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Izuku's POV

"Hi Im Izuku Midoriya Im 14 and im about to go and head to kacchans house for our daily sparring, we always spar and train together since we were 4, we found out our quirks when we were around kindergarden,at the age of 4 we both decided to train and spar so we can be the no.1 hero some day and get into ua, both of us really admired Allmight 

3rd person POV

'so im gonna talk about deku's quirk and its name and moves'

Izuku's Quirk is called Physic Blaze (its a combination of his parents quirk)

1 Fire Manipulation: can manipulate any kind of fire, izuku has great control over the fire side of his quirk because of training to the point he can control his flames on how hot they can get

2Physic Abilities: can read people minds, can move objects with his mind, at first izuku didn't like his physic abilities but when he got older he started to like it

Special Moves

1 Flame Kick: izuku emits flames from his feet to kick or float for a few seconds to get away from an attacker 

2 Firebolt: this is izuku's favorite move to do almost all of his fights he always use Firebolt because it can stun enemies and he can manipulate fire bolt to his feet to make him faster 

3 Mind read: pretty explanatory basically izuku uses this move on his opponents to predict its movements or what its planning to do next izuku don't use this move to often because he mostly just spar but if there is a villain he always almost use this move first

4 Dark Flame Buster: izuku can only use this when he tapped into darkflame mode basically izuku does barrages of black flame punches and kicks on the vital spots 

5 Dark Flame Blaze: izuku uses his black flames and his normal flames to make a huge fireblast to the enemy this is mostly izuku's final attack against weaker villains

6 Dark Flame Secret Art Burning Black Phoenix: this is izuku's final attack or finishing move on stronger villains this finishes the villain with a wide variety of black flame blast with a final blast looking like a black phoenix

7 Dark Flame Mode: this is izuku's trumph card if he gets into fights with stronger villains he always uses this mode to finish the job quicker, basically izuku's red flames get replaced with black flames making it 5x hot, its even hotter than blue flames, it took a while for izuku to master this mode because it takes a toll out of your body, but he ultimately perfects it



1: overuse of physic abilities-may cause stroke and death if overused enough in battle and in tournaments                                                                               

2:overuse of fire- may cause burns in the body and lost of stamina making him more tired 


Izuku is slightly op in this fanfic he is not weak to fire quirk he can instantly melt ice into water and no izuku is not cocky in this he's still our Little cinnamon roll with a hint of badasserry if you know what im saying

550 words damn                                                                                                                                                    UwU 

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