Chapter 47

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Obiwans POV:

Satine wanted to be there for Galadriels burial. I tried to persist, shed only just given birth, but I knew it was pointless to try and argue with her on this. She insists she'll take it easy, rest as often as she can. But she couldn't live with herself if she wasn't there to mourn her dear friend.

Anakin sends me a hologram, saying that the burial ceremony is tomorrow and we set out right away. Korkie has been quite difficult, which of course is not bothersome, merely tiring, and he is inconsolable most of the trip to Lestrad. He falls asleep just as we come out of hyperspace.

"Of course," Satine tiredly chuckles and I kiss her lightly, before sitting in the pilots seat and steering us towards Lestrad. Satine sits beside me in the copilots seat and I look over to her, lovingly.

What a remarkable woman I'm privileged to love.

We land and after we do I yawn amd put my head in my hands, I am so exhausted. Satine comes up behind me and places her hand on my shoulder. She grabs my face and kisses my cheek and I pull her onto my lap and begin to kiss her fervently. She laughs and it makes me fall in love with her all over again.

"You should go find Qui-Gon, my dear. Ill take Marcellus to our room and try to also take a nap." She says and heads out of the cockpit. "Yes, of course my lady," I tease her.

I head out of the ship and ask about Qui-Gon to the guards surrounding the landing pad. "Hes at his ocean home, Master." They explain. I nod and am about to head back into the ship when I hear someone call to me.

"Obi?!" I turn around and see Cal. She looks different, like this ordeal has matured her. She looks so much like her mother in her gown and crown.

"Obi," she calls and walks towards me gracefully. She bows but I grab her to me in a hug. The guards all around me look startled that I would dare to touch their princess but they quickly cover their shock and stand at attention.

Cal hugs me back but pulls away and adjusts her dress. "Welcome, Master Kenobi. You are our esteemed guest." I know shes just doing her duty as Lestrads royal but I'm confused by her formality.

Satine comes out of the ship carrying a sleeping Korkie in her arms. "Lady Calypso, you look absolutely lovely."

Calypso smiles and touches Korkie lightly. "How is he?" She practically whispers.

"He is very temperamental, which of course is to be expected." Satine says and smiles.

"Guards," Calypso calls and they hurry forward. "Take Master Kenobi and Duchess Satines things to their room."

"Yes, your highness," they bow and enter my ship.

Calypso moves aside and waves her hand in front of her and we all walk into the palace together.

"How does it feel to be royalty again for this short time?" I ask, hoping to soften Calypsos hard exterior. She hasn't been herself since she was taken by Death Watch, I fear she may never be again. 

"It is my duty to serve and protect my country in dire circumstances such as these," She replies like shes rehearsed it.

Satine looks at me with worried eyes and I half smile at her. I want to tell Calypso she doesn't have to speak so formally, not to Satine and especially not to me. But maybe this is helping her cope with her loss and the overwhelming amount of duties thrust upon her so suddenly.

"Of course," I say, simply. We walk in silence the rest of the way to the room we'll be staying in, the one I was always given to stay in when I would visit with Qui-Gon.

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