Chapter 23

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Obiwans POV:

When I had gone to wake Cal up this morning I figure she'd have slept in due to the fact that she spent every waking moment with Anakin and she often didn't get to bed until late.

However when I knocked and there was no answer, which wouldn't have been entirely surprising, I had pressed the panel to her door and her bed was completely made and it didn't look like it had even been slept on.

I got a sinking feeling and didn't want to believe it. I slowly walked towards Anakins room and listened to make sure he was asleep. I pressed the panel and the door opened. There I saw Anakin and Cal sound asleep, completely wrapped around one another.

I exited quietly and closed the door. I thought it best to wait for Cal in her room rather than wake them both up and humiliate them. Anakin was not, obviously, my padawan. And if I ever got the chance to reprimand him, I'd take much longer than the time I currently had to say everything I wanted to him.

Soon I hear noise outside the door and the panel being pushed. Cal jumped when she saw me and I could tell by her stance that she knew she was in trouble. I didn't want to be upset with her. But this all had gone too far and I needed to get her away from Anakin, his influence on her was poisonous.

"Good morning, my padawan. Late start today?" I said calmly but I was upset. This girl was jeopardizing our mission to keep Mandalore safe. To keep Satine safe. And I couldn't allow that.

I had scolded her and left her to get ready, hoping that she'd listen to me finally. I wasnt out to get her. I, in fact, was being very fair to her, all things considered. I loved her and just wanted to protect her from what the council would do if they found out.

I stopped in front of Anakins room. I debated going in and giving him a word of warning. I made up my mind that I had to, he was the instigator in this, of that I had no doubt. I pressed the panel and he started, "Well that was fast..." he said smiling, but then saw who it was and his whole face and demeanor change.

He scurried out of bed and bowed to me. "Master Kenobi. How may I help you?"

I stroked my chin, thinking of the best way to approach this boy. "I am here to warn you, young padawan." I saw him tense up but I continued, "Keep away from Calypso. Her Jedi path is too important to her and if you care about her, you would realize your actions and feelings are jeopardizing her future." I have much more I'd like to say but I figure I've gotten my point across.

I turn to leave and once I'm at the door I turn back. "Think about what is best for her. You need to admit to yourself that it's not you." I walk away, hoping that drove the message home. But I figure Cal will do it on her own. She's a smart girl and she will do what is best for the both of them.

I make my way down to the hangar and run into Qui-Gon. "Hello, my former padawan. I heard that you are heading to Mandalore." Qui-Gonn says and grins. I dislike his knowing smile, but he was there with Satine and you and he's made as many comments about the nature of our relationships.

I merely clear my throat, "Yes. Calypso and me are heading on an assignment to protect the duchess."

He smiles but says nothing else on the matter . "I was on my way to retrieve my padawan. We have heard rumors of separatists invading Lestrad. We shall leave immediately to protect their queen and restore their alliance to the republic." He says.

"Restore?" I ask inquisitively.

"Yes I'm afraid the Queen Galadriel had lost faith in the republic some years ago. She had declared Lestrad a neutral system to keep herself and her people safe from either side, or so she hoped." He says, concern clear on his face.

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Galadriel is a strong and cunning woman. She will take care of herself until you get there." I encourage him.

He nods knowingly. "Tell Calypso of my mission. I want her to know I'm going home."

I nod and Qui-Gon dismisses himself to retrieve his Padawan and then set out to rescue his wife.

I make my way into the hangar and ready the ship. Calypso's luggage is outside the ship and I take it to her room. Moments later Calypso arrives and curtly nods to me. I didn't like having to scold her but I knew her and Anakins separation was the best thing for them.

She starts making her way to her room but I call after her. "You may set whatever you need to in your room but I'll need you in the copilots seat."

She says nothing and her hostility is palpable. I'll need to talk with her when she comes back. We can't allow yourselves to be fighting when we arrive on Mandalore or to hold grudges period. That'll only lead to hate.

She comes back and sits beside me. "Cal," I say softly as she starts to adjust dials and flip switches, readying for our ascent.

"Hmm?" She inquires but won't look at me.

I sigh, "Cal, I understand your frustration. But I am only looking out for you and Anakin. If this was to continue you both would've been caught and both been expelled from the order. I care about you too much to.."

"I told him I loved him." She bursts out.

I look to her, shocked that she finally spoke and that she admitted something so personal to me. I meet her eyes and they are full of tears, pleading for me to help her. I see the struggle within her and it hurts my heart, because of any other Jedi, I know the struggle between duty and love.

I get out of my seat, kneel beside her and take both of her hands in my own. "Young one," I start but I don't feel like that sounds right. Calypso was only two years younger than me when I had fallen for Satine. Experience and time away from her home had aged her. So yes technically in years Cal was young. But experience outranked everything and she had had more than enough of that.

"Calypso," I start again. "We do not have all the time I'd like to take to discuss this with you right now, but know that I understand exactly how you're feeling."

"Satine?" She asks and wipes at her eyes. My heart stirs at her name.

"Yes, my dear. The duchess Satine of Mandalore." I say and sit back in the pilots seat, beginning our ascent.

I see Calypso working out the connection. "Oh." Is all she says.

There's silence as we leave Coruscants atmosphere and set the coordinates to Mandalore and prepare the hyperdrive.

As I pull the lever forward I try to contain my nervousness and impatience to see my beloved. The beautiful and incredibly stubborn Duchess of Mandalore.

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