Parents Approval and Studying

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'after yesterdays serious conversation with all might the big 3 of class 1-a was seen studying for their exams next week'

Bakugou: ugh! I hate math why does it have to exist!

Izuku: well katsuki its a. Very important subject it what made buildings the way they are the angles and sides

Bakugou: please shut up my head already hurts

Shoto: well this is kinda easy

Bakugou: why did it have to be this way?!


Aizawa: as you guys might have heard, next week is gonna be your final exam in this semester after the break

Kaminari: noo i haven't studied yet i am failing bad

Mina: I feel your pain kaminari

Mineta: *smug look* what can i say i guess im a better than you two


Izuku: hey shoto, katsuki

K,S: hmm?

Izuku: lets study at my house

K,S: sure!

Momo: i can help you guys if you ask that is

Class: YAO MOMO!

Shoto: just don't over work your self momo ok?

Momo: hmm? Oh ofc shoto dear

Katsuki: ochako you need to keep your energy in check your gonna get fatigue

Ochako: yes sir!

Izuku: *grins* well atleast love is in the air today

Neji: I'm coming through the door like a maniac looking for my boyfriend

Izuku: neji?! What are you doing?!

Neji: no time to talk just lets go *grabs izuku*

Izuku: neji where are we going?

Neji: my parents are here *smiles widely*

Izuku: 'oh fck, god save me!'

God: no can do kiddo

Izuku: 'nooo!'

-nezu office-

Izuku: uhm neji why are we at principal nezu's office?

Neji: hmm? Because my parents are inside there

Izuku: *gasp* am i gonna be expelled

Neji: what? No silly come on lets just go inside *grabs izuku by the collar*

Izuku: fine

'once they opened the door they saw nejire's parents and izuku's mom beside nezu'

Izuku: mom what are you doing here?!

Inko: its an important announcement

Izuku: uhm ok

Nezu: izuku midoriya

Izuku: hai?

Nezu: do you love nejire? And will promise to protect her at all cost

Izuku: i do I won't let anything happen to her

Nezu: good, how about you nejire? Do you feel the same way?

Izuku: 'why does i feel like we're getting married?'

Nejire: yes i do

Nezu: good you may kiss the bride

Izuku: oh hell no! Time out time out!

Nejire: izu?


Izuku: not yet i want to be the one who proposed to her with a ring and the kneeling

Nejire: izu..

Izuku: this is an important step and im willing to but, not now but I'll promise I'll do it in the future

Mom(n): well then swetie he's your fiance now

Nejire: yes mom! I love you izu *kisses him*

Izu: 'love you too' *kisses back*

Dad(n): kid protect my little angel here or else..

Izu: don't worry sir i promise

Dad(n): good *smirks*

Nezu: now go back you two

I,N: hai!

'the second they walk out izuku started freaking out and nejire was blushing like. A tomato'

Neji: when you said it like that, did you mean it?

Izuku: of course i do, i love you and only you *kisses neji*

Neji: *kisses back* love you too

*Flashback ends*

Shoto: hey izuku why are you blushing teach me this english bit

Izuku: oh sure what you do there is-

Bakugou: 'something happened to izuku And i know its good *smiles*'

-meanwhile with momo-

Mina: so freaking big!

Kaminari: that's what she said

Momo: everyone please come inside

'after all of them came inside they were greeted with momo wearing casual clothes and a bubbly aura around her'

Momo: come on you gusy i prepared tea as well

Everyone: so cute..

-meanwhile with uraraka-

Uraraka: thanks tsu for teaching me this.

Tsu: no problem ribbit its really quite easy ribbit

Uraraka: well I'll be in your care

-nejire household-

Dad(n): well hows my blueberry doing?

Nejire: im doing great dad!

Dad(n): i support you with that kid izuku  he seems to be a great guy, you really got yourselves lucky *grins*

Nejire: *blushing* DAD!

Mom(n): ara ara dear its the 1st time in a while that we get to see nejire blush like that

Nejire: MOM!

-izuku household-

Izuku: *stretches* woo finally done how about we got some sparring done?

Katsuki: oh hell yeah!

Shoto: sure im down

-battle field-


'bakugou launches an attack on


'todoroki, counters bakugous attack and started slicing everything but gets countered by FLAME COUNTER'


'izuku finished bakugou and shoto with one swift kick and chop to each of their necks leaving them unconsios'

Izuku: well i win i guess i should lay down here to

'then izuku falls asleep besides bakugou and shoto, then the next day they started sparring again after study sessions'

'while everyone is shown practicing and studying theyre quirks and strategies moves and studying for the written exam'
Izuku: well thats a rap so my author got lazy so im doing the out so...

-izuku out

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