Chapter 45

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Calypso's POV:

I cant sleep so I decide to take a walk. I throw on a robe and wrap a thin hilt around my waist to hold my lightsabers. I decide to walk through the courtyard, good as place as any to collect my thoughts and hopefully become tired enough to sleep.

Feeling Anakins presence earlier today had thrown me off. I was furious with him for not reaching out for so long, not even through force connection, but I had been working to forget about my disappointment. I thought I'd succeeded before I felt his presence, like he was right in front of me. Every defense I'd built up crumbled like itd been made of sand and I was left speechless.

I was too angry to reach back, however. Then all at once he was gone and I felt empty. But I couldn't allow Obiwan to sense it, so I abruptly excused myself and went to go practice my lightsaber techniques.

I reach the courtyard and go to the far end where I can see Mandalore stretch out before me. I was probably only going to be here for another month once Satine gave birth and then got married to Master Kenobi. My stomach churns at the thought of saying goodbye to Obiwan once we reach Coruscant. I'd begun to trust him as a friend and brother once again and I didn't know that I was ready to say goodbye.

I hear someone come into the courtyard but still I face the city. I dont sense an enemy presence and Id become much less skiddish.

"Lady Calypso," I hear a guards voice and turn towards them. "Duchess Satine and Master Kenobi request your presence immediately."

"Of course," I say and hurry to the guards side. "Do you know why they sent for me?" I ask as we walk.

"No, madam." He says respectfully and we continue in silence. We stop outside of Satines room and Im welcomed in by Obiwan who is radiating pure joy.

"Obiwan?" I ask but then I understand. "Come meet my son," he says and loops his arm through mine.

We walk to Satines bed and she meets my eyes and smiles. She looks exhausted and her hair is sticking to her forehead and yet she's still absolutely gorgeous.

She reaches her hand to me and I take it. In her other arm she holds a tiny swaddled baby, with just his pink head poking out. She releases my hand and caresses his tiny face, runs her hand over his head and the little bit of blonde hair he already has.

"Meet Marcellus McKormick Kryze-Kenobi. Korkie for short," Obiwan says proudly and places his hand on my shoulder. "Marcellus for my father," Obiwan starts. "And McKormick for mine," Satine finishes and smiles at Obiwan.

"Hes beautiful," I say and wipe the tears off my cheeks I wasnt even aware had fallen. "Can I hold him?" I ask and sit down on the bed.

"Of course," Satine says and hands him to me. I've never actually held a baby and the sensation of holding a tiny human, so small and fragile in my arms, is indescribable. Obiwan sits beside Satine and she leans into him. "Im so happy for you," I say to Obiwan and Satine and more tears fall down my cheeks.

I think I was unable to understand Obiwans decision and thats why I couldn't be happy for him. But looking between Satine and him, the way they look at each other, and the embodiment of their love in my arms,
I finally got it. And I was just grateful to be here to see it.

Satine begins to nod off on Obis shoulder and I mouth that I should go. Obiwan nods and takes Korkie from me, kissing his head and leaning back against Satine. "Thank you," he mouths as Im leaving. I can't help but look back once more before I leave.

They look picture perfect, all together, Obiwans new family. Hes never talked about his true family or past, so for him to name his son after his father was the most Ive ever got to know about it.

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