Chapter 14

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Calypso's POV:

The next eight months I was training with other younglings. My father and Obiwans teachings growing up greatly accelerated my success in physical training.

But when it came to tapping into the force, I was behind. My ability to communicate to Anakin during when I was getting tested impressed the council, but only because they had assumed I knew very little to anything about the force.

The other younglings did not have attachments the same way I did. And their ability to quiet their mind was much easier and more precise than me. They could share their thoughts to the other younglings throughout the room and to most of those outside of it.

I still could only communicate with Anakin effectively. And I could only strongly feel the presence of Obiwan, my father and Anakin; because of my attachments to them.

It frustrated me more and more as I tried to strengthen my abilities in the force. I was too emotional. And I couldn't focus effectively for long.

I knew that I'd have to strengthen my skills before I ever went on a mission. Not being able to sense strangers' presence could mean life or death for Obiwan, me, and anyone else around us.

Yoda was often the one I trained with. His strength in the force was unlike anything I'd ever even read about.

He sensed my frustrations and often tried to talk me through them. I could never be completely honest with him though. He could never know of my emotional ties to Qui-Gon, Obiwan and Anakin.

Although my strength in the force was lacking, my agility and perseverance in the practice arenas only continued get better. You had successfully scaled two more wall courses. I saw Anakin often, now that we both were padawans, and I loved that I no longer were practicing alone.

For someone who had never used a weapon before, Anakin was a fast learner. He worked harder than even me to prove himself and he succeeded most every day. He was strong and determined. I was constantly impressed by him.

I was often paired with him for combat scenarios and although only two months ago I had seamlessly beat him in a duel, he was getting much better with each practice. Our fights only kept getting longer and more tiring.

He started to mimic my fighting style and it started to make me angry. I started fighting more aggressively, trying to outwit him and trick him.

Obiwan has frequently had to pause our training sessions to reprimand me and deter me from your tapping into your anger as a means to win a fight.

Finally he exasperatedly had to pull me aside. "Calypso, that is enough. I have suggested to Qui-Gon to not allow Anakin to train with you until you can control your anger. Anakin is copying you because he wants to LEARN from you. He's impressed with your skills. What is upsetting you so much?"

I'm upset and embarrassed by my actions. I quickly tuck a strand of my sweaty hair behind my ear and cross my arms. "I'm sorry Obi, I..."

"Master Kenobi," he corrects me.

"...Master Kenobi. I have been training most of my life to get to where I'm at. I practiced and worked so hard and Anakin is just able to do it. I thought I had a special technique, a special skill. But I don't. I'm just another youngling who will blend in with the rest of them." I finish, breathless from fighting.

"Calypso," Obiwan starts. "You don't know everything, nor are you even near the best you can be. You learned only the basics of what Qui-Gon and I could teach you. You will only continue to get better and perfect your skills. But you need to control your emotions or else you will be destroyed by them. They distract you, distort your mind. Only the weak embrace the dark side. And you are not and have never been weak."

I knew he was right. I nodded.

"Take a break for lunch and we'll start again after." He says.

I look to Anakin and he drops his practice weapons and jogs to my side and we walk out together.


Obiwans POV:

Ever since Calypso became a youngling, her anxiety has continued to grow. I can tell she is no longer comfortable with me as a friend and although I understand the disconnect that is necessary, I still wish I could tell her she could always come to me.

I've watched her beat herself up for not meeting the expectations she thinks I hold her to. I've tried to encourage her, praise her for her successes. But she never thinks it's good enough. She isn't satisfied with her progress.

When she first started to practice, I had seen her beaming, finally back in her element. Problems started to arise however when she started to practice with Anakin.

I worried about his attachments to her. His drive to be near her, whether in proximity or in rank. I still didn't trust him and was afraid of what their attachment to eachother could end up meaning. I didn't necessarily mean romantically, although I didn't rule out the idea.

I had told Qui-Gon of my fears. He agreed that his daughter and Anakin had a strong connection. Had had one since they met. But calling attention to it could only disrupt what was to come and he had no interest in standing in the way of fate. He advised I do the same.

I watched Cal as her and Anakin began to match each others agility and strength in combat. I sensed her discomfort, which turned to frustration which then turned to anger. She began to aggressively combat Anakin whenever they would practice together. No technique and no mercy.

I've had to pull her aside more times than I'd care to admit. Finally I had to put an end to it. She wasn't trying to learn anything besides how to win by any means necessary. I decided I would train her myself, without anyone else around and without her practicing with Anakin.

Telling her this went much better than I expected. She simply explained herself and I wish I would've just asked her about her feelings in the first place. Although the Council advised against such methods.

She had run to dinner with Anakin and I watched them go, Qui-Gon walking up beside me.

"I feel unease in you, my padawan," Qui-Gon said.

I absentmindedly stroked my chin and thought for a moment. "I worry about young Cal. She has immense strength, of that I've no doubt. But she is unbalanced where Anakin is involved. I wish to train her alone until she can control her feelings."

Qui-Gon nods. "I agree. She will not effectively grow in her training until they are separated. But do not interfere in their friendship. I believe it is very important for both of them to lean on eachother through this change in both their lives and any that will follow."

I nod but don't know if I agree. If it was up to me, Cal and Anakin would be put on opposite sides of the temple and only see one another if a mission in the future crossed their paths.

I keep my thoughts to myself, however. Qui-Gon and I make our way to dinner.

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