Chapter 32

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Anakins POV:

I hated leaving Calyspo. I know I couldn't help her but I wanted to be there for her, felt like I needed to be. I needed to let her know I didn't abandon her and that it wasn't my choice to protect Padme over being with her. I knew when she found out she'd be hurt.

I was so deep into my own thoughts that I bumped into Senator Clovis on his way out of Padmes room. I apologize and he merely scoffs, which bothers me. I watch him go down the hallway before going into the room.

Padme raises her head from her hands and we meet eyes. I see she's been crying.

"Ani?" She says.

"Padme whats wrong?" I say and sit down beside her.

"Clovis just ended things with me," she says and fresh tears start to gather in her eyes. "We've been fighting constantly about so many little things but today was the last straw. He thinks that being with me puts his life in danger."

I didn't know much about Clovis but i wasn't a fan of the guy. "Im sorry about how the course of your day is going. How are you feeling?" I say sympathetically. I don't know really know how to talk to her. Our friendship was very short lived and our lives had taken vastly different courses. But she was there through life altering moments in my life and had met my mom, which already made her important to me.

"I'm just exhausted. But I'm grateful to have a friend," she says and grabs your hand. I know she doesn't mean anything by it, but I feel wrong touching her. I release my hand first and stand.

"I have been assigned to oversee your recovery and protect you until you are well enough to go home." I explain.

Padme smiles. "Im so grateful they assigned you. I think I'll rest now."

I nod and leave her, assigning guards outside her door. I want to check on Calypso but i know Obiwan is close by and won't permit me too. I instead close my eyes, trying to reach her.

I'm still here for you. I love you.

But I don't feel her receive my words. I take the necklace she gave me out from under my clothes and kiss the stones.

Not the best way to spend a birthday

It feels like years since I woke up with Calypso, not hours. I want to be back in bed, cuddled up with her. She would've stayed safe, protected. I wouldn't ever let anything harm her. But once we leave the room, I can't hold her close to me, save her from herself and her inane need to save everyone else.

I make my way upstairs but don't go into my room. I go into Calypsos, taking the silk nightgown she wore the night before and laying it under my head on her pillows. It smells of her and I'm comforted. I fall asleep almost instantly.


Calypsos POV:

I hear someone calling me. I search all throughout the castle but the disembodied voice seems to come from everywhere and no where at once.

I cautiously make my way through the halls, wary of what this voice is calling me for. The scene switches to the platform on Mandalore where the explosion happened. Right ahead of me is a hooded figure holding a red lightsaber.

Beyond them is the platform speeder with my siblings and parents on board, all huddled together. At the feet of the hooded figure is Obiwan, cut in half.

Behind me I feel someone running, blue lightsaber alight, rushing at the hooded figure. Its Anakin. I reach to him, I know he's in danger but he's already met the figure, who spins around and cuts him down with no effort. Anakin falls lifeless beside Obiwan.

I am fueled by anger as I ignite both my sabers and run at the figure who's ready for me. Our lightsabers meet and from the light of our sabers I see his eyes glowing yellow.

"Youre too late, young one. You are never there when they truly need you," he snarls. With a wave of his hand you fly back onto the walkway and he smiles maliciously back at you as he makes his way to your unarmed family.

My father pushes my mother and siblings behind him while I reach for them, screaming.

I hear Obiwan calling you like you're hearing him under water.

"Calypso!" Obiwan shouts and I am awoken from my stupor.

I'm drenched in sweat and my whole body aches from the explosion. "Obi." I gasp out, shaking.

"You were screaming like someone was killing you," He explains, "what happened."

"Someone killed all of you in front of me. Everyone I've ever loved. I tried to fight, but I wasnt strong enough," I say and tears brim my eyes.

Obiwan hugs me and strokes my hair which brings me loads of comfort.

"Dreams are constructions of our subconscious. Whichever part of our brain is dominant, either by hope or fear, it takes control of and orchestrates a scene of our own creation. You are afraid," he says matter of factly, "But the thing you're most afraid of is that although everyone you loved died, you were unable to help them. You fear helplessness."

I nod but it doesn't help me feel any better. I have no idea what to do with the knowledge of understanding my fear.

Obiwan appears to read my mind because he says, "The first step in overcoming fear is understanding its origin. I will help you overcome your fears. But I will also help you be realistic in realizing that you cannot save everyone. That's why personal relationships are advised against. They make it near impossible to be objective."

I give him a look. I have wanted to discuss his relationship with the Duchess for as long as I've been aware of it, but always stopped myself. However I didn't find it fair that he would berate me for giving into my emotions.

"So your relationship with Satine is purely professional?" I ask pointedly.

His eyes widen and he clears his throat, "My relationship with Satine," to which I raise my eyebrows, "DUCHESS Satine," he corrects himself. "Is not a subject I am going to delve into with you tonight, but I am not without fault regarding my feelings and my lapse in judgment in controlling them."

With that I knew it was pointless to continue questioning him.

"I am sorry, my dear, for the incident today. But in the next week we will take you back to your room. Soon when you feel you are ready we will begin your training with your left hand so you will not have to return to Coruscant. Satine would like you to stay here, as do I." Obiwan says and turns to leave.

"Are you staying here with her?" I ask quietly before I convince myself it's a bad idea.

Obiwan stops with his hand on the door. His shoulders sag and he only turns his head.

"My duty is to the Jedi Code," he says automatically, but there's no conviction behind his words. He turns and walks away quickly but I lay back, confident that Obiwan would stay with Satine, without question, if she asks.

I fall asleep daydreaming about what a life free to love would look like.

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