Battle To save her(overhaul arc part 1)

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'izuku and the other two, busts inside the yakuza hideout, while the big 3 busts into the top of the hideout'

Izuku: *melts door* lets go!

B,S: Hai!

'izuku and the other two goes to where overhaul is located'

Bakugou: hey izu!

Shoto: do you really know where, is that overhaul dude is?

Izuku: yeah! Im using my physic powers.. *uses physic powers to track down overhaul* he's on the left corner lets suprise him! *Runs*

B,S: Hai!

-meanwhile with overhaul-
'overhaul noticed, the building was breaking down/ shaking'

Yakuza member: Overhaul sir.. the building has been infiltrate-

*Smash* *Flames* *Explosion*

Overhaul: what the?! *Looks at the direction of the smoke*

???: FIREBOLT! *shocks the yakuza member* 

Yakuza member: *Paralyzed* damn it..

Overhaul: what th- *EXPLOSION* GAH! *gets knocked down a few fts*

???: AP SHOT!

Over haul: Hmph! *Touches the floor and makes spikes come out of the ground*

???: Oh no you don't! *Ice filled the room*

???: *Launches himself towards overhaul* GHYA!  FLAME PUNCH!

Overhaul: *gets hit but smirks* hehehe i got you now! *Tries to touch his arm*

???: *Smiles* FLAME COUNTER! *Counters overhauls attack making him lose an arm*

Overhaul: *loses arm* GRAAA!

???: *Goes back to the other two..'

Overhaul: *angry* who are you three?!

Izuku: the name is izuku midoriya hero in training!

Bakugou: Katsuki bakugou the explosion king!

Shoto: shoto Todoroki the half and half!

I,S,B: And we're here to defeat you!

Overhaul: *grits teeth* bastards...

-meanwhile with the big 3-
'mirio,tamaki and nejire, is on the earpiece with sir nighteye, asking where eri is located'

Mirio: sir! Where i-

*Scream!* *help*

Big 3: *looks towards the sound and they saw 3 yakuza member's holding eri*

Yakuza 1: oh? Heroes?

Yakuza 2: nah they're just kids!

Yakuza 3: we got this.. easily *carrying  eri*

Eri: *looks at the three* help me..

Big 3: *looks serious*

Nejire: don't worry we'll save you!

Tamaki: no doubt about it!

Mirio: we'll become your hero!

'then the big 3 launches themselves, towards the yakuza's each getting on a one on one fight'

-Nejire vs Yakuza 1-
'nejire is currently, fighting the yakuza 1, she was getting overpowered before.. she out thinks the yakuza, and then she uses the move izuku made for her'

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