Chapter 34

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Anakins POV:

I love you

Calypso's farewell to me rang in my ears. My heart tightened when I heard it, wanting to hold her, kiss her, just be near her. Wed both tried, for so long we tried to have a sense of normalcy.

We snuck into the middle of the maze, met outside Satines home out in the city, even went out to the shipment yard to be alone. But just as our lips met or we started to talk about all the craziness, Calypso would be called away.

Obiwan made sure we never got time together. He kept her so busy with meetings and training that we were always kept apart. Even when she was alone, I was with Padmé.  I enjoyed Padmé, she was kind and thoughtful. It took me some time to warm up to her but she became the only one I could confide in.

Once I started to vent about the situation with Calypso I couldnt stop. I started from when I met her, to training as younglings, to separating and then to the four years we were apart. I withheld the truth about our romantic relationship or at least the details of it. Every one of those moments was too special to share. Like the sharing of them might make them dissolve like they never happened.

She listens to my venting but has to stop me, "I thought Jedi couldn't form attachments." I want to scream. I know I can't form attachments. I know there are a list of things I can't do. But I hate it. I feel trapped and unable to make any decision for myself, like a child.

"We're encouraged to love people. I think it's impossible not to. But yes, technically we cannot do anything about our feelings." I practically spit. I'm pacing by now and Padmé looks at me sympathetically.

"Ani, let's not continue talking about this. It only upsets you and I hate to see you so hurt and sad over something you cannot change," she says and stops me.

I will create change and take control of my life, one way or another I vow. I won't be a pawn for the Jedi, I will become the strongest among them. I will live a life I love and I will be happy. I dont know how, I have time to find out, but I will.

I stopped talking about Cal with Padmé and just enjoyed her company. I didnt understand why the force was keeping Cal and I apart but Padmé made me see there was a reason for it. I began to stop attempting to talk to Cal altogether and we no longer communicated through the force.

By the time I left to accompany Padmé back to Naboo itd been two and a half weeks since Cal and I had talked. She didn't come to say goodbye to me and although I wasn't entirely surprised, I was disappointed.

But when she told me she loved me I knew we would be okay. I have no idea what the future will hold for us but I knew we'd see each other again, someday.

I settled down into the pilots seat of Padmés ship and took off to Naboo and yet another uncertain future.


Naboo is just how I remember it. I remember walking the halls of the palace as a child, its odd to think of how much has changed since then. I wish I could've brought Calypso here, she would love it.

Padmé and I travel through the palace, followed by her droid R2D2. Although only a droid, R2 had been very reliable during our trip from Mandalore to Naboo and I had grown quite fond of him. He was quite funny and sarcastic, I almost wanted to keep him.

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