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'after the whole, success of the yakuza infiltration, overhaul is now in prison, and now izuku is viral again because of nighteye confirming that, izuku was the one who defeated overhaul'

-Midoriya Household-
'izuku visited his mom last night, for bonding and now they're just watching tv while eating katsudon'

Inko: izuku.. how was your agency?

Izuku: it was fine mom.. we-

Reporter: Breaking news! Breaking news!

I,I: hmm? *Turns to look at the tv*

Reporter: the famous yakuza gang, has been destroyed and captured, we have sir nighteye here..

Izuku: 'oh no..'

Reporter: sir nighteye, you were the one who planned this, now who was the one who defeated the leader Overhaul.. and saved the girl named eri?

Nighteye: well.. the one who saved the little girl was, ua's big 3 and the one who defeated the leader.. it was izuku midoriya..

Inko: *spits katsudon out* IZUKU?!

Izuku: *looking at the katsudon on the floor* k-k-kats-sudon...

Reporter: you heard that folks! It was once again Izuku midoriya!, We hope where you are, you'll keep us safe young hero!

Inko: izuku..

Izuku: yeah? *Turns to inko*

Inko: im so proud of you! *Hugs izuku*

Izuku: thank you..

-Meanwhile at Ua Teachers lounge-
'all the pro heroes are gathered, in the meeting because of a very important announcement'

Nezu: we have an announcement..

Aizawa: we have saw a giant.. like creature roaming around destroying mountains..

Everyone: ?!

'it was now back to the dorms, after the agencies'

*Door opens*

Class 1-a: Everyone!

U,A,B,S,K: Tadaima!

Momo: wait where's izuku?

Iida: yeah?

*Door opens again*
'izuku is seen, sweating with a soda in his left hand'

Izuku: wahh.. i said wait for me! I was hungry! I didn't eat! I was so busy getting interviewed!

Bakugou: sorry hehehe..

Kirishima: could you blame us man..

Shoto: you were taking too long..

U,A: *nods*

Izuku: *sigh* never mind.. oh yeah.. *looks at the rest of the class* TADAIMA!

Class: *smiles* WELCOME HOME!

*Door opens*

Class: hmm?

'aizawa is seen, walking inside with nezu on his left shoulder'

Iida: mr aizawa? What are you doing here?

Aizawa: i have come, to an announcement..

Kaminari: what announcement?

Nezu: that ua will, be having a School Festival!

Class: What a normal school thing!

Izuku: *groan* i can't have a break can't i?

Nezu: nope! HAHAHAHAHA!

Izuku: nevermind..

Aizawa: anyways problem child?

Izuku: yeah?

Aizawa: after the school festival, you'll be doing something dangerous..

Izuku: of course..

Class: wait! What?!

Bakugou: im going too!

Shoto: count me in!

M,U: Shoto!/Katsu!

Aizawa: no! This is an important mission, you'll be hunting down a giant.. but don't bother thinking about that yet.. just focus on what you all would do on the festival.. bye.. *walks out with principal nezu*

Izuku: *sigh* no time to sleep huh?..

Class: ....

Iida: so what are we gonna be doing?!

Kaminari: i vote maid cafe!

Mineta: i Second that?

Izuku: oh really? *Cold stares the two*

K,M: never mind.. sorry..

Momo: how about a haunted house?

Mina: A fortune telling

Uraraka: a butler cafe?

Boys: NO!

Izuku: lets just do a concert or something.. and jirou will be the main singer! *Points at jirou*

Jirou: wha?!

Class: yeah! Ok!

Jirou: what?! Oh hell no! Izuku your singing with me! Got it?!

Izuku: yeah yeah.. i mean my voice is bad but whatever..

Jirou: oh yeah? Sing right now!

Izuku: *shrugs*

'After izuku sang that song, everyone was looking at izuku like some kind of god..'

Izuku: what?

Jirou: what?.. what?! That's your response?! Why didn't you tell me you could sing?!

Izuku: because you never asked?

Jirou: fair enough..

Izuku: oh and yeah.. katsuki knows how to play the drums and shoto, knows how to play the guitar


Jirou: really?! Then its settled we're having a concert!

Class: yeah!

Izuku: i wanna go to sleep..

-jayden out

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