Battle Tournament (part 3)

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Izuku pov


Izuku: well thats my que bye guys wish me and todo luck!

Uraraka: Good luck!

Bakugou: don't lose yet! I still wanna fight in the finals 'and i want to prove myself to you as well'

Izuku: of course *runs off*

Bakugou Pov

Uraraka: well lets go and watch them *stands up and walks outside*

Bakugou: sure *does the same*

Uraraka: well who do you think will win?

Bakugou: i think izuku will win but todo won't make it easy hehe *smirk*

Izuku Pov

'as i was walking i noticed a fire figure blocking my path and I already know who it is'

Izuku: Endeavor...

Endeavor: hmm? Oh so your the fire user that every one has been talking about listen here kid, shoto is a lot more stronger than you

Izuku: *walks pass him*

Endeavor: Hey! Im talking to you

Izuku: sorry2x i don't pay attention to fake heroes

Endeavor: ?!

Izuku: you know that for a hero you brought nothing but torture into your own son, and wife you used them.. i could get you arrested right here right now and immediately getting rid of that stupid title of hero in your shoes

Endeavor: Are you threatening me?! Kid i don't think you know who i am

Izuku: oh i know you alright a trash can

Endeavor: grr! *Shoots flame* 'shoot!'

Izuku: *grins* flame counter

'izuku immediately counters the flame and absorbed it inside his gauntlet'

Izuku: oh and endeavor do you know that theres cameras inside here? Like i don't know right over there? *Points towards the camera*

Endeavor: Shit! 'my reputation!'

Izuku: hehehe i won't tell anyone you did this to me if you listen to everyword I said am I clear?

Endeavor: *nods*

Izuku:  to shoto and your family because they don't have a mom anymore you were the reason that they ended up that way don't you know that todo was planning to kill himself?!


Izuku: if me and katsuku wasn't there he would have jumped, luckily we stopped him, now you wanna become the no.1 hero surpassing all might right?

Endeavor: *nods*

Izuku: how could you do that if even your own family don't even see you as a hero?


Izuku: sure you save people here and there but is that really what makes you happy?, Because i know it gets boring sometimes, so apologize now and get your wife out of the mental hospital you gave her, its not too late there still kids, but if they go older there gonna forget you

Endeavor: ...

Izuku: so apologize to them and get your life straight and set back your crazy fantasies and put your family first

Izuku Blaze (izukuxnejire)Where stories live. Discover now