Chapter 35

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Obiwans POV:

Obiwan I'm pregnant

Satines words ring in my ears and I don't know how to react. She watches my face, trying to gauge my thoughts. I pull her to me and hug her, tears rolling down my cheeks. I love her and I already love this child. This also means I can't leave Mandalore, I have a new obligation to Satine and my child.

I pull away and hold Satines face in my hands. I wipe the tears that have fallen down her cheeks and pull her lips to mine. I kiss her deeply and our tears mix.

"I was afraid you might leave," Satine cries against my lips. Her words make my heart tighten.

"Satine," I say and cup her face once again. "Im not going anywhere, ever again. My heart belongs here, with you."

"But the Jedi order.." she starts and I shake my head.

"Let me worry about that. I will leave the Jedi Order, without hesitation, return my weapon and never look back," I say and mean every word. "Since I left you so many years ago, I've questioned if it was the right path.  I had to convince myself it was. I had to convince myself the force willed us to remain on separate paths. Not until I was assigned to protect you did I begin to reevaluate our past. Now I am sure that I could never leave you. Here I am, finally, and here I intend to stay."

"Oh, Obi," Satine says and throws her arms around me. I pull her onto my lap and place my hand on her stomach.

"How long have you known?" I ask.

"A month ago I began to get light headed and I had unrest in my stomach. I went to the medical wing to ease my mind of a more serious health issue. They did an internal scan and found our child, two months old. I swore them all to secrecy and I locked myself away this past month to prepare myself to tell you," she says.

"A month? You've known about our child for a month?" I ask but I cant blame her. Every part of what we'd done was against the Jedi Code.

"My dear Obiwan, I knew what this child would mean for you. It would take away the choice you mightve previously had to return to Coruscant.  I want you to stay here, with me, forever. But I didn't want you to feel like you had to." She says and leans into me.

I close my eyes. Every part of this moment is all I've ever wanted. I hug Satine closer to me and kiss her cheek.

"I love you," I say quietly. We've never told eachother it before although I knew we never had to. All the same, I felt like I'd been holding my breath for six years, only just now freeing myself.

"Marry me, Satine."


Calypso's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night to a continuous ringing. I grab a lightsaber from beside my bed and ignite it, holding it in my good hand. I shine the light towards the direction of the noise and lower it when I realize what it is. I open up my chest and push aside the clothes to see the comlink blinking. My heart tightens and I shut off the purple hue of my saber before picking up my comlink and sitting down on the ground beside the trunk.

I hold it like it was made of glass and watch it blink. Anakin is on the other side, so close and still so far. I want to see him, want to hear his voice. I'm about to press the receiver when it stops.

I wait for it to start again, but it doesnt. I swallow my pride and my fears and press the caller.

There's no answer.


I've been spending every day in the city, trying to find the reason behind the attack. I have been spending my time becoming acquainted with the people of Mandalore. Building trust and friendships. They have always been kind and accommodating to Obiwan and myself but I think its very important to establish repor with the locals, regardless of where you go.

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