Chapter 18

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Calypso's POV:

When I'd arrived back to Coruscant I couldn't hardly pay attention to anything that was said, I needed to see Anakin. The only thing I needed to hear was that I was dismissed for the rest of the day.

I sprint and although my hip and shoulder are on fire, I dont care. I had to share my lightsaber with Anakin. I ran to his room but it was empty. I then ran to our ledge in the garden, but he also wasn't there.

I accidentally run into Master Plo Koon. After profusely apologizing I inquire about Anakin and Master Qui-Gon.

"They were sent on an assignment to the outer rim. All Jedi Masters besides Master Yoda and Obiwan were sent out into the far reaches of the galaxy. The republic wants to secure loyalty with them. With Maul having returned we are aware there is another Sith. I was on my way to my ship to head out, now that Obiwan and Yoda have returned." He finishes saying.

My heart completely broke when I hear that Anakin was completely gone and I have no idea where he is. I bow and excuse myself. The pain in my side was impossible to ignore now. I have to hold onto the wall to even stand. I meet eyes with Obiwan coming out of the lift. His worried eyes and strong arms catching me was the last thing I remember before I black out.


I wake up in the hospital wing. Obiwan was sitting beside me, his head on my hospital bed. I move slightly and his head shoots up.

"Cal. It's good to see you awake." He says and grabs my hand. I look at him and smile. I'm glad to have him now that my father and Anakin were gone.

I could see that he had started to grow facial hair, I must've been passed out for a good while.

"Obi," I say quietly, "what happened?"

"During your time on Ilum to retrieve your crystal we believe you cracked a rib, severely dislocated your hip and broke your shoulder. We weren't aware you had any injuries and it would seem you weren't aware they were as serious as they were. Once you passed out I carried you down here and you've been in recovery for two weeks." He said.

"What about training?" I ask.

Obiwan chuckles, "Well someone has their priorities all mixed up. I'm afraid physical training will have to wait until your shoulder is healed. In the meantime you will be doing force training with Yoda and any other non physical training exercises we can have you do."

"What about Master Qui-Gon and Anakin?" I ask next. "Are they coming back soon?"

Obiwan looks away and appears to be looking for someone else to answer my question. I knew I wouldn't like the answer.

He clears his throat and then starts. "I'm afraid, young one, that this assignment given to the all the Jedi is a lengthy one. Most of the Jedi on the high council will return among others who want padawans. But you should expect your father and Anakin to be gone for a good many years."

I felt completely empty at his words. Years? You hadn't even gotten a chance to say goodbye and now you wouldn't see your father or Anakin for years?

"Wh... what about..." I stumble through my words, trying to keep calm, "What about Anakin getting a lightsaber and finishing training and... and..."

The tears start coming and I put my head in my heads and sob quietly. Obiwan sat next to me and hugs me. I cry into his chest and he pets my hair and tries to soothe me.

After a time he finally spoke. "I had the same questions, young one. It appears that the council thought Anakin would accelerate in his training if he could train elsewhere. Without..." he paused for a moment, "distractions, as it were. I'm told he will travel to Ilum soon to get his weapon and officially become your fathers padawan but am unsure if it's already happened or when it will be."

I finally stop crying and let Obiwan go. He cups the side of my face. "Dear one, I understand the hurt. But you are here to become a Jedi knight. We will work at it, you shall become my padawan and then we shall go on missions of our own."

I nod, feeling foolish for crying. I need to be stronger than this. Anakin and my father aren't dead they were just gone. And I would see them again, I felt sure of it. In the meantime I need to work hard, to become worthy of my lightsaber and the right to become Obiwans padawan learner.

******Four years later*******
Calypso's POV:

"Master Obiwan!" I call through my comlink. "The convict is heading towards the edge of town to the ship yard. I am in pursuit." I say as I feverishly run after the criminal, both lightsabers ignited in hand.

"Copy that, Calypso. I will try to cut him off but do NOT engage. Just focus on damaging the ship he is trying to board so he cannot leave." Obiwan calls back.

"Yes, master." I say and end the transmission, already knowing that when the opportunity arises I will apprehend the criminal. I jump onto the roof of the buildings in Jekla, a small town on the planet of Lothal. I somersault and land quietly past the entrance of the ship yard, not wanting to alert the criminal to my presence.

I turn off my lightsabers, not wanting the purple hue to give me away and place them in holders on my belt. I crouch behind a ship and see the criminal also trying to sneak around, a blaster in his hand.

You'd think criminals would learn now to not bring a blaster to a fight with a Jedi.

He's right in front of the ship I'm behind and I come up behind him and disarm him with the force. He turns to punch me and I jump around him, kicking him into the ship. I get into a fist fight and he punches me hard in the stomach. I slide back and jump around his blaster shots, which he picked up after punching me.

I ignite both my lightsabers and hold one in front of me and one behind. I block his shots and aim one to his leg. It hits him and he collapses in pain. I force the gun to me and cut it in half.

I point my shoto blade at his throat. "Surrender and there will be no trouble."

He snarls, "Filthy elf." He says and spits at me. I narrow my eyes. I'd been getting a lot of that in the past couple years. I hadn't been aware so many people still hated my people for what the Elves did.

Obiwan comes to my side. "I see you engaged the criminal, precisely as I asked you not to."

I grin, "Would you expect anything less from me Master?" I ask and twirl my lightsabers into their place on my belt.

He rolls his eyes and puts handcuffs on the criminal. "Let's take care of this unfortunate man, shall we?" He asks and makes his way back into town towards the ship.

I smile. I appreciate the friendship Obiwan and I had grown in the past two years we'd been on missions. He was a good friend and I was lucky to have him as a teacher.

I suddenly sensed something. Something familiar. I look around the ship yard but see nothing. Confused, I make my back to town, to the ship and then finally back to Coruscant.

Once I make it to the ship I ask Obiwan to go into my room to meditate. He agrees and remarks that I need my rest so to also try and get some sleep.

I went into my room and sat cross legged on the circular chair in the corner. I quiet my mind and chase the familiar feeling.

Hello, Cal.

I hear suddenly and my heart skips.


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