."

"Been made, the decision has," Yoda says, "A youngling, you are now. Qui-Gons padawan, you will become."

I can't help but smile. The worrying is over. I am on my way to becoming a Jedi knight.

Qui-Gon and I both bow and then make our way back into the lift. I can't wait to tell Calyspo.

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